Anyone Notice the Absense of Any Discussion Regarding Germany Busting up a Terrorist Plot Today?



Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!

Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.

The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005,
according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52 people

Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before they
planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been

The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack and
having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established between
the two plots.

Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
(1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever on
German soil".

She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
including discos, pubs and airports.

Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk said
Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among targets.

Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men had
a "profound hatred of US citizens".

German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the Islamic
Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in 2001.

Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats,
said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the anniversary of the
2001 atrocities in the US.

Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned for
the near future. They presented a real threat to life."

The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them for
six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made the
arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
location to another.

As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by their
first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland, Fritz G
from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are reports that
he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and 28, while Adem Y
is 29.

The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.

One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
policeman. No one was hurt.

A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
have received terrorist training overseas.

The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot through

The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are trawling
their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.

Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.

"There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to coincide
with the anniversary of September 11.

Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.

A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of Oberschledorn
in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been watching the house
from a caravan.

Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities were

There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80 miles)
southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air bases

Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high alert
for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant Islamic
groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as a base for
planning the September 11 attacks.

Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
Germany in 2006.

He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway station.

Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate later
in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated, the bombs
failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's office said.
On Sep 5, 9:14 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one.

There are several posts on this. What is your point?

I didn't see any conservatives (other than you) talking about it either.

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not

> Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!
> Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
> hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.
> The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
> bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005,
> according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52

> respectively.
> Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before

> planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been
> seized.
> The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
> young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack and
> having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established

> the two plots.
> Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
> (1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
> prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever on
> German soil".
> She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
> institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
> including discos, pubs and airports.
> Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk

> Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among

> Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men

> a "profound hatred of US citizens".
> German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the

> Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in 2001.
> Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian

> said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the anniversary of the
> 2001 atrocities in the US.
> Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned

> the near future. They presented a real threat to life."
> The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
> aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them

> six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made the
> arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
> location to another.
> As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by

> first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland, Fritz G
> from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are reports

> he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and 28, while Adem Y
> is 29.
> The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
> Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.
> One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
> house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
> managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
> being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
> policeman. No one was hurt.
> A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
> house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
> The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
> have received terrorist training overseas.
> The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot

> emails.
> The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are

> their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.
> Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
> Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.
> "There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
> airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
> strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
> television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to

> with the anniversary of September 11.
> Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
> weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
> however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.
> A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of

> in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been watching the

> from a caravan.
> Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
> Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities

> targeted."
> There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
> Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80

> southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air bases
> overseas.
> Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high alert
> for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant Islamic
> groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as a base

> planning the September 11 attacks.
> Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
> detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
> Germany in 2006.
> He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
> suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway

> Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate

> in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated, the

> failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's office

MioMyo wrote:
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
> Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!

Not exactly, my little moo-moo.

Liberals are astonished at the huge job growth the Coward-in-Chief has
created in the newly expanded terrorist sector.

Normally, we would herald any such job growth news, but, to Liberals,
having increased the danger to the rest of the world is nothing to

We're more likely to apologize for our idiot in the Whitehouse and his
criminally deadly antics...

Miles "From Outside the Bizarro Universe" Long

> Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
> hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.
> The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
> bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005,
> according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52 people
> respectively.
> Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before they
> planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been
> seized.
> The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
> young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack and
> having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established between
> the two plots.
> Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
> (1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
> prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever on
> German soil".
> She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
> institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
> including discos, pubs and airports.
> Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk said
> Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among targets.
> Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men had
> a "profound hatred of US citizens".
> German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the Islamic
> Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in 2001.
> Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats,
> said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the anniversary of the
> 2001 atrocities in the US.
> Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned for
> the near future. They presented a real threat to life."
> The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
> aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them for
> six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made the
> arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
> location to another.
> As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by their
> first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland, Fritz G
> from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are reports that
> he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and 28, while Adem Y
> is 29.
> The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
> Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.
> One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
> house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
> managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
> being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
> policeman. No one was hurt.
> A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
> house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
> The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
> have received terrorist training overseas.
> The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot through
> emails.
> The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are trawling
> their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.
> Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
> Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.
> "There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
> airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
> strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
> television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to coincide
> with the anniversary of September 11.
> Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
> weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
> however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.
> A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of Oberschledorn
> in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been watching the house
> from a caravan.
> Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
> Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities were
> targeted."
> There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
> Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80 miles)
> southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air bases
> overseas.
> Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high alert
> for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant Islamic
> groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as a base for
> planning the September 11 attacks.
> Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
> detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
> Germany in 2006.
> He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
> suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway station.
> Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate later
> in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated, the bombs
> failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's office said.
"Anyone Notice the Absense of Any Discussion Regarding Germany Busting
up a Terrorist Plot Today? "


all us dem-libs know all terrorist cell claims are false. it is the
USA and Israel that's evil. we celebrate the successful attacks of
the islamic freedom fighters. they are most certainly allies of our
progressive movement (abortion, gay marriage, etc). we look forward
to the day they defeat those that believe America was founded by
On Sep 5, 9:14 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
> Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!

