anyone else seen the movie king arthur?


New member
I saw it. I found it really boring, actually. But those medievil(sp?) movies don't really appeal to me.


New member
saw it a couple times. usually with my older brother. he and my stepfather love medieval ****. gweniever(sp) is hella ****** hawt tho.


New member
saw it a couple times. usually with my older brother. he and my stepfather love medieval ****. gweniever(sp) is hella ****** hawt tho.

Once again (like the most recent Harry Potter) the hot female made me keep watching. It's a sad truth.



Active Members
My friend told me it was pretty boring, and kind of LOTR rip-off when it came to the fighting...but hey, I've never seen the movie so I honestly can't say. I'll have to watch the movie myself sometime.
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