Apple launches ‘Complete my season’ iTunes feature for TV shows


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Until recently, iTunes users were able to purchase episodes of television shows a-la-carte or buy a whole season outright. The problem was, however, a user still had to pay full price for a television season even if he or she already owned a few individual episodes. Apple has reportedly fixed that problem by adding a “Complete my season” button that functions just like the “Complete my album” button in the iTunes Music Store. That means, for example, if you’ve purchased nine episodes of Family Guy and want to own the entire first season, you can buy it at a discounted rate that takes your previous purchases into consideration. The feature should be live now, according to <em>MacRumors</em>.<span id="more-117408"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report