Apple releases iOS 5.0.1 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-112176 aligncenter" title="ios-501-update" src="" alt="" width="535" height="178" /></a></center>
Battery life with iOS 5 eating away at you? Apple’s software update, and the first update since iOS 5 was released, is finally out. Changes include improved battery performance on iOS devices, other bug fixes and changes like the return  of multitasking gestures for the original iPad, improved voice recognition, and more.
<blockquote> iOS 5.0.1 Software Update
This update contains improvements and other bug fixes including:
<li>Fixes bugs affecting battery life</li>
<li>Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad</li>
<li>Resolves bugs with Documents in the Cloud</li>
<li>Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation</li>
Products compatible with this software update:
<li>iPhone 4S</li>
<li>iPhone 4</li>
<li>iPhone 3GS</li>
<li>iPad 2</li>
<li>iPod touch (4th generation)</li>
<li>iPod touch (3rd generation)</li>
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:
<a href=""></a> </blockquote>
It’s available at the moment as an update in iTunes, it will also be available as an over-the-air update right from your device, no cables required, within a few minutes.
<img src="" height="1" width="1"/>

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report