AP Poll Shows Rudy in Freefall Death Spiral! Meanwhile Hitlary Still Ugly, Buckwheat Still Gaining!


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AP Poll: McCain Soars, Giuliani Plummets

Friday, January 18, 2008

WASHINGTON -- John McCain, whose presidential candidacy nearly collapsed six
months ago, has soared to the front of the crowded Republican field while
last year's national GOP front-runner, Rudy Giuliani, saw his standing
plummet over the past month, a new poll shows.

Among Democrats, Hillary Rodham Clinton still has a lead but rival Barack
Obama has started to close the gap.

In both races, the dynamic could shift overnight. The South Carolina GOP
primary as well as Nevada's Democratic and Republican caucuses set for
Saturday could upend the fights for the two party nominations.

Still, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll illuminates what has changed
since the candidates competed in the high-profile Iowa caucuses and New
Hampshire primary. On the Republican side, Wyoming and Michigan also have

The GOP race has only grown more chaotic in the two weeks since voting
began. Three different candidates have won four nominating contests; no
candidate has been able to unite the social, economic and security wings of
the Republican Party.

McCain, the Arizona senator who won New Hampshire, got 22 percent in the
poll, up from 13 percent last month, while the two former governors who also
posted big wins tied at 16 percent. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas won Iowa,
while Romney of Massachusetts prevailed in Michigan and in scarcely
contested Wyoming. Their national standing is essentially unchanged since

Giuliani, long the leader in AP-Ipsos polls, has yet to win a GOP contest;
he's placed no better than fourth in any state and is struggling to remain
relevant in the run up to his must-win state, Florida on Jan. 29. The former
New York mayor dropped to 14 percent since December when he led the survey
with 26 percent.

McCain's once high-flying campaign almost imploded in July amid financial,
organizational and political turmoil that left many observers doubting he
could recover. But over the past month, McCain has enjoyed a resurgence of
sorts and his standing in polls improved as New Hampshire voters gave him a
second look.

In the poll, he won over several key voting groups among which Giuliani used
to hold the advantage. The senator posted gains among moderates and
conservatives alike, as well as men, married Republicans and suburbanites.
He did not see an uptick among evangelicals; Huckabee continues to hold a
strong lead among them. No one Republican candidate has an edge among women;
Giuliani used to have a hold on that group.

In the Democratic race, Clinton has the top spot with 40 percent, slipping
slightly from last month, while Obama jumped 10 percentage points from
December to 33 percent following his victory over the New York senator in
the Iowa caucuses. Days later, Clinton beat Obama, an Illinois senator, in
New Hampshire.

The two are in a close race in Nevada, and the outcome will set the stage
for a high-stakes South Carolina Democratic primary on Jan. 26.

Since December, Clinton's support has eroded among several key
constituencies, while Obama gained.

That means the two are competitive among several voting blocs in which
Clinton once held an advantage, including minorities, young people,
Midwesterners. She maintained a slight edge among women, low-income and
lesser-educated Democrats, while losing some support among
Democratic-leaning independents and self-described moderates.

John Edwards, the former North Carolina senator who hasn't won a primary,
saw his support essentially unchanged at 13 percent.

Conducted Tuesday through Thursday, AP-Ipsos poll of 1,010 adults has a
margin of error plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. It included interviews
of 471 Democrats and those who lean toward the Democrats, whose margin of
error was plus or minus 4.5 percentage points, and 359 Republicans and those
who lean toward the Republicans, whose margin of error was plus or minus 5.2
percentage points.