Apple sued over ‘misleading and deceptive’ Siri ads


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Apple is being sued in New York by Frank Fazio, who claims that Apple falsely advertises Siri as a responsive and helpful when in fact the virtual assistant is allegedly anything but, <em>The Wall Street Journal</em> reported on Monday. Represented by Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, Fazio’s class-actions suit seeks unspecified damages and and a court order demanding that Apple cease all misleading advertising that depict Siri as responsive, user-friendly feature. “On many of Apple’s television advertisements, individuals are shown using Siri to make appointments, find restaurants, and even learn the guitar chords to classic rock songs or how to tie a tie,” Fazio’s complaint reads. “In the commercials, all of these tasks are done with ease with the assistance of the iPhone 4S’s Siri feature, a represented functionality contrary to the actual operating results and performance of Siri.” Fazio’s attorneys argue that their client and the class he represents have had nothing but trouble with Siri, which is unresponsive and often doesn’t understand what is being asked of it. Fazio’s full complaint is embedded after the break.<span id="more-131367"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report