AP - Neb. man dies after being strangled by pet snake



Neb. man dies after being strangled by pet snake
.By MARGERY A. BECK 2010-06-10T19:30:30ZOMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- A suburban Omaha man has died after being strangled by his 9-foot, 25-pound pet boa constrictor, authorities said Thursday. Cory Byrne, 34, of Papillion died Wednesday night at a local hospital, just hours after police and paramedics pried the snake from around his neck, police said....© 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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Wow... he was getting it out to hand to a friend and they found the guy with the snake around his neck when the paramedics got there...
Where the hell did the friend go?
He just let his buddy be killed by a freakin snake?
What a douchy move...