anyone wanna do my sig?


New member
Hey just wondering if any digital artist wanted to help a fellow LP fan out and design a tight sig for me. If anyone can do it, IM me at Bluesteel988 and i'll tell you what i'd like

thanks! :thumbsup:


Hybrid Soldier

New member
Well, I would, but seeing that its not in fan art, I wont, and because you didnt give enough information, we need specifics.


New member
Allright, sure thing. Sorry about the "wrong thread" i wasn't sure where to put this type of question. my bad. but ya anyway, specifics. I would kinda like the lettering to be in the BTH font, if anyone has that, and then have a pic of chaz from the Numb video or the faint video. Which ever one u get the pic from, base the color scheme of the rest of the sig on that. (Example: Orange/Faint and blue/gray/Numb) and then have the text saying "I won't be ignored" (regardless of the faint or numb theme. the text will work for both) so yah, if ANYONE could help me out, i love ya.

thnks :cool:

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