Another 346,000 Americans join the jobless lines.


Harry Hope

The four-week moving average for initial jobless claims rose 4,250 to
343,000, according to the Labor Department.

That level is the highest since Oct. 22, 2005.

Continuing jobless claims also gained 12,000, reaching 2.65 million
for the week ended Dec. 8.

The four-week moving average for continuing jobless claims rose 23,000
to 2.63 million -- hitting the highest level in almost two years.{B9DC083F-52E6-4028-9B25-F2DCEF614FCF}

Dec. 20, 2007

Initial jobless claims rise 12,000 to 346,000

Number receiving unemployment benefits rises to highest in nearly 2

By Ruth Mantell, MarketWatch

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) --

Seasonally adjusted first-time jobless claims rose in the most recent
weekly data, the government reported Thursday, and economists said the
news shows that the U.S. labor market is coming under pressure.

Initial claims rose 12,000 to 346,000 for the week ended Dec. 15, the
Labor Department reported.

Economists watch claims closely because an increase could be a leading
indicator of a slowdown.

David Greenlaw, an economist for Morgan Stanley, said the latest data
indicate that labor market conditions are "beginning to show
noticeable deterioration."


"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
> The four-week moving average for initial jobless claims rose 4,250 to
> 343,000, according to the Labor Department.
> That level is the highest since Oct. 22, 2005.
> Continuing jobless claims also gained 12,000, reaching 2.65 million
> for the week ended Dec. 8.
> The four-week moving average for continuing jobless claims rose 23,000
> to 2.63 million -- hitting the highest level in almost two years.

2.63 million?

That's LESS THAN 1%....

Good job George!!!!
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
>> The four-week moving average for initial jobless claims rose 4,250 to
>> 343,000, according to the Labor Department.
>> That level is the highest since Oct. 22, 2005.
>> Continuing jobless claims also gained 12,000, reaching 2.65 million
>> for the week ended Dec. 8.
>> The four-week moving average for continuing jobless claims rose 23,000
>> to 2.63 million -- hitting the highest level in almost two years.

> 2.63 million?
> That's LESS THAN 1%....
> Good job George!!!!

Less than 1% of what... every man, woman and child in the US? I guess you
figure infants and the elderly should be forced into hard labor as well,
when they can find it, huh? Conservative values for you.
"dave" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:476ab62c$0$5000$
>> "Harry Hope" <> wrote in message
>>> The four-week moving average for initial jobless claims rose 4,250 to
>>> 343,000, according to the Labor Department.
>>> That level is the highest since Oct. 22, 2005.
>>> Continuing jobless claims also gained 12,000, reaching 2.65 million
>>> for the week ended Dec. 8.
>>> The four-week moving average for continuing jobless claims rose 23,000
>>> to 2.63 million -- hitting the highest level in almost two years.

>> 2.63 million?
>> That's LESS THAN 1%....
>> Good job George!!!!

> Less than 1% of what... every man, woman and child in the US? I guess you
> figure infants and the elderly should be forced into hard labor as well,
> when they can find it, huh? Conservative values for you.
