Another Geezer Driver Plows Into Crowd - 6 dead 19 injured - KillerRELEASED of course

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Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDE

Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their

6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007

VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.

The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.

The victims had been at the bride's parents' house and were heading to
another home, making their way along an unlit road lined with parked
cars, according to police and a neighbor.

Jagdish Gill, whose daughter is a friend of the bride, said the group
was taking part in a traditional Indian procession.

"They had drums in the front," Gill said. "They were going to have a van
in the front, a blinking van, but it got there a little late."

Neither the bride nor the groom was injured, she said, and the wedding
will go ahead on Sunday as scheduled, though on a smaller scale.

The driver, who is in shock, was questioned and released, Constable
Casey Vinet said. He said neither alcohol nor drugs were factors. The
truck was taken for a mechanical inspection.
That's what you get when you allow incompetent people to drive.

By the way, I didn't bother to read your post, as they are usually
reasonably stupid, but I'm curious what type of driving history this
individual had before the incident.

Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
>nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their
>6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
>Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007
>VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
>A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
>in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.
>The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
>people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
>Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.
>The victims had been at the bride's parents' house and were heading to
>another home, making their way along an unlit road lined with parked
>cars, according to police and a neighbor.
>Jagdish Gill, whose daughter is a friend of the bride, said the group
>was taking part in a traditional Indian procession.
>"They had drums in the front," Gill said. "They were going to have a van
>in the front, a blinking van, but it got there a little late."
>Neither the bride nor the groom was injured, she said, and the wedding
>will go ahead on Sunday as scheduled, though on a smaller scale.
>The driver, who is in shock, was questioned and released, Constable
>Casey Vinet said. He said neither alcohol nor drugs were factors. The
>truck was taken for a mechanical inspection.


We're all here
because we're not all there.
Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
> That's what you get when you allow incompetent people to drive.
> By the way, I didn't bother to read your post, as they are usually
> reasonably stupid, but I'm curious what type of driving history this
> individual had before the incident.

The article didn't talk about his history but i don't care anyway. If
the law determines he was at fault for the death of 6 people, he should
be locked up forever period. I'm no coddler.
On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:27:43 -0600, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are
MURDERERS <> wrote:

>Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
>nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their
>6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
>Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007
>VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
>A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
>in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.
>The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
>people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
>Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.

Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
NO politician will DARE take away their big white
Lincolns and Caddys.

I note that you got the article from the Miami Herald.
The political and economic clout of geezers is much
stronger in Florida than in Canada or the rest of
the USA. Geezers make up a very large proportion of
the population, cast a VERY large percentage of votes,
contribute a VERY large amount of money to political
candates they like and spend a HUGE amount of money
on homes, property and "services". In short, someone
who's pretty much blind and silly with Altzheimers
can STILL get their licence renewed.

Eye test ? Nevermind ... you just have to bring a
note from an "eye doctor" certifying that you can
see. No doubt an industry has developed around
providing such notes to geezers. "Se ! I, doctor
Flye By Knight, certify that Sally Centarian meets
the state guidelines for visual and auditory acuity" ...

In short, if you drive into Florida, watch yer ass ...
because the residents won't, and likely CAN'T.
Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
>> That's what you get when you allow incompetent people to drive.
>> By the way, I didn't bother to read your post, as they are usually
>> reasonably stupid, but I'm curious what type of driving history this
>> individual had before the incident.

>The article didn't talk about his history but i don't care anyway. If
>the law determines he was at fault for the death of 6 people, he should
>be locked up forever period. I'm no coddler.

Wow. Has anyone ever told you that you're an idiot?

An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
of such incidents.

It is truly a sad state of affairs for Americans that you are a
representative of the educational system. No wonder the anglosphere is


We're all here
because we're not all there.
B1ackwater wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:27:43 -0600, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are
>MURDERERS <> wrote:
>>Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
>>nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their
>>6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
>>Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007
>>VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
>>A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
>>in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.
>>The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
>>people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
>>Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.

> Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
> will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
> NO politician will DARE take away their big white
> Lincolns and Caddys.
> I note that you got the article from the Miami Herald.
> The political and economic clout of geezers is much
> stronger in Florida than in Canada or the rest of
> the USA. Geezers make up a very large proportion of
> the population, cast a VERY large percentage of votes,
> contribute a VERY large amount of money to political
> candates they like and spend a HUGE amount of money
> on homes, property and "services". In short, someone
> who's pretty much blind and silly with Altzheimers
> can STILL get their licence renewed.
> Eye test ? Nevermind ... you just have to bring a
> note from an "eye doctor" certifying that you can
> see. No doubt an industry has developed around
> providing such notes to geezers. "Se ! I, doctor
> Flye By Knight, certify that Sally Centarian meets
> the state guidelines for visual and auditory acuity" ...
> In short, if you drive into Florida, watch yer ass ...
> because the residents won't, and likely CAN'T.

That's representative of my few driving experiences in the state, and
your wisdom is very well delivered.

Fortunately that wisdom will be lost on the retards in the group. =))


We're all here
because we're not all there.
Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>> Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
>>> That's what you get when you allow incompetent people to drive.
>>> By the way, I didn't bother to read your post, as they are usually
>>> reasonably stupid, but I'm curious what type of driving history this
>>> individual had before the incident.

>> The article didn't talk about his history but i don't care anyway. If
>> the law determines he was at fault for the death of 6 people, he should
>> be locked up forever period. I'm no coddler.

> Wow. Has anyone ever told you that you're an idiot?
> An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
> incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
> strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
> of such incidents.
> It is truly a sad state of affairs for Americans that you are a
> representative of the educational system. No wonder the anglosphere is
> deteriorating.

There's a big difference in working in the educational system and being
"a representative of the educational system."

Notan wrote:
>Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>> Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
>>>> That's what you get when you allow incompetent people to drive.
>>>> By the way, I didn't bother to read your post, as they are usually
>>>> reasonably stupid, but I'm curious what type of driving history this
>>>> individual had before the incident.
>>> The article didn't talk about his history but i don't care anyway. If
>>> the law determines he was at fault for the death of 6 people, he should
>>> be locked up forever period. I'm no coddler.

>> Wow. Has anyone ever told you that you're an idiot?
>> An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
>> incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
>> strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
>> of such incidents.
>> It is truly a sad state of affairs for Americans that you are a
>> representative of the educational system. No wonder the anglosphere is
>> deteriorating.

>There's a big difference in working in the educational system and being
>"a representative of the educational system."

I never implied that SADDAM was working in the educational system,
only that it was a very sad example of what the system produces.

When I see the "quality" of said product, it makes it easier for me to
deal with the probably that the anglo's days, and more appropriately,
the "American's" days, are numbered.


We're all here
because we're not all there.
On Aug 26, 8:27 am, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS
<> wrote:
> Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
> nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their
> vehicle.
> 6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
> Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007
> VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
> A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
> in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.
> The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
> people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
> Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.
> The victims had been at the bride's parents' house and were heading to
> another home, making their way along an unlit road lined with parked
> cars, according to police and a neighbor.
> Jagdish Gill, whose daughter is a friend of the bride, said the group
> was taking part in a traditional Indian procession.
> "They had drums in the front," Gill said. "They were going to have a van
> in the front, a blinking van, but it got there a little late."
> Neither the bride nor the groom was injured, she said, and the wedding
> will go ahead on Sunday as scheduled, though on a smaller scale.
> The driver, who is in shock, was questioned and released, Constable
> Casey Vinet said. He said neither alcohol nor drugs were factors. The
> truck was taken for a mechanical inspection.

Maybe there's some small fault to be found in putting a crowd of
thirty people - including infants - in the middle of an unlit road, at

Traditions are nice and all, but common sense should prevail.

Seldom does, but it should.

Bo Raxo
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
Shakespeare, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Act I Scene I
B1ackwater wrote:

> Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
> will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
> NO politician will DARE take away their big white
> Lincolns and Caddys.

I didn't say geezers should automatically lose their license when they
hit a certain age. But they should be held to the same standard as young
people and that means there should be severe consequences if their bad
driving kills someone. But as i said earlier, the Russell Weller case
proves that is not so.
Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:


> An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
> incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
> strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
> of such incidents.

Only an idiot and a criminal coddler like you thinks prison time does
NOT deter geezers from driving recklessly. Get help, please.
Geezers with impeccable LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC credentials will be allowed to
motor around, anywhere they like.