Haven't you heard? The war against terrorists is just a "bumper
sticker". The Breckboy Edwards told us so.
"planned explosions"
"unnamed security sources in Berlin"
"German security sources have reportedly said "
"suspects are believed to have been planning"
"clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt airport were
possible targets"
"They were, however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated."
"Despite being activated, the bombs failed to go off because of a technical

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not
> the Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!
> Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
> hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.
> The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
> bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005,
> according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52
> people respectively.
> Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before
> they planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been
> seized.
> The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
> young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack and
> having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established
> between the two plots.
> Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
> (1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
> prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever on
> German soil".
> She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
> institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
> including discos, pubs and airports.
> Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk
> said Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among
> targets.
> Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men
> had a "profound hatred of US citizens".
> German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the
> Islamic Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in
> 2001.
> Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian
> Democrats, said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the
> anniversary of the 2001 atrocities in the US.
> Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned
> for the near future. They presented a real threat to life."
> The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
> aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them
> for six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made
> the arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
> location to another.
> As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by
> their first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland,
> Fritz G from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are
> reports that he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and 28,
> while Adem Y is 29.
> The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
> Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.
> One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
> house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
> managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
> being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
> policeman. No one was hurt.
> A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
> house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
> The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
> have received terrorist training overseas.
> The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot
> through emails.
> The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are
> trawling their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.
> Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
> Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.
> "There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
> airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
> strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
> television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to
> coincide with the anniversary of September 11.
> Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
> weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
> however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.
> A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of
> Oberschledorn in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been
> watching the house from a caravan.
> Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
> Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities
> were targeted."
> There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
> Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80
> miles) southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air bases
> overseas.
> Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high alert
> for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant Islamic
> groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as a base
> for planning the September 11 attacks.
> Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
> detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
> Germany in 2006.
> He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
> suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway
> station.
> Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate
> later in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated,
> the bombs failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's
> office said.
"Roger" <> wrote in message
> "planned explosions"
> "unnamed security sources in Berlin"
> "German security sources have reportedly said "
> "suspects are believed to have been planning"
> "clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt airport
> were possible targets"
> "They were, however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated."
> "Despite being activated, the bombs failed to go off because of a
> technical error"

Since the occupation of Iraq there has been an upsurge in these radicalised
Fortunately the majority are just infuriated amateurs and are easily caught.

'Links with Al Queda' usually turns out to be watching a video on the web or
something similar.
However, it's probably just a matter of time before some of them manage to
kill somebody.
Thanks a ****ing lot Mr Bush.
On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
<> wrote:

>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

German laws apply to Germans

What's that got to do with OURS?


>From: dana raffaniello (

>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
>Newsgroups: houston.personals

>Date: 1997/11/02
>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
On Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:41:34 -0700, cmdr buzz corey
<> wrote:

>On Sep 5, 9:14 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
>> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
>> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
>> Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
>> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
>> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!

>Haven't you heard? The war against terrorists is just a "bumper
>sticker". The Breckboy Edwards told us so.

How is that more significant than the outright lies
told to justify an attack?

Or the thousands dead?
Your boys cried wolf way too many times.

