Are demons real?


New member
After seeing the preview for "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" for the millionth time, I have to ask this question:

Do demons exist? If you think so, why? If not, why?

Do you believe that people can be possessed by demons?

I want to say I don't believe that things such as demons exist, but when I hear some of the stories that are supposed to be based on fact, it makes me wonder what the **** is going on. I realize some of the cases could be caused by mental disorders, and many are hoaxes, but I want to know what you think. Those of you that are religious, I'd like to know what your faith says about demons.



New member
Well... I believe in Demons and Ghosts, etc.

But in a more practical sense, even if those aren't real, I think demons exist in a context where it's synonymous with "issues"

I don't know if you can prove actual demons exist though. But just because you can't prove something doesn't mean you can disprove them. It's like wondering if *** is real or not.

Perhaps demons are just our minds ******** with us. Perhaps not. Yeah, I believe in demons, because I've seen 'em. Perhaps it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I still saw something, be it real or not, so I'm going to choose to believe in them, for now.



New member
Well... I believe in Demons and Ghosts, etc.But in a more practical sense, even if those aren't real, I think demons exist in a context where it's synonimous(sp?) with "issues"

I don't know if you can prove actual demons exist though. But just because you can't prove something doesn't mean you can disprove them. It's like wondering if *** is real or not.

Perhaps demons are just our minds ******** with us. Perhaps not. Yeah, I believe in demons, because I've seen 'em. Perhaps it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I still saw something, be it real or not, so I'm going to choose to believe in them, for now.
I'm both religios and opinion.I think that they exist.*** does exist,but there's also a devil.Doesn't that remind you of something PG? ;) I wish I didn't but I do believe that Demons,Ghost,etc,do exist.



New member
Well... I believe in Demons and Ghosts, etc.But in a more practical sense, even if those aren't real, I think demons exist in a context where it's synonimous(sp?) with "issues"

That i can agree with.....Its more of a metaphore for an evil person than an actually barbed devil claiming to send us away from *** etc.....

but then again....maybe i am wrong

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New member
Always with my two cents, so here goes. This, of course, is based on me being an atheist, so this is all in my humble opinion ;)


As you all know [that I think], *** does NOT exist, and therefore neither does the Devil. There is no ****, and no Heaven. There are no angels, and no pointy-tailed red guys with pitchforks.


However. There are souls, there is an afterlife, and there are most definitely spirits. Good ones, and nasty ones. So, the closest thing to a 'demon' you can have is a really bad, really powerful, probably ******-off spirit. It might claim to be a demon, perhaps to add to the fear and so on. Likewise, there are powerful beings of good. They just happen to....not have a body anymore.


Yes, you could call these beings demons or angels because of the role they play and what they actually are, but do the stereotypes exist--the winged, fanged, flying shadow nasty guys? Absolutely not. IMHO, as always.



New member
Always with my two cents, so here goes. This, of course, is based on me being an atheist, so this is all in my humble opinion ;)  

As you all know [that I think], *** does NOT exist, and therefore neither does the Devil. There is no ****, and no Heaven. There are no angels, and no pointy-tailed red guys with pitchforks.


However. There are souls, there is an afterlife, and there are most definitely spirits. Good ones, and nasty ones. So, the closest thing to a 'demon' you can have is a really bad, really powerful, probably ******-off spirit. It might claim to be a demon, perhaps to add to the fear and so on. Likewise, there are powerful beings of good. They just happen to....not have a body anymore.


Yes, you could call these beings demons or angels because of the role they play and what they actually are, but do the stereotypes exist--the winged, fanged, flying shadow nasty guys? Absolutely not. IMHO, as always.
What makes you think that *** and the Devil don't exist.Along with Heaven and ****.Next thing you know,a terrible natural catastrophe will happen and the only person that dies is you,and then when your almost in Heaven,a giant hand from **** will grab you and you will spend an eternity in **** ******* Satan and getting pitchforks ramed up your *** and down your throat.L8r



New member
What makes you think that *** and the Devil don't exist.Along with Heaven and ****.Next thing you know,a terrible natural catastrophe will happen and the only person that dies is you,and then when your almost in Heaven,a giant hand from **** will grab you and you will spend an eternity in **** ******* Satan and getting pitchforks ramed up your *** and down your throat.L8r
Well not everyone believes in *** and Satan. Not everyone is a Christian or any religion dealing with ***. I don't believe in it either. Heck, Buddhists and Wiccans don't believe in it either. So you cannot just go around saying we are going to **** just because we do not follow a certain religion. That is the reason why so many people rag on Christians and such. because of people like you go around trying to scare people that they are going to **** if they do not believe in YOUR ***. Well we are sorry but some of us have different ideologies and beliefs. Sorry that we like to be individuals. If you have a problem with that, too **** bad...if the truth hurts wear a friggin' band-aid.



