Another new guy


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Welcome... it is a fairly small community here, but we're growing.

Just be sure to leave the drama at the door



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Please excuse my computer illiteracy, but how can I make a custom signature with a pic of my quad like you guys have done? And after trolling a bit, I'm noticing a certain someone from another forum isn't very welcome over here. May I ask why?


Active Members
Go into your profile (click on your name over on the right side above the search bar)

On the next screen on left side under "settings" you'll see "signature" (click on that)

From there it should be pretty easy... Use the buttons above the txt box to add pics (looks like a tree to the left of the film icon)

He's not welcome here or there... We don't have patients for trolls.



Active Members
Fair enough. It usually is easy, but I don't see "signature" anywhere on that list near settings. Weird.


Active Members
It should be there... I just went into your account and there's nothing that I see that should keep you from posting a sig.

Over on the right just above the search bar you should see your screen name with a little down arrow after it. hover over that and a drop down menu will pop up and that will have a click able link that says signature too.



Active Members
I've done it before, just don't see "signature". I'll snap a pic of the screen and text it to ya, the word signature isn't there. Come to think of it, I remember seeing it when I was setting up my profile, I decided to do my introduction first and then went to customize my sig and no longer saw it after that.
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