Well.. if it's uncomfortable for ya to step in a middle eastern mans shoes completely and take a look from another perspective.. that's fine.. I understand.. maybe it's not within' your ability to do so.. it's not easy.. or comfy.. or fun.
Not within my ability?
You do know the vast majority of middle eastern men do not commit terrorist attacks right? Most hate the violence even if they have a strong belief structure that promotes actions against "infidels".
Just because the majority of these radicals happen to live in the middle east, that does not mean all middle eastern men are terrorists. Look to the Fort Hood radical muslim, he acted the same way as the other terrorists and he lived his entire life in America.
The problem is in the mind, not the geographical location.
As far as your question.. if someone did that to me.. I would call the police.. I wouldn't want them to to answer with violence though..
The police will arrest, hand cuff, and imprison this criminal, all done because "YOU" reported the crime knowing he would be punnished.
So using violence and power is okay as long as the Government is doing what you want them to do and protecting you but if they do it to protect someone else it is wrong.....
Like 9/11.. I didn't want my country to answer by attacking Iraq.. which had zip to do with it.. or attack anybody.. rather we took a good long look at ourselves.. we're far from perfect... or innocent victims.
I will just let this pass as we agreeing to not agree, we did not deserve to be attacked, if you really believe America is so vile our innocents and children deserve to be killed maybe you should move.
That is like blaming a rape victim for being raped just because of the way she was dressed.
I don't think it's ridiculous for people in other parts of the world to question our motivations and "intent" for what we do.. I question them myself. Nor do I condemn them for not liking what we do .. I wouldn't like it if I were them either.. ****.. I don't like it as me the way I already am.. so.. there ya are.
Not liking what we do and killing our innocents/children are two completely different things.
We are not targeting children on purpose, they are, to me that shows a very distinctive difference.