Another Stupid Story that No one Would Read

Another Sad Story

Here is a story I wrote while I was listening to some Eminem. I don't know how good it is, and I decided to write something sad instead of scary. So, um, here goes nothing:

Chapter One

Mike Shinoda sat by Anna's hospital bed. It was their first time having a child and they were both very excited. They heard it was going to be a girl and Mike wanted to call her Isabella. Anna agreed seeing that the name is so beautiful, like notes being perfectly played on the piano.

"Anna, this is going to be a big responsibility for both of us. I'm ready. Are you?" asked Mike as he held Anna's hand in his and holding it tightly.

"Of course, dear. It is why we are here now." Anna smiled, sqeezing her husband's hand back.

"We are going to give Isabella the life no other little angel ever had." Mike said warmly.


Four year old Isabella lyed down on the carpet, doodling on paper that Mike had given her. Mike had thought that Isabella could be an artist like him. Talents spread through the family, that's what Anna had said to Isabella one night when Mike read a storybook to her.

"Daddy!!" Isabella screamed as she ran down the stairs nearly falling over. But Mike was there and he grabbed her and put her on his shoulders.

"Yes, my little angel?" smiled Mike as he swung her around. Isabella giggled and handed the paper she drew on to him. Mike gladly took it and grinned at the drawing. A little artist, he thought. The drwing was of what seems to be him and Anna. And in between was probably Isabella herself.

"I...I drew this! It's a present for you and Momma. The I love you this much present." Isabella said as she held her arms wide open to say how much she loved her parents. Mike smiled again. It was sad to see Isabella growing up already. Soon enought she will have tough times and some times that she wouldn't want to let go of.

"Thank you, my Isabella. Anna!!" he called out as he sat on the couch and Isabella sat beside him.

Anna came downstairs from Mike and her room. She was holding a beatiful gown that had glitters near the bottom. She smiled as Mike handed the drawing to her. Love will last forever between the three of them and the family will never break apart.

Mike looked at the watch. It was six at night. He turned to Isabella and said to her in a soft voice, almost as soft as an owner trying to calm down a sheep, "Isabella, do you know what time it is?"

Isabelle stared at her father and nodded, "Daddy...can you read me a story before I go to bed? I don't want nightmares. I don't like them. Can you??" she asked.

Anna and Mike looked at each other and Mike replied, "Alright honey."


Isabella began going to pre school and she now had a baby sister. Her name was Ingrid. Anna stayed at home taking care of her and Mike had to fix the room so Isabella can share with Ingrid now. The family was growing together. And the love was growing more than them.

"And this is my Daddy, and Mommy, and my new baby sister, Ingrid. She cries a lot, but I love her so much." Isabella said during a class show and tell. She drew a new picture and Ingrid was in Anna and Mike's arms. Herself was still in the same posistion as always.

Every other kid applaused and so did the teacher, Mrs.Appleberry. Isabella smiled and gave the picture to Mrs.Appleberry.

"Lovely drawing Isabella." she said as she held the paper in her hands and scanned it through.

"Thank you, Misses Appleberry." the student said and Mrs. Appleberry gave back the drawing. Isabella sat back down on the carpet and her best friend went up next. Her new best friend Eric. He had brown hair and green eyes and was always there when Isabella needed help.


Mike let Anna drive to the doctors because Ingrid had to have an injection for upcoming infections. They didn't want to risk losing Ingrid. Anna drove calmly but then she nearly got hit by a big truck. It was almost like a flash. But luckily, Mike screamed to stop and Anna did.

"What the **** is wrong with you?!" he yelled.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Just let me drive!!" Anna screamed back.

"Well you nearly got us killed! And Isabella is still at school!! We have to pick her up in one hour. Come on, let's get a move on, or let me drive. You must have been drinking last night." growled Mike. He took hold of the steering wheel but Anna slapped his hand away.

"I told you, I'm okay!"

"You're gonna kill us!"

