Apple and Samsung to pull in 90% of smartphone profits in 2012, UBS says


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Industry watchers agree that smartphone sales will continue to balloon in 2012, but much of the projected growth will seemingly be enjoyed by just two companies. In a report to clients earlier this week, UBS analyst Maynard Um lowered his full-year unit sales projections for cell phones to 1.69 billion from his earlier estimate of 1.7 billion units. At the same time, however, he raised his industry revenue estimates to $242.8 billion from $238.8 billion thanks in large part to a huge year projected for both Apple and Samsung. Read on for more.<span id="more-125589"></span>
Um believes Apple and Samsung will combine to account for more than half of smartphone industry revenues in 2012. Each firm recently reported a moster holiday quarter — Samsung managed <a href="">a company record</a> in the fourth calendar quarter of 2011 while Apple posted <a href="">the most profitable quarter in history among technology companies</a> — and momentum is not expected to slow.
More telling than Um’s revenue predictions, however, are his profit estimates. The analyst believes Samsung and Apple will combine to record 90% of the smartphone industry’s pre-tax profits in 2012.
“Smartphones continue to grow strongly, now accounting for over 30% of total volumes and over 75% of total industry revenues,” the analyst wrote. “However, the performance disparity between the stronger players – Apple and Samsung – vs. the others remains stark and these two now account for over 55% of industry revenues and over 90% of total EBIT.”
Samsung has a number of exciting launches planned for the first half including <a href="">a new Galaxy tablet with a high-resolution display</a> and <a href="">the quad-core Galaxy S III</a>, Samsung’s sequel to the smartphone that drove much of its mobile profit in 2011. Apple is then expected to launch its next-generation iPhone <a href="">over the summer</a> or <a href="">this coming fall</a>.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report