AP - Ill. parolees disappear after being released early



Ill. parolees disappear after being released early
.By JOHN O'CONNOR 2010-06-23T20:52:42ZSPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) -- Dozens of parolees, including one imprisoned for his part in a 2008 murder, have disappeared after they were set free as part of a secret early release program, according to documents acquired by The Associated Press....© 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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Obviously, if your conducting a "secret early release program" the fact that your keeping it secret should be a clue that your doing something stupid.
I freakin' HATE Pat Quinn! He's raised taxes and has done nothing good since he took over Blagojevich's position. Time to clean house in this state, so many in charge are useless and corrupt. Mayor Daley is up there, too!
Time to clean house in this state, so many in charge are useless and corrupt.

Unfortunately you guys sent several of them to Washington D.C. so now the entire country has to deal with them. .
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Yeah go figure. I mean who would'a thunk these guys would stick around anyway? .
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