Apple to offer 25GB of free iCloud storage to current MobileMe subscribers


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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If you’re currently an active MobileMe subscriber, Apple may soon offer you an incentive to move all of your data over to its new iCloud service. From the day the service goes public until June 30th of next year users who move their data to iCloud will receive 25GB of free iCloud storage for as long as their iCloud account is active, <em>9to5 Mac </em>reported on Monday. Every iCloud user will receive 5GB free from the get-go and and an additional 10GB will cost $20 per year. An extra 20GB will cost $40 per year and 50GB of added storage will set you back $100 annually. ICloud is still <a href="">available only to developers</a> but we have no doubt it will be fully live by the time Apple finalizes iOS 5 and launches its next iPhone, which is expected to occur <a href="">in September</a> <a href="">or October</a>.<span id="more-99447"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report