Apple releases iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 to developers


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-111283 aligncenter" title="ios501b2" src="" alt="" width="571" height="270" /></a></center>
Apple on Friday released iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 to developers. The new software is available for Apple’s iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2 and third and fourth-generation iPod touch devices. The first beta of iOS 5.0.1 was <a href="">released just two days ago</a>, and it offered an update for battery life issues affecting many iPhone 4S owners, among other new features. The iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 update just hit Apple’s developer site and some users are reporting difficulties while trying to downloading the update. Users report no problems when trying to update their devices over the air, however.<span id="more-111282"></span>
Thanks to everyone who sent this in
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report