Another 100 Filthy Evil Muslim Taliban Killed in Afghan Battle


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Over 100 Taliban Killed in Afghan Battle

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S.-led and Afghan troops battled suspected Taliban
insurgents in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday in ground clashes and
airstrikes that left over 100 militants dead, the coalition said.

In eastern Afghanistan, a suicide bomber attacked NATO troops helping to
build a bridge, killing three American soldiers, a U.S. official said. The
official spoke on condition of anonymity because not all families had been

The battle in southern Kandahar province's Shah Wali Kot district started
after the joint force was ambushed by a large group of insurgents who tried
to overrun their position several times, before being strafed by airstrikes,
the statement from the coalition said.

"Coalition aircraft destroyed the reinforced enemy emplacements and sniper
positions as well as two trucks used to reinforce and re-supply the
insurgent force," the statement.

More than 100 suspected insurgents and an Afghan soldier were killed,
coalition said. The casualty figures could not be independently verified due
to remoteness of the area.

Clash also left three coalition and three Afghan soldiers wounded, the
statement said. The nationality of the coalition soldier was not disclosed,
but vast majority of them are American.

Violence is soaring in Afghanistan. This year more than 3,900 people _ most
of them militants _ have died, according to an Associated Press tally of
casualty figures provided by Western and Afghan officials.

Also Tuesday, U.S.-led and Afghan troops raided a house near Kandahar city,
killing two suspected militants and detaining five others, a coalition
statement said.

Those targeted in the raid were accused of facilitating bomb attacks against
coalition and Afghan forces in Kandahar, the statement said. The people
detained in the raid will be questioned at a military facility before being
turned over to Afghan authorities, it said.

In the Taliban-held Musa Qala district of Helmand province, militants
ambushed the joint U.S.-Afghan force Monday, another coalition statement

The joint force fought back, targeting militants who were using several
compounds and trenches for cover, the statement said. It said about a dozen
militants were killed in the clash.

Militants have been running Musa Qala since last year's controversial peace
deal between local elders and Afghan government officials, supported by
British troops in the province. The deal effectively turned over Musa Qala
town and surrounding areas to Taliban control.

Also Monday, coalition and Afghan troops spotted a group of 20 insurgents
preparing an ambush in Kandahar province's Shah Wali Kot district, coalition

The troops attacked the insurgents and killed seven, while the rest fled,
the statement said. There were no reports of coalition or Afghan troops
killed or wounded in either clash.

In the eastern province of Nangarhar, a roadside blast hit a vehicle
carrying Afghan soldiers on Monday, killing four, a statement from Defense
Ministry said.