*So..tell me what you think? I'll update soon enuff...I'll probably still work on The Van Helsing Kinda Story if you want, though* :confused:

[Chapter Two]

just trying to make the story more interesting coz the first chapter was too happy except for the last part. Anyway, here is an update:

Isabella stood by the front door of the school, waiting for her mother and father. Probably they hadn't come back yet from the doctor for Ingrid's injection. The clouds hovered above the city, threatining for rain. he waited and waited until the rain came down, like a whole army of tears falling from someone up above. Mrs.Appleberry came out to see one of her students still waiting for her parents.

"Isabella, why don't you come in? I can call your parents. They might be still at home." she said.

"But my mummy and daddy couldn't have forgotten." cried Isabella.

"Of course they haven't forgotten about you. Probably on their way, some cars are crowding the streets." the teacher replied calmly, putting an arm around Isabella's fragile shoulders. They were about to go back inside when they heard a car's honk from behind them. Isabella and Mrs. Appleberry turned to see Mike, Anna, and in the back seat, Isabella's little sister, Ingrid.

"Oh, there's your mom and dad." The teacher smiled. Isabella ran towards the car and waved back to Mrs.Appleberry. She hopped in the car and Ingrid was crying a lot.

"Don't wowwy Ingwid. I'm here." she said, hugging the crying baby.

"You almost killed us all back there. What have you been drinking?" Mike whispered to his wife as she drove once again.

"I told you, I haven't been drinking. Last night, all I drank was that green sparkler thingy. It was really good." Anna said, trying to hold her drunken voice.

Mike smacked his forehead. That was a mixture of beer, wine, and vodka. It was meant for Chester Bennington, one of his bandmates from Linkin Park.

"How much did you drink? That was for Chester!" Mike gasped.

"The whole mug. I couldn't help myself." muttered Anna.

"Oh my gawd! Let me drive now! I mean it!" he yelled and grabbed the steering wheel and turned so abruplty that the cars behind him had to honk at him. Isabella and Anna screamed. Ingrid started crying once again, and Anna slammed on the breaks.

"Get out Anna. I'm driving. You should have told me that you drank something last night before you drove today." growled Mike. Anna opened the door and stood up. But something fell from her pocket. Two sryinges and a packet.

Mike picked it up in surprise, "What the f**k is this, Anna?! What is going on with you?! You're becoming an addict!!! Kids do not have a right to see this, Anna, what would you do if they start taking drugs?" he outraged.

Anna looked at him. Her legs started shaking and her eyes swelled up. She dug her face in her hands and sobbed, "You wouldn't understand, Mike. You just wouldn't!"

"Why is mummy crying?" Isabella asked.

"She nearly hurt us all, dear." Mike said softly, trying hard not to yell at her.

Anna pulled her face away from her hands and yelled, "If only you would understand!!! I need to live!!"

"Live with what?! Drugs?" Mike protested. Anna didn't say anything, she just continued crying. Then Mike said again in his soft voice, "Get in the passenger seat."

After a long moment of driving in silence, they finally reached their mansion. Mike carried Ingrid and Anna held Isabella's hand as they walked in. It was the same silence inside. And it was also dark. Mike turned on the switch and Anna nearly screamed. The whole place was a mess. In the living room which they can see, had it's couches turned over and the television smashed. Mike handed Ingrid to Anna and ran to where they kept most of the money in a vault.

"Holy sh*t," he whispered as he stared into the vault. There, right in front of him was nothing else but one penny. Only a penny. Not even a dollar was there. They have been robbed.

as the family grew...their love grew...

but seems as though it just started to fall apart...



New member
*gasps* they were robbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some one call 9 uno uno do it just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!*runs away looking for the money*
[Chapter Three]

Anna and Mike sat opposite of each other on the couch. Mike had his face buried in his hands in frustration. He couldn't believe it. They were robbed. Anna kept on crying, her sobs echoing down the now hollow hallways.

"Will you shut up?!" snapped Mike.

Anna glanced up at Mike. Then she stood up and ran up the stairs. Mike continued to fume about what had happen. First Anna and her addictions and now their house robbed. It was all too unreal. Now the life he was going to give Isabella and Ingrid is ruined. Not a life any child had ever gone through. Their parents fighting, and gone broke. Mike stood up and went to the empty kitchen and looked at the regrigerator where he had put the picture Isabella drew that one night. It was heartbreaking to see that Mike and Anna on the picture ripped apart, and half of Isabella's body is with Mike and the other with Anna.

