Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

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Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

By Sue Pleming Mon Apr 14, 1:35 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Eight out of 10 Arabs have an unfavorable view
of the United States and only six percent believe the U.S. troop build-
up in Iraq in the last year has worked, said a poll of six Arab
countries released on Monday.

The poll by the University of Maryland and Zogby International, also
found most Arabs did not see U.S. foe Iran as a threat and they
sympathized more with Hamas in the Palestinian Territories than U.S.-
backed Fatah.

"There is a growing mistrust and lack of confidence in the United
States," said Shibley Telhami, a University of Maryland professor in
charge of the annual poll.

The survey canvassed the opinions of about 4,000 people over the past
month in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon and the United
Arab Emirates. It has a margin of error of about 1.6 percent.

Of those polled, 83 percent had an unfavorable view of the United
States and 70 percent had no confidence in the superpower.

"You see this (mistrust) in the number of people who are more
comfortable with the US withdrawal from Iraq," said Telhami, noting
that more people in this year's annual survey wanted the United States
to leave Iraq.

Last year, 44 percent believed Iraqis would find a way to bridge their
differences if the United States pulled out but that figure rose to 61
percent this year.

Only six percent of the respondents believed the U.S. boost of troop
levels in Iraq last year by 30,000 had worked to reduce the conflict
and one in three mistrusted news reports that violence had declined at

Eight in 10 Arabs believed that Iraqis were worse off than they were
before the U.S. invasion in March 2003, while 2 percent thought they
were better off.

The biggest concern was that Iraq would remain unstable and spread
instability in the region, with 59 percent voicing this worry over 42
percent last year.

In contrast to U.S. government views, most Arabs did not see Iran as a
major threat and 67 percent considered Tehran had the right to a
nuclear program.


Over 80 percent of respondents identified the Arab-Israeli conflict as
a key issue but just over half -- 55 percent -- did not believe there
would ever be a lasting peace between the Israelis and the
Palestinians despite U.S. efforts to broker a deal between the two by
the end of this year.

The United States has sought to isolate the militant Palestinian group
Hamas, which took control of the Gaza strip last June, while U.S.-
backed President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah movement control the West

In the conflict between Hamas and Fatah, only 8 percent said they
sympathized most with Fatah and 18 percent were more partial to Hamas,
while 37 percent said they backed both.

In the Lebanese conflict, only 9 percent expressed sympathy with the
majority governing coalition supported by Washington while 30 percent
backed the opposition led by the militant group Hezbollah, which the
United States opposes.

Hezbollah's leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's popularity grew as did
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Asked which world leader they
disliked most, U.S. President George W. Bush was at the top of the
unpopularity poll with 63 percent followed by Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert with 39 percent.

Looking ahead to the next U.S. president, 18 percent of respondents
believed Democratic contender Barack Obama had the best chance of
advancing peace in the Middle East followed by 13 percent who saw
Hillary Clinton as their best hope.

Only 4 percent chose Arizona Sen. John McCain, the presumptive
Republican nominee for this November's U.S. presidential election. The
remainder either U.S. policy would stay the same whoever won or they
were not following election.

One in three respondents believed U.S. policy would remain the same,
no matter who won the U.S. election and 20 percent said they were not
following the U.S. election anyway.

(Editing by David Storey) wrote:

> Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

Meanwhile, the Arab world beats and imprisons gang rape victims and
otherwise oppresses women.

When the U.S. cares about what the Arab world thinks of us we'll stop
fantasizing about nuking them until they glow so we can shoot them in
the dark.

Next, please.

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:38:10 -0700 (PDT),

>Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

Shaddup monkey-****-ass, your treasonous babble is instantly
On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:39:45 -0700, gatt <>

> wrote:
>> Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

>Meanwhile, the Arab world beats and imprisons gang rape victims and
>otherwise oppresses women.
>When the U.S. cares about what the Arab world thinks of us we'll stop
>fantasizing about nuking them until they glow so we can shoot them in
>the dark.
>Next, please.

well said.
gatt wrote:
> wrote:
> > Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

> Meanwhile, the Arab world beats and imprisons gang rape victims and
> otherwise oppresses women.
> When the U.S. cares about what the Arab world thinks of us we'll stop
> fantasizing about nuking them until they glow so we can shoot them in
> the dark.
> Next, please.\whatdidido.jpg soldier and iraqi child.jpg
The only true light to see the U.S. in is that it is ruled by Jews.

