Arctic ice cap at lowest level ever, shrinking faster than predicted; global warming deniers in pani


Joe S.


BOULDER, Colorado (CNN) -- Ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, long held to be an
early warning of a changing climate, has shattered the all-time low record
this summer, according to scientists from the National Snow and Ice Data
Center in Boulder.

Using satellite data and imagery, NSIDC now estimates the Arctic ice pack
covers 4.24 million square kilometers (1.63 million square miles) -- equal
to just less than half the size of the United States. This figure is about
20 percent less than the previous all-time low record of 5.32 million square
kilometers (2.05 million square miles) set in September 2005
Mark Serreze, senior research scientist at NSIDC, termed the decline

"It's almost an exclamation point on the pronounced ice loss we've seen in
the past 30 years," he said.

Most researchers had anticipated that the complete disappearance of the
Arctic ice pack during summer months would happen after the year 2070, he
said, but now, "losing summer sea ice cover by 2030 is not unreasonable."

Scores of peer-reviewed scientific studies have documented a steady,
worldwide decline in ice cover, from the sea-bound ice covering the North
Pole to the vast, land-based ice sheets that cover the Antarctic continent.
Glaciers, from Greenland to the Alps to Mount Kilimanjaro near the equator,
also have been vanishing.

The loss of land-based ice is predicted to lead to a future rise in sea
levels. Most estimates predict a rise ranging from a few inches to a meter
or more. A substantial rise in sea level could imperil low-lying areas from
Bangladesh to Miami, Florida, to Lower Manhattan, and could magnify the
damage from landfalling hurricanes and cyclones.

While the loss of sea ice, like the Arctic ice pack, would not contribute to
sea level rise, wildlife experts say it could alter the Arctic ecology,
threatening polar bears and other mammals and sea life.

Scientists add that an ice-free Arctic could also accelerate global warming,
as white-colored ice tends to deflect heat, while darker-colored water would
absorb more heat.

But along with concerns, the melting Arctic also brings possible
opportunities on business and political fronts. This summer, both Russia and
the United States made efforts to inventory the potential mineral wealth on
the ocean floor beneath the declining ice pack. Russia also sent a submarine
to the North Pole to stake a symbolic claim to the Arctic as a part of the
Russian nation.

The decline in ice also raises the possibility of an ice-free "Northwest
Passage," a shipping route north of the Canadian mainland that could provide
a shortcut for transit between the Atlantic and Pacific.

It is possible that the Arctic sea ice could decline even further this year
before the onset of winter, Serreze said. Ice levels can reach their low
point anywhere from mid-September to early October.

Joe S. <> wrote:

> While the loss of sea ice, like the Arctic ice pack, would not contribute to
> sea level rise

That's right.
Joe S. <> wrote:

> While the loss of sea ice, like the Arctic ice pack, would not contribute to
> sea level rise

That's right.