"Isabella, I'm so sorry..." he sobbed, "Ingrid...I don't want you to live like this..."

"Sorry for what?" a small voice asked from beside him. Mike lifted his head and saw Isabella's thin figure standing right before him. Mike took Isabella in his arms and embraced her.

"Do you know how much I love you?" he whispered softly in his daughter's ear.

"Yes...I know. You love me so much." replied the little girl.

Mike felt his eyes water and a tear roll down his cheek, "I'm so sorry this happened. But no matter what, Isabella, I will still love you and Ingrid. You guys are so special to me." he said in a quivering voice.

"Is that why you are crying? Happiness? I love you daddy." smiled Isabella and gave a warm hug to her father.

"I just wish I was crying of happiness," Mike thought, "Now go to your room and draw another picture for daddy will you?" he said aloud. He broke the embrace and stood up. Isabella nodded innocently and ran to her room. Good thing not everything had been stolen.

Mike went upstairs. He decided to take back what he did to Anna. He opened the door to see her head bent down and her back facing him as she sat on her bed.

"Anna?" he muttered.

"What do you want?" replied Anna in her most low voice.

"Look. I see you have habits Anna, but I am just frustrated about it that you didn't tell me. And now see what happened to our house? I am just getting more problems. Sorry." he sighed as he made his way across the room and sat down beside his wife.

Anna didn't say anything. She felt Mike's arms around her shoulder. She didn't move it away.

"I'm sorry, too Mike." Anna whispered. She placed her head on Mike's shoulder and closed her eyes. Mike looked out the window to see the rain and clouds clearing up and the sun saying hello.

"Let's start to pick up the pieces. And we will have a normal life, just like before. Starting from scratch." Mike smiled.

Anna nodded. After a while, she fell asleep, dreaming of what joys they can get when everything is back to normal. She dreamt of Ingrid and Isabella all grown up and ready to have kids. She dreamt that when she and Mike die, Mike's grave was right beside her.

Maybe things aren't going to be so bad after we've cleaned up and smooth out the edges...everything will be okay.

[Chapter Four]

It was another year or so when everything was back to normal. Isabella was now seven and Ingrid was four. Isabella knew that Mike and Anna loved her even more as she grew. But she remembered that year when they were robbed and her parents were so frustrated about it. Ingrid knew nothing about it because she was so innocent that time.

"Mom, aren't you going to drop us off at school?" asked Isabella.

Anna was in the kitchen that sunny morning preparing her daughters' snacks and lunches for the school day, "Yes, get ready to go in the car. Daddy has to meet his bandmates today this morning."

Mike was sitting in the living room, his cell phone by his ear, he turned to his children and Anna and waved a goodbye.

"Are we going to meet Mike's band too? Pleeeeeaaaase??" asked Isabella in a babyish voice.

"Maybe someday...hurry it up Ingrid, get yur shoes on. You don't want to be late do you?" said Anna as she put the lunches in their backpacks. The she handed the lunchbag to Isabella and put the other in Ingrid's bag. Ingrid nodded and finished putting her shoe the right way. Anna went over to Mike and gave him a slight kiss on his cheek and Mike returned the kiss on Anna's lips.

"Bye daddy!" Ingrid smiled and waved as they hurried out the door.

"See you later!" said Isabella.

The mother and children hopped into the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Mommy...can I ask you something?" Isabella piped.

Anna looked over her mirror, "What is it, honey?"

"You know when daddy was mad because we were stolen from? Why wasn't he really talking to you?" the girl asked.

Anna looked ahead in front of her and she stopped at the red light. She bit her bottom lip, "Honey, there are just some things you should know, and some you don't."

Isabella made a look on her face that was confused as though her mom was speaking in different tongue. Anna handn't noticed her driving was so awkward that they nearly made a left turn on a no left turn area. She also didn't know that a police car was slowly following her. Anna stopped at the front of the school.

