Anyone Still Not Want to Secure Our Border?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
First this hits the news...

Police say cartels give OK to hit targets in US

By ALICIA A. CALDWELL Associated Press Writer
Article Last Updated: 08/25/2008 03:53:24 PM MDT

EL PASO, Texas—Warring Mexican drug cartels have given their hit men permission to cross into the United States to kill their targets, according to warnings received by U.S. authorities.

Police and federal agents told The Associated Press about the warnings Monday, and officials along the border are beefing up security.

"We received credible information that drug cartels in Mexico have given permission to hit targets on the U.S. side of the border," El Paso police spokesman Officer Chris Mears said. "One of the first things we did was to notify all officers in our department of the situation."

Mears says authorities learned of the threat last week. U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol officers have also been told about the threat and have ramped up security at border crossings.

"We are aware of it and we are addressing it," Chief CBP Officer Rick Lopez said. "CBP is on heightened alert ever since we became aware of the threats in Mexico."

U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said agents in the El Paso Sector, which includes the two most western Texas counties and all of New Mexico, said Border Patrol officials "are reinforcing the importance of vigilance."

"We are closely monitoring these developments and will act accordingly to protect the integrity of the border," Mosier said. "We are always in the business of analyzing this type of information."

Drug cartel violence has claimed thousands of lives across Mexico this year. Nearly 800 people have been killed this year in Ciudad Juarez, a hard-scrabbled city of about 1.3 million people across the Rio Grande from El Paso.

Then this...

Hit men kill 5 at family gathering in Mexico

Tue Aug 26, 6:24 PM ET

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (Reuters) - Suspected drug hitmen burst onto a ranch in northern Mexico and opened fire on a family gathering, killing five people in the third big attack in Chihuahua state this month.

The gunmen fired on the ranch near the sleepy rural town of Aldama in Chihuahua state on Monday evening, shooting the men, including two brothers and an elderly man, in the head, the state attorney general's office said on Tuesday.

The killings were believed to be part of a drug feud as gangs fight over smuggling routes into the United States.

Drug hitmen killed 13 people including a baby at a family party in the tourist town of Creel in Chihuahua state this month.

In another attack on a drug rehabilitation center in Chihuahua's border city of Ciudad Juarez, hooded gunmen killed eight patients during a prayer session.

More than 2,300 people have died this year in Mexico's drug war, mostly between rival gangs, in a fight for control of smuggling corridors into California, Arizona and Texas.

Is wanting a secure border really fear mongering, racism, or hatred?

Just asking.
ImWithStupid said:
First this hits the news...

Then this...

Is wanting a secure border really fear mongering, racism, or hatred?

Just asking.

This is where I differ from the policies of our government. I say if threatened shoot first. Why must we wait until we get a body count before we counter attack? I know it wasn't Americans but it doesn't matter. Just like Iran. If you say your gonna us up, we should them up just for saying it!
snafu said:
This is where I differ from the policies of our government. I say if threatened shoot first. Why must we wait until we get a body count before we counter attack? I know it wasn't Americans but it doesn't matter. Just like Iran. If you say your gonna us up, we should them up just for saying it!

And vice versa...