No one cares

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not
> the Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!
> Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
> hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.
> The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
> bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005,
> according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52
> people respectively.
> Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before
> they planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been
> seized.
> The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
> young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack and
> having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established
> between the two plots.
> Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
> (1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
> prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever on
> German soil".
> She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
> institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
> including discos, pubs and airports.
> Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk
> said Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among
> targets.
> Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men
> had a "profound hatred of US citizens".
> German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the
> Islamic Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in
> 2001.
> Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian
> Democrats, said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the
> anniversary of the 2001 atrocities in the US.
> Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned
> for the near future. They presented a real threat to life."
> The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
> aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them
> for six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made
> the arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
> location to another.
> As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by
> their first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland,
> Fritz G from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are
> reports that he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and 28,
> while Adem Y is 29.
> The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
> Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.
> One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
> house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
> managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
> being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
> policeman. No one was hurt.
> A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
> house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
> The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
> have received terrorist training overseas.
> The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot
> through emails.
> The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are
> trawling their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.
> Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
> Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.
> "There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
> airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
> strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
> television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to
> coincide with the anniversary of September 11.
> Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
> weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
> however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.
> A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of
> Oberschledorn in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been
> watching the house from a caravan.
> Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
> Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities
> were targeted."
> There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
> Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80
> miles) southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air bases
> overseas.
> Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high alert
> for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant Islamic
> groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as a base
> for planning the September 11 attacks.
> Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
> detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
> Germany in 2006.
> He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
> suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway
> station.
> Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate
> later in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated,
> the bombs failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's
> office said.
<> wrote in message
> On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
> <> wrote:
>>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
>>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not
>>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

> German laws apply to Germans
> What's that got to do with OURS?

Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your a
hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which includes
hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their sensibilities etc?


>>From: dana raffaniello (

>>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
>>Newsgroups: houston.personals

>>Date: 1997/11/02
>>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
>>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you feel?

If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the culture and
that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> <> wrote in message
> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not
> >>the
> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

> >
> >
> > German laws apply to Germans
> >
> > What's that got to do with OURS?

> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your a
> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which

> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their sensibilities

> >>==================================================================

> >
> >>From: dana raffaniello (

> >
> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals

> >
> >>Date: 1997/11/02
> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.

"robw" <> wrote in message
> If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you feel?

I would feel ALIVE!

> If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the culture
> and
> that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.

Your ignorance is bliss lib!

> "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> news:rZ2Ei.32016$
>> <> wrote in message
>> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
>> > <> wrote:
>> >
>> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
>> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or
>> >>not
>> >>the
>> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
>> >
>> >
>> > German laws apply to Germans
>> >
>> > What's that got to do with OURS?

>> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your a
>> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which

> includes
>> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their sensibilities

> etc?
>> >>==================================================================
>> >
>> >>From: dana raffaniello (
>> >
>> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
>> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals
>> >
>> >>Date: 1997/11/02
>> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
>> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.


"Bill Rood" <> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
>> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
>> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not
>> the Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

> True enough, no indication the German police acted without some sort of
> warrant.

I haven't heard at all what or how intelligence was employed to crack these
terrorist thugs. The fact that American liberals go bezerk over any method
employed was my point. Those here on Usenet know that and are running away
from their hypocrisy on that matter!

