Apple suppliers expect minimal impact from Jobs’s departure


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Foxconn and Quanta Computer, two companies that manufacture Apple products such as the iPhone and iPad, have suggested that there will be “minimal” impact on supply orders following news that <a href="">Steve Jobs will no longer serve as Apple’s CEO</a>. Reportedly, Tim Cook, who has replaced Jobs as CEO, was already working closely with the manufacturing process while Steve Jobs was out on leave. <em>DigiTimes</em> said that the move could affect Apple’s global brand recognition and the company’s innovation and creativity, although it will certainly take some time to see just how true those claims are. On Thursday, a number of analysts speculated that Jobs’s departure could <a href="">benefit Apple’s iPhone and iPad competitors</a>. <span id="more-101641"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report