by Kevin MacDonald

The current situation in the United States is really an awesome
display of Jewish power and influence. People who are very strongly
identified as Jews maintain close ties to Israeli politicians and
military figures and to Jewish activist organizations and pro-Israeli
lobbying groups while occupying influential policy-making positions in
the defense and foreign policy establishment. These same people, as
well as a chorus of other prominent Jews, have routine access to the
most prestigious media outlets in the United States. People who
criticize Israel are routinely vilified and subjected to professional
Perhaps the most telling feature of this entire state of affairs is
the surreal fact that in this entire discourse Jewish identity is not
mentioned. When Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Michael Rubin,
William Safire, Robert Satloff, or the legions of other prominent
media figures write their reflexively pro-Israel pieces in the New
York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or the Los Angeles Times, or
opine on the Fox News Network, there is never any mention that they
are Jewish Americans who have an intense ethnic interest in Israel.
When Richard Perle authors a report for an Israeli think tank; is on
the board of directors of an Israeli newspaper; maintains close
personal ties with prominent Israelis, especially those associated
with the Likud Party; has worked for an Israeli defense company; and,
according to credible reports, was discovered by the FBI passing
classified information to Israel - when, despite all of this, he is a
central figure in the network of those pushing for wars to rearrange
the entire politics of the Middle East in Israel's favor, and with
nary a soul having the courage to mention the obvious overriding
Jewish loyalty apparent in Perle's actions, that is indeed a
breathtaking display of power.
One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to
maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-seven
years, despite Israel's seizing land and engaging in a brutal
suppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories - an
occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete
subjugation, degradation, and apartheid. During the same period Jewish
organizations in America have been a principal force - in my view the
main force - for transforming America into a state dedicated to
suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging
massive multiethnic immigration into the U.S., and for erecting a
legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to
the complaints and interests of non-European ethnic minorities - the
culture of the Holocaust. All this is done without a whisper of
double standards in the aboveground media... wrote:
> gatt wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

>> Meanwhile, the Arab world beats and imprisons gang rape victims and
>> otherwise oppresses women.
>> When the U.S. cares about what the Arab world thinks of us we'll stop
>> fantasizing about nuking them until they glow so we can shoot them in
>> the dark.
>> Next, please.


Got too close to a suicide bomber. You propagandists will take a
picture of any bloody kid and try to assert that the U.S. did it.

I looked at your links. Enjoy this one.


What? Babies cry? Al Qaeda in Iraq blew up oil equipment? Go figure.

> soldier and iraqi child.jpg

What? A US soldier evacuating a wounded child? The humanity. You ever
see an insurgent medevacking a wounded baby? Maybe if the insurgents
would stop setting off IEDs in public marketplaces, on the sides of
roads and at weddings and stuff, babies wouldn't have to be rescued this

> Interesting use of toy
trucks, no? Don't worry, it has a happy ending.

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:49:55 -0500, Topaz <>

>The only true light to see the U.S. in is that it is ruled by Jews.

Why are you still alive, Nazi ****wit?
Liberating America From Israel

by Paul Findley

Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused
to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express
this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe
the catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president during
the past 35 years had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S.
aid until Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967
Arab-Israeli war.

The U.S. lobby for Israel is powerful and intimidating, but any
determined president-even President Bush this very day-could prevail
and win overwhelming public support for the suspension of aid by
laying these facts before the American people:

Israel's present government, like its predecessors, is determined to
annex the West Bank-biblical Judea and Samaria - so Israel will become
Greater Israel. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful role in
Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come until
Greater Israel is a reality. Although a minority in Israel, they are
committed, aggressive, and influential. Because of deep religious
conviction, they are determined to
prevent Palestinians from gaining statehood on any part of the West

In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext of
eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged advancing
the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of
anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle.
With due process nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long
periods and most are tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards,
and business places are destroyed. Entire cities are kept under
intermittent curfew, some confinements lasting for
weeks. Injured or ill Palestinians needing emergency medical care are
routinely held at checkpoints for an hour or more. Many children are
undernourished. The West Bank and Gaza have become giant concentration
camps. None of this could have occurred without U.S. support. Perhaps
Israeli officials believe life will become so unbearable that most
Palestinians will eventually leave their ancestral homes.

Once beloved worldwide, the U.S. government finds itself reviled in
most countries because it provides unconditional support of Israeli
violations of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the
precepts of all major religious faiths.

How did the American people get into this fix?

Nine-eleven had its principal origin 35 years ago when Israel's U.S.
lobby began its unbroken success in stifling debate about the proper
U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict and effectively concealed from
public awareness the fact that the U.S. government gives massive
uncritical support to Israel.

Thanks to the suffocating influence of Israel's U.S. lobby, open
discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been non-existent in our
government all these years. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was
a member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in
June 1967 when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan
Heights, a part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and
Gaza. I continued as a member for 16 years and to this day maintain a
close watch on Congress.

