Apple seeds iOS 5.0.1 beta to end users to test battery life improvements


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-111773" title="apple-seed" src="" alt="" width="652" height="366" /></a></center>
Apple has already released <a href="">two beta versions of its iOS 5.0.1 software</a> to developers, but now it is beginning to seed the software update to several end users through AppleSeed as well. The update is expected to offer improvements to the Siri voice engine and should address issues many users have been having with battery life. Participants who choose to test the new iOS build will not be able to revert to an earlier version after upgrading, but they will be able to upgrade to the final patch when Apple releases it in the next few weeks. Read on for more.<span id="more-111766"></span>
In addition, <em>9to5Mac</em> published a memo on Tuesday that reportedly advises Apple Store employees on how to deal with customers who are complaining about battery issues. The memo, captured in a screenshot, says: “A small number of customers have reported lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices. If you are helping one of these customers, follow standard procedure to rule out any hardware issues with the device. If no hardware issues are found, let the customer know that Apple has found a few bugs in iOS 5 affecting battery life and Apple will release a software update to address those in a few weeks.” A screenshot of the employee memo follows below.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report