Apple to court: halt Motorola Mobility patent suits until Google acquisition is final


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Apple recently asked a court to put two pending lawsuits with Motorola Mobility on hold, <em>FOSSPatents</em> reported on Monday. Apple believes that <a href="">Google’s planned $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility</a> has resulted in a forfeiture of Motorola’s patent litigation rights. “Apple should not have to face the threat of an injunction based on the claims of a party that now has no standing to bring those claims,” the company argued. Apple currently has 21 patents-in-suit against Motorola Mobility, <em>FOSSP</em>atents<em> </em>said, and the iPhone maker is worried the results of a potential court win against Motorola will be moot once Google finishes its acquisition. “Were Apple to prevail in this case it risks an attack on its victory on appeal by a third party, whether Google or another Android smartphone manufacturer, contending that the judgement should be overturned due to a lack of prudential standing,” Apple said. Google CEO Larry Page hopes the acquisition of Motorola Mobility will <a href="">bolster Google’s patent portfolio</a> and help it defend Android partners against Apple and Microsoft. <span id="more-103544"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report