Any Paint Ballers?


New member
Played last weekend at a woods course near by, had a blast. Just ordered an Azodin Blitz and can't wait to whoop some more ***. I think I could partially get into it when im not rippin it up on my 450.:gr_cool: Amy body else play?:headbang:


New member
I used to play in the NCPA for my school. Very expensive and the money you drop into it you don't really see physically in return. Unlike atv's. I had some pretty decent gear and a few of my buddies have some very expensive markers. If you want to see some pictures from some tourneys I have them on my FB. Just search Scandall519 and you should be able to find me. It's a great game and adrenaline rush. Builds teamwork and you meet some pretty cool people. Anything you guys want to know about playing or gear hit me up.


New member
Yea it is costly, but if you just stay in the woods with some buddys and buy the air and paint and use dirty clothes everyone other week or something . That is what I did and always had a good time . I got into tourneys but got out quick because I started wrestling in school alot at the time, alot my buddys continued tho .

Dr. Beardface

New member
Rockin the Phantom here! Makes things cheap when you only go through half a bag in a day lol. Used to play with a DM5 back when I was really into it, still have it, but I love the pump.


New member
I never seen the point of it !!! I guess I spend too much time in the Army to want to roll play it again !! JMO

Phantom Z

a friends older brother was heavey into it when we were growing up. Of course he was 20 something living at home and working full time what the **** else was he gonna spend his money on? I know he had a badass automatic and night vision goggles. He was in a league and did a ton of tournaments. Oh and he always set up mines around their house, they were cool but sucked when you weren't ready for them.


New member
Used to be a big time player. Mainly speedball on closed courses. Went to many tournaments in Vegas and Salt Lake City where we carried some decent sponsors like evil, stiffie, redz and a couple others. Still have all four guns from my custom autococker with oracle pneumatics, ICD freestyle, ICD B2K, and my first spyder se. Good times!


New member
i played a time or about a expensive hobby
no kidding...I have 2 grand worth of gear I havent touched in 5 years. played on a scenario team called the southwest regulators...had a blast, but lack of funds put a stop to it.



New member
Started playing woodsball at the age of 12 and played paintball for ~9 years total...gradually working up to the tournament scene (S'up Airball/Xball) mostly.

Got out of the scene about 5 years ago...I'm still a very big fan of Autocockers (old school) tho. Recently I started rebuilding a WGP Karnivor from the ground up to use for some pickup woodsball on occassion.

Just recently picked up a few more small parts for it...and a Halo B v35 with "The Bone Battery" to feed her and a 68ci 4500psi Ninja brand tank.



Active Members
i used to i have a gun with a computer in it it can be set up for single round, 3 rnd burst or full auto. haven't played for a few years. i think airsoft kinda killed it. airsoft is sooooo much cheaper. the only problem is no one goes out when u shoot them. i went for a buddys bday a week ago and i turned my gun to full auto after a kid wouldn't go out when i shot him. he went out then ha ha
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