For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or in
either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle
East policy. No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel
have been offered for 20 years, and none of the few offered in
previous years received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill,
criticism of Israel, even in private conversation, is all but
forbidden, treated as downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic. The
continued absence of free speech was assured when those few who spoke
out-Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul
"Pete" McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl Hilliard, and myself-were
defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel

As a result, legislation dealing with the Middle East has been heavily
biased in favor of Israel and against Palestinians and other Arabs
year after year. Home constituencies, misled by news coverage equally
lop-sided in Israel's favor, remain largely unaware that Congress
behaves as if it were a subcommittee of the Israeli parliament.

However, the bias is widely noted beyond America, where most news
media candidly cover Israel's conquest and generally excoriate
America's complicity and complacency. When President Bush welcomed
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, sometimes called the Butcher of
Beirut, as "my dear friend" and "a man of peace" after Israeli forces,
using U.S.-donated arms, completed their devastation of the West Bank
last spring, worldwide anger against American policy reached the
boiling point.

The fury should surprise no one who reads foreign newspapers or
listens to BBC. In several televised statements long before 9/11,
Osama bin Laden, believed by U.S. authorities to have masterminded
9/11, cited U.S. complicity in Israel's destruction of Palestinian
society as a principal complaint. Prominent foreigners, in and out of
government, express their opposition to U.S. policies with
unprecedented frequency and severity, especially since Bush announced
his determination to make war against Iraq.

The lobby's intimidation remains pervasive. It seems to reach every
government center and even houses of worship and revered institutions
of higher learning. It is highly effective in silencing the many U.S.
Jews who object to the lobby's tactics and Israel's brutality...

Today, a year after 9/11, President Bush has made no attempt to
redress grievances, or even to identify them. In fact, he has made the
scene far worse by supporting Israel's religious war against
Palestinians, an alliance that has intensified anti-American anger. He
seems oblivious to the fact that nearly two billion people worldwide
regard the plight of Palestinians as today's most important
foreign-policy challenge. No one in authority will admit a calamitous
reality that is skillfully shielded from the American people but
clearly recognized by most of the world: America suffered 9/11 and its
aftermath and may soon be at war with Iraq, mainly because U.S. policy
in the Middle East is made in Israel, not in Washington.

Israel is a scofflaw nation and should be treated as such. Instead of
helping Sharon intensify Palestinian misery, our president should
suspend all aid until Israel ends its occupation of Arab land Israel
seized in 1967. The suspension would force Sharon's compliance or lead
to his removal from office, as the Israeli electorate will not
tolerate a prime minister who is at odds with the White House.

If Bush needs an additional reason for doing the right thing, he can
justify the suspension as a matter of military necessity, an essential
step in winning international support for his war on terrorism. He can
cite a worthy precedent. When President Abraham Lincoln issued the
proclamation that freed only the slaves in states that were then in
rebellion, he make the restriction because of "military necessity."

If Bush suspends U.S. aid, he will liberate all Americans from long
years of bondage to Israel's misdeeds.

Mr. Paul Findley, who served as a Republican congressman from Illinois
for 22 years, is the author of 'They Dare to Speak Out' and a member
of the American Educational Trust's Foreign Relations Committee.

Also See:
Citizens for Fair Legislation ALERT: NO NEW AID TO ISRAEL
Congressman Paul Findley: Liberating America From Israel
Pat Buchanan: Why Politicians Prefer Israel over American

Israeli Minister - 'We've Become Barbarians'
Wales Politician Compares Apartheid Israel to Nazi Germany
Israel's image of liberal democracy takes a battering
Israel Bans Christian Politician and Party from Election
Israel to Expel Christian Politician and non-Jewish Parties from
Row over Arabs' election ban

How Americas Zionist controlled media spin the facts.
American Media Controlled by Israeli Supporters
The Myth of Barak's Generous Offer
Direct Financial Cost of Israel to US: $1.6 trillion and

Zionism Unbound - Vidal Gored 16 Years Ago
'It's Time To Get Tough With Israel' - Patriotic US Army Brig
Israel's Policy Of 'Covert Aggression'
The Men From JINSA and CSP
JINSA Behind Drive To Cover-Up Israeli Spy Scandal

Christian Coalition Abandonment of Palestinian Christians is
Where does world-famous televangelist's money go?
Christian Patriarch of Holy Land calls for end of Oppressive
Zionism versus the Bible - Peace and Jutice on Earth or the
Extremism of
the 'Christian' Right?
THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE - Christianity & The NWO
No Joy in Bethlehem,10551,865083,00.html
'Saddest Christmas Ever' in Bethlehem

For Unbiased News, visit:

For Good Analysis and Commentary, visit:

Please distribute....
gatt <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> Arab world sees U.S. in poor light: poll

> Meanwhile, the Arab world beats and imprisons gang rape victims and
> otherwise oppresses women.
> When the U.S. cares about what the Arab world thinks of us we'll stop
> fantasizing about nuking them until they glow so we can shoot them in
> the dark.
> Next, please.
> -c