New member
Well that just proves that you don't read from the bible.Tell me then who was it that created us,I mean all of us people.Answer the **** question.Trust me your going to regret the day you said that you never believed in ***,and that goes to all of you.
Well not everyone believes in *** and Satan. Not everyone is a Christian or any religion dealing with ***. I don't believe in it either. Heck, Buddhists and Wiccans don't believe in it either. So you cannot just go around saying we are going to **** just because we do not follow a certain religion. That is the reason why so many people rag on Christians and such. because of people like you go around trying to scare people that they are going to **** if they do not believe in YOUR ***. Well we are sorry but some of us have different ideologies and beliefs. Sorry that we like to be individuals. If you have a problem with that, too **** bad...if the truth hurts wear a friggin' band-aid.


New member
Well that just proves that you don't read from the bible.Tell me then who was it that created us,I mean all of us people.Answer the **** question.Trust me your going to regret the day you said that you never believed in ***,and that goes to all of you.
Did you read a **** thing I said? Even after I quoted it? How would you like it if I worshipped some superior *** of some other religion and ran around saying your going to some eternal place to suffer for eternity if you don't beliveve in my deity? You would not like that would you? Now look at what the **** you are doing. You are going around threatening people with your beliefs. Not all of us read the bible. Not all of us believe in ***. Or heaven, ****, Satan, Adam, Eve, etc. GET OVER IT!!! This is America dammit and I am sick and tired of people like you who give religion a bad name by spewing your beliefs unjustly like propaganda! Freedom of religion ever heard of that? We can be buddhists, we can be wiccans, we can be atheists, we can be Hindu. Want to know why? because we have hat right to do so. We are not obligated to sit here and take "threats" from your religion. Do you see anyone else that believes in *** here trying to scare and force people into believing in your ***? NO! So kid, you might as well sit down and shut the **** up because it is stupid uneducated ***** like you that make this world an already unpleasant place to live in. I am sorry for having a mind of my own.

I am not going to belittle your religion but I WILL belittle YOU. You are no true follower of ***. You are a representation of a person who does not have a mind of their own and an overwhelming amount of IGNORANCE and DISRESPECT. Keep your beliefs to yourself or at least display them in a non-abrasive way. You keep threatening someone that they are going to **** because they don't have YOUR mindset and you watch what happens. Someone is going to put you in your **** place, and trust me, you will WISH you was in ****.

As for the origin of human beings, I believe in evolution. We came from a common primate ancestor which has diverged into several species that roman the earth now. Do I have the proof? No I do not, but I do read about it. I didn't study or find the fossils. Do YOU have proof that *** created us other than the Bible? I am betting no. You ALSO read about the origin of how we came here. So DEAL WITH IT. We are all not going to follow your belief kid. Grow up. The way you are going about it, people with a will of their own are only going to look down upon you.



New member
Well that just proves that you don't read from the bible.Tell me then who was it that created us,I mean all of us people.Answer the **** question.Trust me your going to regret the day you said that you never believed in ***,and that goes to all of you.
Threats will do nothing to further your religion or anyone elses. Looks like you need to take a chill pill.

How would you like it if I worshipped some superior *** of some other religion and ran around saying your going to some eternal place to suffer for eternity if you don't beliveve in my deity? You would not like that would you?
Frankly Insect, I would be pretty ****** off if after all was said and done if you knew how to save me from an eternal place of suffering and you didn't ever at least discuss it with me and thuis I got to spend eternity in a horrible place while you got to spend it in paridise.

As for the post-

Yes, I do believe in Demons. I do believe that they can possess humans.



New member
You can believe in a ***/goddess and not believe in the Devil. Same goes for angels, demons, and everything else.

The devil, and demons, are creations of Christians. There are PLENTY of religions who believe in a ***/goddess/higher being, but not demons or the devil or angel.

That isn't to say there can't be "bad" spirits, as there are bad people. I DO believe in ghosts/spirits, I do believe in a higher being, but not the devil. But I suppose that goes along with not being a Christian.

Well not everyone believes in *** and Satan. Not everyone is a Christian or any religion dealing with ***. I don't believe in it either. Heck, Buddhists and Wiccans don't believe in it either. So you cannot just go around saying we are going to **** just because we do not follow a certain religion. That is the reason why so many people rag on Christians and such. because of people like you go around trying to scare people that they are going to **** if they do not believe in YOUR ***. Well we are sorry but some of us have different ideologies and beliefs
Absolutely correct. One of my MANY issues with the Christian Church is that they recruit using the scare tactic. NO other religion that I have ever dealt with does that. And the fact that they have been oppressing people since they started not Jesus himself but some of his followers Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to leave the Christian Church? I was raised Catholic, and have known for about 10 years that it wasn't for me, and I didn't believe it. But I haven't completely left and found a new faith (though I have one I am leaning towards) because a part of me is STILL scared. That fear is waning as time goes on and I learn things on my own, but I am convinced that that is the reason they have SOOOO many followers. Because people are too scared to question things, let alone leave.

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