Geezers with conservative voting records, and, believe me, they know who and
when to the ultimate degree, will be denied access to the nations roadways
as soon as HRH Hillary takes over.
On Aug 26, 10:01 pm, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS
<> wrote:
> Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:
> > An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
> > incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
> > strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
> > of such incidents.

> Only an idiot and a criminal coddler like you thinks prison time does
> NOT deter geezers from driving recklessly. Get help, please.

Yeah, those old geezers are clearly thinking about their actions when
they're behind the wheel, weighing the consequences. Must be thinking
about those aspects so much they have no cognitive capacity left over
to handle the actual task of driving.

You really think people with judgment too poor to realize they aren't
fit to drive will have the judgment to think they'll face consequences
for an outcome they are in denial will ever occur? Wake up and smell
the blue hair, these geezers are in denial that they can't drive. The
whole problem is that their brains are a few french fries short of a
Happy Meal, a condition with which you should be intimately familiar.

Bo Raxo
Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>B1ackwater wrote:
>> Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
>> will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
>> NO politician will DARE take away their big white
>> Lincolns and Caddys.

>I didn't say geezers should automatically lose their license when they
>hit a certain age. But they should be held to the same standard as young
>people and that means there should be severe consequences if their bad
>driving kills someone. But as i said earlier, the Russell Weller case
>proves that is not so.

One of these days you'll learn the meaning of the term "intent."

Until then, rant on, loser! =))


We're all here
because we're not all there.
On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 17:46:31 -0400, "Murderous Speeding Drunken
Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein)" <> wrote:

>B1ackwater wrote:
>>On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:27:43 -0600, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are
>>MURDERERS <> wrote:
>>>Another legacy of the infamous Russell Weller case. Geezer drivers know
>>>nothing will be done to them no matter how many they kill with their
>>>6 in wedding party dead in truck crash
>>>Posted on Sun, Aug. 26, 2007
>>>VANCOUVER, British Columbia --
>>>A pickup truck plowed through a crowd leaving a pre-wedding celebration
>>>in western Canada, killing six people and injuring 19, police said Saturday.
>>>The 71-year-old driver of a truck lost control and ran into 25 to 30
>>>people who were walking along a rural road toward him, police in
>>>Abbotsford, British Columbia, said.

>> Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
>> will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
>> NO politician will DARE take away their big white
>> Lincolns and Caddys.
>> I note that you got the article from the Miami Herald.
>> The political and economic clout of geezers is much
>> stronger in Florida than in Canada or the rest of
>> the USA. Geezers make up a very large proportion of
>> the population, cast a VERY large percentage of votes,
>> contribute a VERY large amount of money to political
>> candates they like and spend a HUGE amount of money
>> on homes, property and "services". In short, someone
>> who's pretty much blind and silly with Altzheimers
>> can STILL get their licence renewed.
>> Eye test ? Nevermind ... you just have to bring a
>> note from an "eye doctor" certifying that you can
>> see. No doubt an industry has developed around
>> providing such notes to geezers. "Se ! I, doctor
>> Flye By Knight, certify that Sally Centarian meets
>> the state guidelines for visual and auditory acuity" ...
>> In short, if you drive into Florida, watch yer ass ...
>> because the residents won't, and likely CAN'T.

>That's representative of my few driving experiences in the state, and
>your wisdom is very well delivered.

Stop signs/lights ... those kinds of things, mere "suggestions"
in Florida - assuming the 99-year-old behind the wheel can even
SEE the things, or isn't so buzzed on 19 different meds that they
put the average OzFest attendee to shame.

>Fortunately that wisdom will be lost on the retards in the group. =))

As the proportion of VERY elderly increase in ALL states,
a rapid trend at this point, even the "retards" WILL
eventually get the point - likely in the form of a big white
Cadillac driving up their tailpipe.

I've got nothing against 104-year-olds driving - BUT they've
got to be CAPABLE. A centarian of my aquaintence was commonly
seen buzzing around town in his little red sports car right
up until he finally croaked at age 104. Thing is, HE was
SHARP - good eyes, good hearing, good reflexes few meds, no
senility. I also know 60-year-olds who are already such
physical and mental wrecks that they shouldn't come NEAR
the wheel.

