Any Log in problems, issues arise POST HERE

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If you find any issues that arise while on the site or you think may need addressed or fixed please let me know in here. I will get them fixed ASAP. Was getting texts, FB messages, emails, from all kinds of different areas and figured it is best and easiest to migrate them all here to one area.


New member
The new posts button is giving me problems. Both last night and this morning after I clicked it a could of times all the new posts disappeared. It would be nice if you had the option to view new posts from a certain timeframe like the last day or two like on "other" sites. It is a pain when the new posts disappear and then I have to go through each topic one at a time looking for new threads and posts.


New member
And the default background color for dialogue boxes on members's profile pages make it impossible to read there information. The background color is white and the text is a very light gray. I know it can be changed, but the default color should be different so we can read other peoples pages.


The dialogue box was noticed yesterday and is being fixed.

ill have him look in the new posts box. Many people skim the posts by what happened since last log in

I think it showed you the pencil but the color is matching the background in the white box



Active Members
How do I set up my account so I don't get e-mails everytime someone posts to a thread I have posted on?


Active Members
Also, I know it is kind of off season for us here in Az, but what about a Section guys can post Rides/Campouts they are going on?

Phantom Z

XC/Trails under racing and riding :thumb:

PS I finally changed my subscriptions when I had almost 70 emails to my crackberry from HQ. :rotflmao:

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