> Also, no indication the Germans are preparing to invade Indonesia in
> retaliation for the Turk with the Pakistani passport. Perhaps they learned
> something 1939-45 that we didn't.
>> Again, no surprise since liberals in denial to facts they don't want to
>> hear/discuss/know which is pretty much status quo for their ilk!
>> Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound
>> hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.
>> The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train
>> bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July,
>> 2005, according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and
>> 52 people respectively.
>> Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before
>> they planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have
>> been seized.
>> The arrests come a day after Danish police conducted raids and took eight
>> young Muslims into custody whom they suspect of plotting a bomb attack
>> and having links with al Qaeda. No direct link has yet been established
>> between the two plots.
>> Federal prosecutor Monika Harms said the three suspects had bought 700kg
>> (1,500lbs) of hydrogen peroxide to make massive bombs. She said: "We have
>> prevented what we believe would have been the worst terror attacks ever
>> on German soil".
>> She declined to name specific targets but said the suspects had an eye on
>> institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany,
>> including discos, pubs and airports.
>> Citing unnamed security sources in Berlin, the broadcaster Suedwestfunk
>> said Frankfurt International Airport and US Ramstein Air Base were among
>> targets.
>> Joerg Ziercke, the head of Germany's federal crime office, said the men
>> had a "profound hatred of US citizens".
>> German security sources have reportedly said the men belonged to the
>> Islamic Jihad, an Egyptain terrorist group that merged with al Qaeda in
>> 2001.
>> Wolfgang Bosbach, an MP with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian
>> Democrats, said the plot may have been timed to coincide with the
>> anniversary of the 2001 atrocities in the US.
>> Franz Josef Jung, the defence minister, said: "The attacks were planned
>> for the near future. They presented a real threat to life."
>> The suspects are believed to have been planning simultaneous attacks on
>> aircraft sitting on the ground. Security services had been watching them
>> for six months until yesterday, when the investigators spontaneously made
>> the arrests after the men were observed moving chemicals from one storage
>> location to another.
>> As is customary in Germany, the suspects have only been identified by
>> their first names and last initials. Daniel S comes from the Saarland,
>> Fritz G from Ulm in Bavaria and Adem Y from Turkey, although there are
>> reports that he holds a Pakistani passport. The two Germans are 22 and
>> 28, while Adem Y is 29.
>> The men were arrested yesterday as two dozen raids took place across
>> Germany. They are believed to have been detained in the Frankfurt area.
>> One of those held, Fritz G, put up a fight when police raided the men's
>> house in the Frankfurt area. He escaped through a bathroom window and
>> managed to reach an outer cordon of officers about 300 metres away before
>> being aprehended. He was able to snatch a gun, which went off, from a
>> policeman. No one was hurt.
>> A German network reported that shots had been fired when police raided a
>> house in a town in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
>> The Germans are converts to Islam. At least one of the men is reported to
>> have received terrorist training overseas.
>> The German intelligence service is said to have learned of the plot
>> through emails.
>> The suspects are reported to have confessed. Security services are
>> trawling their contacts to make sure there are no back-up teams.
>> Ramstein serves as America's main logistical base to service the war in
>> Iraq. Germany has ground troops in Afghanistan.
>> "There are clear indications that at a minimum Ramstein and the Frankfurt
>> airport were possible targets and that they would not have waited long to
>> strike," leading conservative politician Wolfgang Bosbach told German
>> television station N24, adding the attacks could have been timed to
>> coincide with the anniversary of September 11.
>> Police believe that the men wanted to experiment in the coming days and
>> weeks with the chemicals and possibly start building a bomb. They were,
>> however, far away from making a bomb that could be detonated.
>> A "bomb factory" is said to have been found in the village of
>> Oberschledorn in the Sauerland. Locals said undercover police had been
>> watching the house from a caravan.
>> Captain Jeff Gradeck, a spokesman for the US European Command (EUCOM) in
>> Stuttgart, said: "We don't have any information yet that US facilities
>> were targeted."
>> There was no comment from Frankfurt airport, one of Europe's busiest. The
>> Ramstein base in the nearby state of Rhineland-Palatinate, 130 km (80
>> miles) southwest of the airport, is one of the most important US air
>> bases overseas.
>> Germany, which has forces stationed in Afghanistan, has been on high
>> alert for attacks. The country has feared a re-emergence of militant
>> Islamic groups since 2001, when the northern city of Hamburg was used as
>> a base for planning the September 11 attacks.
>> Earlier this year, federal prosecutors charged a Lebanese man held in
>> detention over an unsuccessful attempt to detonate bombs on two trains in
>> Germany in 2006.
>> He and another suspect were caught on surveillance cameras wheeling
>> suitcases containing bombs aboard trains at Cologne's main railway
>> station.
>> Both men left suitcases on the trains, which they planned to detonate
>> later in the day with a timed explosive device. Despite being activated,
>> the bombs failed to go off because of a technical error, the prosecutor's
>> office said.

You really think the Iraqi people want us there?

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> "robw" <> wrote in message
> > If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you feel?

> I would feel ALIVE!
> > If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the culture
> > and
> > that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.

> Your ignorance is bliss lib!
> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> > news:rZ2Ei.32016$
> >>
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
> >> > <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one.

> >> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or
> >> >>not
> >> >>the
> >> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > German laws apply to Germans
> >> >
> >> > What's that got to do with OURS?
> >>
> >> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your a
> >> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which

> > includes
> >> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their sensibilities

> > etc?
> >>
> >>
> >> >>==================================================================
> >> >
> >> >>From: dana raffaniello (
> >> >
> >> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
> >> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals
> >> >
> >> >>Date: 1997/11/02
> >> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
> >> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
> >>
> >>

> >
> >

On Sep 5, 11:14 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
> Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one. Well
> that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or not the
> Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?

Are you stupid or just illiterate?

The Internet is a marvelous thing -- you can read the English language
version of German newspapers. Of course, to do this, you must know
how to read.

And if you were smart enough to read the English language version of
German newspapers, you would find:

1. The Germans used POLICE WORK to break this case -- they did not
use 150,000 soldiers chasing shadows around the desert.

2. The Germans used LEGAL search warrants and wiretaps -- they did
not need a "Patriot Act," torture, National Security Letters, and
secret wiretaps.
Obviously the Jihadist Terrorist do not want America in Iraq. However the
DULY elected government does.