Luck of the genetic lottery insofar as the individuals go -
but it's the STATES job to sort 'em out and deal with the
ones who've become unfit to drive. Dealing with the political
and economic clout of that age group IS difficult however.
In the nearer term, we're probably gonna see a lot more
"Old Folks Mass Transit" - small busses & trams - so the
non-drivers can still get where they need to go. Longer
term, self-driving cars are not THAT far off anymore ...
On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 22:59:17 -0600, Speeders & Drunk Drivers are
MURDERERS <> wrote:

>B1ackwater wrote:
>> Those old geezers VOTE, reliably, and they now are and
>> will remain a rather LARGE segment of the population.
>> NO politician will DARE take away their big white
>> Lincolns and Caddys.

>I didn't say geezers should automatically lose their license when they
>hit a certain age. But they should be held to the same standard as young
>people and that means there should be severe consequences if their bad
>driving kills someone. But as i said earlier, the Russell Weller case
>proves that is not so.

They should be held to A standard ... one that's
deemed "adequate". Almost all young people can meet
such a standard, it just starts to get harder once
you're 65 or so. The driving experience (and greater
conservatism) of older folks are positives and allow
"The Standard" to be set a bit lower overall. 16-year-
olds only know one throttle position - wide open -
but their superior reflexes mostly compensate for
their driving habits.

The problem is in states like Florida where the new
tighter standard came WITH a loophole the mostly-blind
could use to circumvent the rules.
B1ackwater wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 17:46:31 -0400, "Murderous Speeding Drunken
>Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein)" <> wrote:

>>That's representative of my few driving experiences in the state, and
>>your wisdom is very well delivered.

> Stop signs/lights ... those kinds of things, mere "suggestions"
> in Florida - assuming the 99-year-old behind the wheel can even
> SEE the things, or isn't so buzzed on 19 different meds that they
> put the average OzFest attendee to shame.

I like the analogy. :)

>>Fortunately that wisdom will be lost on the retards in the group. =))

> As the proportion of VERY elderly increase in ALL states,
> a rapid trend at this point, even the "retards" WILL
> eventually get the point - likely in the form of a big white
> Cadillac driving up their tailpipe.

We've got that here, too. Seems like a large number of retirees like
the cooler weather experience in the foothills of this region.

> I've got nothing against 104-year-olds driving - BUT they've
> got to be CAPABLE. A centarian of my aquaintence was commonly
> seen buzzing around town in his little red sports car right
> up until he finally croaked at age 104. Thing is, HE was
> SHARP - good eyes, good hearing, good reflexes few meds, no
> senility. I also know 60-year-olds who are already such
> physical and mental wrecks that they shouldn't come NEAR
> the wheel.

Hell, I know 40 year olds that shouldn't come near the wheel.

I also know a particular 85 year old who is probably one of the best
drivers I've met. She's never had an accident, and there's been times
when I've tried to keep up with her as she zips along at 20-30mph over
the limit. :)

> Luck of the genetic lottery insofar as the individuals go -
> but it's the STATES job to sort 'em out and deal with the
> ones who've become unfit to drive. Dealing with the political
> and economic clout of that age group IS difficult however.
> In the nearer term, we're probably gonna see a lot more
> "Old Folks Mass Transit" - small busses & trams - so the
> non-drivers can still get where they need to go. Longer
> term, self-driving cars are not THAT far off anymore ...

If the populace were truly interested in reducing traffic fatalities,
they'd offer written and driven exams at EVERY license renewal. That
they don't just shows how little the government is concerned about
traffic safety.


We're all here
because we're not all there.
Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>Murderous Speeding Drunken Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein) wrote:

>> An intelligent individual would be concerned about preventing
>> incidents like these from occurring. Only a moron would believe that
>> strict prison sentences would have a positive impact in the prevention
>> of such incidents.

>Only an idiot and a criminal coddler like you thinks prison time does
>NOT deter geezers from driving recklessly. Get help, please.

If they aren't cognitive to understand they shouldn't be driving, what
makes your dumb ass think they'll be aware of the "penalties" they'll
receive for their failures?

You really should try to think about this stuff before you post; you
won't look so retarded that way.


We're all here
because we're not all there.
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 19:36:24 -0400, "Murderous Speeding Drunken
Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein)" <> wrote:

>B1ackwater wrote:
>>On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 17:46:31 -0400, "Murderous Speeding Drunken
>>Distracted Driver (Hector Goldstein)" <> wrote:

>>>That's representative of my few driving experiences in the state, and
>>>your wisdom is very well delivered.

