Apple chooses Pegatron to make iPad 3, March shipments


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Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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<span><span>Pegatron</span> Technology has reportedly received a small volume of orders for the upcoming <span>iPad</span> 3, which is set to launch in March, according to </span><em>Digitimes</em><span>. Apple has reportedly revamped the company’s outsourcing strategy and will have <span>Pegatron</span> focus on production of the <span>iPad</span> series, with <span>Foxconn</span> serving serving as an auxiliary in 2013. <span>Foxconn</span>‘s primary focus will be the iPhone, with <span>Pegatron</span> only producing a small number of <span>smartphones</span>. The new strategy is meant to decrease risk and increase the quality of products, according to the report. The <span>Cupertino</span>-based company has already visited <span>Pegatron</span>‘s plants in China several times. The publication also claimed that <span>Pegatron</span> is expected to see a “significant increase” in orders for </span><a href="">an iPad 4 launch reportedly scheduled for October</a><span> with an initial volume of 7-10 million units. However, last week John <span>Gruber</span> of </span><em>Daring Fireball</em><span> called the March launch of the <span>iPad</span> 3 “completely accurate,” but claimed an <span>iPad</span> 4 report was “completely made-up nonsense.”</span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report