Anyone here Use


Active Members
i didn't know if this was a bad topic to put up or not. If it its feel free to delete it.

I was just curious if anyone else was on there? I had alot of sponsors last year but just a few this year due to lack of racing.



Active Members
I got 40% of GoPro and I didn't even race last year. There's mostly small discounts but some you don't even need to race

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Phantom Z

So sell me your GoPro at 39% off and buy another at 40% and you keep the 1% for a rainy day :gr_pimp:


Active Members
Ha ha I wish I could they had a stipulation that you only buy one. Go on and try yourself I only raced one gncc and ut was 2 years ago. Im sure anyone can get it

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New member
X2 on the you don't need to race to get discounts. Anyone can get "sponsored" there aka sign up for coupons. Yea I got a gopro too ha.


Active Members
I was socked when GoPro accepted my application but i don't think i would've got my hd2 unless i had the discount


New member
Man i would kill for that discount, actually just picked up about everything the make acessiory wise and a hd2, just signed up for hookit last week so hopefully i can make some progress with that, anyways just throwin out a fellow hey to a pa local!


Active Members
nice to see someone else from pa here. yeah you should have waited to get that stuff. i got the hd 2 handle bar mount 32 gig card from gopro and an extra battery for the same price as the hd2. always other discoults to look for. i've never seen one as good as gopros but i haven't really been looking


Active Members
Did they say y they denied you? Wad it too late yo sign up?

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