Another GOP House leader in federal probe



GOP House leader in federal probe keeps key post on Appropriations Committee

October 7, 2007
In a secret meeting Wednesday of the House Republican leadership, Minority
Leader John Boehner ruled that Rep. Jerry Lewis of California will continue
as the party's ranking member of the Appropriations Committee while under
federal investigation on ethics charges.

That widened the gap between Boehner and reform-minded House Republicans,
including members of the leadership. Under investigation for sponsoring
questionable earmarks, Lewis remains a major Republican spokesman in
Congress. He led the Republican debate Wednesday on Democratic procedures
for handling President Bush's veto of the expanded State Children's Health
Insurance Program.

Republican reformers complain that Boehner imposes a double standard that is
harsher on rank-and-file members of Congress than on leaders. While Lewis
keeps his leadership position on Appropriations, Rep. John Doolittle left
the committee in April because he is a federal corruption target.
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> GOP House leader in federal probe keeps key post on Appropriations
> Committee
> October 7, 2007
> In a secret meeting Wednesday of the House Republican leadership,
> Minority Leader John Boehner ruled that Rep. Jerry Lewis of California
> will continue as the party's ranking member of the Appropriations
> Committee while under federal investigation on ethics charges.
> That widened the gap between Boehner and reform-minded House
> Republicans, including members of the leadership. Under investigation
> for sponsoring questionable earmarks, Lewis remains a major Republican
> spokesman in Congress. He led the Republican debate Wednesday on
> Democratic procedures for handling President Bush's veto of the
> expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program.
> Republican reformers complain that Boehner imposes a double standard
> that is harsher on rank-and-file members of Congress than on leaders.
> While Lewis keeps his leadership position on Appropriations, Rep. John
> Doolittle left the committee in April because he is a federal
> corruption target.

Just another example of the Republican culture of corruption, as if we
needed another.

Stevens, Burns, Delay, Hayworth, Feeney, Doolittle, Lewis, Miller,
Harris, Mollohan, Jefferson, Blunt, Young, Renzi, Frist, Musgrave,
Weldon and Taylor are all members of the previous congress who are under
federal criminal investigation.

Ney, Cunningham have already been convicted.

Two are Democrats. The other 18 are Republicans.