"Bye mommy!" grinned Ingrid as she hopped off the car and ran towards the school yard.

"Mommy, can you tell me one time?" Isabella asked once again when she was about to come off the car.

"Yes baby, I will...when you understand." Anna replied and that's when the police car showed before Anna even drove again. Isabella was halfway towards the school when she turned around. Anna signaled her to go in the school yard. Isabella did, but she kept hidden behind a bush to see why her mom was talking to a police man. Then she saw the police man made her mother turn around and facing the car. He seemed to put something around her wrists. Something shiny. The looked like two bracelets attached together.

"Mommy's in trouble? What did she do?" Isabella muttered under her breath.


"What? What did you say?!?!?! She...she was DRIVING LIKE THAT?!" Mike screamed as he recieved the news that his wife was in court.

"But I have to meet my band right now!! I cannot go there!! And plus I have to pick up two of my children from school!!" he screamed once again. After that, he slammed the phone on the reciever.

"She's gone too far." he murmered lowly and left the house to pick up the kids. When he arrived, Isabella jumped in and suddenly blurted out, "DADDY!! MOMMY IS IN TROUBLE!!"

"I think I knew that. We are going to meet her." said Mike flatly.

"Mommy is trouble? Why? Did she say a bad word?" piped in Ingrid.

"She is in trouble. But you shouldn't know these things."

That's when Isabella remembered what mommy had said to her. There are some things she should know and some things that are meant to be for her when she is a grown up. Mommy might be in trouble and she can never come back. Isabella felt like crying but she didn't want to upset her dad.

"Why Anna..." Mike whispered. He needed to stop Anna from this addiction. She has to break the habit.



New member
I would love that you keep this story up. Sometimes we don't all get the love for the stories we write, but you must not give up. Please update I look forward to reading your stuff.


New member
My opion is this. Finish this story. Then start working on a story and finish the whole thing. Make it original. The start spreading the word. Say im making a stry call No Grip Tape to DarkSlide and I you should read it. tell them what its about. Now....STOP MAKIN EMO STORY OR SAD ONES. ANd dont make complicated ones like agents. Make something simple that gets u very excited. Make something that has us lpf members in it. my suggestion is its LPF High. A high school in which we all go to. and like it circles around u but all this stuff happens. and every one whos in it tell them. and you know work off that. make something ppl wanna read. and its should only be about 50 lines long and ten-fifteen chaps(Unless its really exciting). keep it short becuase ppl like it that way. Have a great conflict arising like the school is in danger and u need to save it but ur class president and captain of a lacrosse team...and you know. just work off that. trust me itll be eaten up!:thumsup: and if you dont do it...i might dust my cobwebbs off and come back and do it myself
Umm...can I ask? I cant finish this stupid story!!! i cant make it!!! ahh!! i hate it!! i cannot think of a story coming up!! *rips off clumps of hair from her scalp* stupid me!


New member
ok abandoned this one. If its a must...take a break from writing...and i suggest you work on my idea. if u need help along the way PM and ill help.


New member
My opion is this. Finish this story. Then start working on a story and finish the whole thing. Make it original. The start spreading the word. Say im making a stry call No Grip Tape to DarkSlide and I you should read it. tell them what its about. Now....STOP MAKIN EMO STORY OR SAD ONES. ANd dont make complicated ones like agents. Make something simple that gets u very excited. Make something that has us lpf members in it. my suggestion is its LPF High. A high school in which we all go to. and like it circles around u but all this stuff happens. and every one whos in it tell them. and you know work off that. make something ppl wanna read. and its should only be about 50 lines long and ten-fifteen chaps(Unless its really exciting). keep it short becuase ppl like it that way. Have a great conflict arising like the school is in danger and u need to save it but ur class president and captain of a lacrosse team...and you know. just work off that. trust me itll be eaten up!:thumsup: and if you dont do it...i might dust my cobwebbs off and come back and do it myself
i totally agree but only on the lpf high thing. but other thatn that your storys are really good darkslide.



New member
you probably shouldn't bump such old threads. Forgivable offence though, I believe I've done it a few times hahaha
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