>> Stop signs/lights ... those kinds of things, mere "suggestions"
>> in Florida - assuming the 99-year-old behind the wheel can even
>> SEE the things, or isn't so buzzed on 19 different meds that they
>> put the average OzFest attendee to shame.

>I like the analogy. :)

Alas, it's true. Todays elderly are hyper-medicated. Many
spend their days going from doctor to doctor ... none of
which pay attention to what the OTHER doctors have
prescribed. At the end of the week, granny Pillhead has
a huge stash of uppers, downers, tranqs, in-betweens,
psychoactives and stuff the old amerindian shamans wished
they'd had. Then granny forgets how much of which ones
to take when - and what ones not to mix them with.

THEN she goes out for a nice drive.

Maybe she'll wind up in Vancouver, maybe she and her Caddy
will wind up in your front seat. Luck of the draw. This is
the same generation that despised and persecuted the Deadhead
stoners with their psychedelic VW micro-busses. Frankly, the
Deadheads were much better drivers .... at least they KNEW
they were stoned out of their minds.

It would be a lot cheaper to follow Huxleys advice ... just
hand out "Soma" at thirty-nine cents a pill :)

>>>Fortunately that wisdom will be lost on the retards in the group. =))

>> As the proportion of VERY elderly increase in ALL states,
>> a rapid trend at this point, even the "retards" WILL
>> eventually get the point - likely in the form of a big white
>> Cadillac driving up their tailpipe.

>We've got that here, too. Seems like a large number of retirees like
>the cooler weather experience in the foothills of this region.

Everywhere from southern Tennessee down has experienced a
huge migration of elderly yankees. Arizona, Nevada and
Florida still absorb the bulk, but Georgia and Arkansas
aren't far behind. That corner where TN/NC/SC/GA come
together is getting a double-dose now - retiring yankees
AND retirees coming up from Florida looking for a touch
of "real winter". Find some demographics on Blairsville GA.

Thing is, the NATIONAL demographic is skewing strongly
towards an elderly population. It not only threatens to
topple the Social Security pyramid scheme but also clogs
hospitals and doctors offices and makes the roads far
more dangerous. "Mexican" babies may eventually even
things out again ... but are they gonna be willing to
give half their salaries to support old gringos ?

>> I've got nothing against 104-year-olds driving - BUT they've
>> got to be CAPABLE. A centarian of my aquaintence was commonly
>> seen buzzing around town in his little red sports car right
>> up until he finally croaked at age 104. Thing is, HE was
>> SHARP - good eyes, good hearing, good reflexes few meds, no
>> senility. I also know 60-year-olds who are already such
>> physical and mental wrecks that they shouldn't come NEAR
>> the wheel.

>Hell, I know 40 year olds that shouldn't come near the wheel.

Well ... that's usually self-inflicted.

Or inflicted by doctors. The modern trend towards
"happy pills" - anti-depressants and anti-anxiety
drugs of every kind so you'll be as happy as those
people on TV - has messed-up a LOT of folks, mostly
women. The drugs can leave them confused, aggressive,
sleepy, wired, disoriented, distracted, delusional
or spaced-out depending on how they react with the
individuals biochemistry.

Luckily Edgar Allen Poe didn't have that junk - or we'd
have gotten "The Cheerful Little Bluebird" instead of
"The Raven". Picasso would never have had a "blue period",
Rodin would have sculpted "Staring Out The Window" instead
of "The Thinker" and "Ahab" would have made friends with
the whale :)

>I also know a particular 85 year old who is probably one of the best
>drivers I've met. She's never had an accident, and there's been times
>when I've tried to keep up with her as she zips along at 20-30mph over
>the limit. :)
>> Luck of the genetic lottery insofar as the individuals go -
>> but it's the STATES job to sort 'em out and deal with the
>> ones who've become unfit to drive. Dealing with the political
>> and economic clout of that age group IS difficult however.
>> In the nearer term, we're probably gonna see a lot more
>> "Old Folks Mass Transit" - small busses & trams - so the
>> non-drivers can still get where they need to go. Longer
>> term, self-driving cars are not THAT far off anymore ...

>If the populace were truly interested in reducing traffic fatalities,
>they'd offer written and driven exams at EVERY license renewal. That
>they don't just shows how little the government is concerned about
>traffic safety.

A written mini-exam ... something that can be done
in a minute or two ... wouldn't be a terrible thing.
It can be disguised as a refresher on traffic signs
and very basic rules, but it would REALLY be a test
for "senility" (natural or drug-induced).

I don't think a physical driving test at each renewal
is practical. It would require hiring a LOT of inspectors
and, truthfully, a lot of people freeze-up when someone
is evaluating their driving ability. SOME sort of brief
test starting at age 65 and repeated every three to five
years wouldn't be a terrible burden though. Just have
'em drive a generous circle of cones or loop through
parking-lot lanes and then stop at a stop sign. If they
can't - they ought not be on the highway.

Just go to your local supermarket or mall and WATCH the
people navigate the parking lot. A suprising number can't.
They'll go north on the southbound section, stop randomly
or almost (or not 'almost') hit parked cars, people ...
and that's all at five miles an hour. Scary !

With luck, in ten or twelve years you'll be able to get
in your car and say "Drive me to the Quick-e-Mart" and
it will do so flawlessly. THAT will solve a LOT of
sticky problems !
"B1ackwater" <> wrote in message
> Luckily Edgar Allen Poe didn't have that junk - or we'd
> have gotten "The Cheerful Little Bluebird" instead of
> "The Raven". Picasso would never have had a "blue period",
> Rodin would have sculpted "Staring Out The Window" instead
> of "The Thinker" and "Ahab" would have made friends with
> the whale :)

That gets a standing ovation!!!

> A written mini-exam ... something that can be done
> in a minute or two ... wouldn't be a terrible thing.
> It can be disguised as a refresher on traffic signs
> and very basic rules, but it would REALLY be a test
> for "senility" (natural or drug-induced).

Eh, not a bad start, but I see so many geezers who physically just can't
drive - they can't even turn their heads to the side to see what's there.
The mind might be find, but they move at the speed of a glacier.

> I don't think a physical driving test at each renewal
> is practical. It would require hiring a LOT of inspectors
> and, truthfully, a lot of people freeze-up when someone
> is evaluating their driving ability. SOME sort of brief
> test starting at age 65 and repeated every three to five
> years wouldn't be a terrible burden though. Just have
> 'em drive a generous circle of cones or loop through
> parking-lot lanes and then stop at a stop sign. If they
> can't - they ought not be on the highway.

We had those driving simulators in high school - sit in the chair, 20 or 30
at a time, watch the screen, operate the controls as needed. The computer
spit out a score. What would it cost to put one of those in the parking lot
of every DMV, a couple of hundred thou? And another couple of hundred thou
a year to staff it?

Schedule at least the geezers, if not all drivers, to go through the thing
at renewal. If you flunk, then you put then in a real car with a real
inspector. You could run them through in groups of 25 each, three sets an
hour, 8 hours a day, that's 600 people per day per DMV office. The savings
to society in reduced accidents would make it pay for itself in the big
picture, and I can think of worse uses for my tax dollars.

> Just go to your local supermarket or mall and WATCH the
> people navigate the parking lot. A suprising number can't.
> They'll go north on the southbound section, stop randomly
> or almost (or not 'almost') hit parked cars, people ...
> and that's all at five miles an hour. Scary !

Try riding a motorcycle through that supermarket lot. The geezers - it's
always geezers - randomly pull out of parking spots or drive through a
paired set of empty spots from one side to the other, with the theory that
if they don't look, they won't see you, and if they don't see you, then it's
not their fault if they hit you. It's a crazy theory. I can't tell you
how many times some tiny gnome in a large, old, very clean large American
car has almost run me down, and they say - every time - "I didn't see you."

I ask them if their mirrors are defective. No? I ask them if I'm
invisible. No? Then, you mean, you didn't see me because you didn't look?
Oh, well, maybe then the answer is - you should have been looking where you
were going.

> With luck, in ten or twelve years you'll be able to get
> in your car and say "Drive me to the Quick-e-Mart" and
> it will do so flawlessly. THAT will solve a LOT of
> sticky problems !

You know the lawyers will screw that up - imagine the lawsuits when you ask
it to go to the Qwik-E-Mart, it takes you to the Qwik-E-Lube, and some fool
ends up ingesting a Squishy full of 5W-40.

Bo Raxo