If you disagree, you're welcome to prove otherwise.

"robw" <> wrote in message
> You really think the Iraqi people want us there?
> "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> news:HmaEi.2446$
>> "robw" <> wrote in message
>> > If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you feel?

>> I would feel ALIVE!
>> > If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the
>> > culture
>> > and
>> > that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.

>> Your ignorance is bliss lib!
>> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
>> > news:rZ2Ei.32016$
>> >>
>> >> <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
>> >> > <> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one.

> Well
>> >> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether or
>> >> >>not
>> >> >>the
>> >> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > German laws apply to Germans
>> >> >
>> >> > What's that got to do with OURS?
>> >>
>> >> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your a
>> >> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which
>> > includes
>> >> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their sensibilities
>> > etc?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >>==================================================================
>> >> >
>> >> >>From: dana raffaniello (
>> >> >
>> >> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
>> >> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals
>> >> >
>> >> >>Date: 1997/11/02
>> >> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my tongue
>> >> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >


I long ago posted a CNN poll where over 60% of the Iraqi people considered
it an occupation.

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> Obviously the Jihadist Terrorist do not want America in Iraq. However the
> DULY elected government does.
> If you disagree, you're welcome to prove otherwise.
> "robw" <> wrote in message
> > You really think the Iraqi people want us there?
> >
> >
> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> > news:HmaEi.2446$
> >>
> >> "robw" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you

> >>
> >> I would feel ALIVE!
> >>
> >> > If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the
> >> > culture
> >> > and
> >> > that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.
> >>
> >> Your ignorance is bliss lib!
> >>
> >> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:rZ2Ei.32016$
> >> >>
> >> >> <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
> >> >> > <> wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this one.

> > Well
> >> >> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether

> >> >> >>not
> >> >> >>the
> >> >> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > German laws apply to Germans
> >> >> >
> >> >> > What's that got to do with OURS?
> >> >>
> >> >> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your

> >> >> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which
> >> > includes
> >> >> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their

> >> > etc?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> >>==================================================================
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>From: dana raffaniello (
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
> >> >> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals
> >> >> >
> >> >> >>Date: 1997/11/02
> >> >> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my

> >> >> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>

> >
> >

Your inability to rise to my challenge and prove your asinine assertion is
duly noted lib!

"robw" <> wrote in message
>I long ago posted a CNN poll where over 60% of the Iraqi people considered
> it an occupation.
> "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> news:lrbEi.2456$
>> Obviously the Jihadist Terrorist do not want America in Iraq. However the
>> DULY elected government does.
>> If you disagree, you're welcome to prove otherwise.
>> "robw" <> wrote in message
>> > You really think the Iraqi people want us there?
>> >
>> >
>> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
>> > news:HmaEi.2446$
>> >>
>> >> "robw" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > If you were a prisoner and made to piss on a cross, how would you

> feel?
>> >>
>> >> I would feel ALIVE!
>> >>
>> >> > If you don't realise the panties thing, you don't understand the
>> >> > culture
>> >> > and
>> >> > that's why you're losing in Iraq. With the Iraqi people.
>> >>
>> >> Your ignorance is bliss lib!
>> >>
>> >> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
>> >> > news:rZ2Ei.32016$
>> >> >>
>> >> >> <> wrote in message
>> >> >>
>> >> >> > On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:14:43 GMT, "MioMyo"
>> >> >> > <> wrote:
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >>Liberals seem to have buried their heads up their ass on this
>> >> >> >>one.
>> > Well
>> >> >> >>that's no surprise. Further, notice there's no talk about whether

> or
>> >> >> >>not
>> >> >> >>the
>> >> >> >>Germans obtained a search warrant when capturing these suspects?
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > German laws apply to Germans
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > What's that got to do with OURS?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Either you believe in protecting civil liberties everywhere or your

> a
>> >> >> hypocrite. Were wireless taps used, torture (your definition which
>> >> > includes
>> >> >> hanging panties on the head), yelling or upsetting their

> sensibilities
>> >> > etc?
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >>==================================================================
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >>From: dana raffaniello (
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >>Subject: will worship female butt and feet
>> >> >> >>Newsgroups: houston.personals
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >>Date: 1997/11/02
>> >> >> >>swm will worship your feet and butt nothing but oral. use my

> tongue
>> >> >> >>and mouth for your pleasure. no penetration unless wanted.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >

