well? -- dave hillstrom xrbj
M mimus Guest Dec 22, 2008 #3 On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:18:27 -0500, david hillstrom wrote: > well? They're the kings of the markets. -- tinmimus99@hotmail.com smeeter 11 or maybe 12 mp 10 mhm 29x13 "You are either insane or a fool." "I am a sanitary inspector." < _Maske: Thaery_
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:18:27 -0500, david hillstrom wrote: > well? They're the kings of the markets. -- tinmimus99@hotmail.com smeeter 11 or maybe 12 mp 10 mhm 29x13 "You are either insane or a fool." "I am a sanitary inspector." < _Maske: Thaery_
A Aratzio Guest Dec 23, 2008 #4 On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:18:27 -0500, in the land of alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, david hillstrom <dave@meow.org> got double secret probation for writing: >well? They were fried this morning.
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:18:27 -0500, in the land of alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, david hillstrom <dave@meow.org> got double secret probation for writing: >well? They were fried this morning.
P p Guest Dec 23, 2008 #5 Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding <rii0l4dm7024o0ejib63no9s20v4qc0d1n@4ax.com>, it appeared david hillstrom <dave@meow.org> had made a clean getaway: >well? > >-- >dave hillstrom xrbj If you want a hot tip for the market try insurance companies. -- sychotic <c>hicken http://crass.on.ru/bin/upload/files/mp3/Trashmen-Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends. Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working! > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot. > Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008
Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding <rii0l4dm7024o0ejib63no9s20v4qc0d1n@4ax.com>, it appeared david hillstrom <dave@meow.org> had made a clean getaway: >well? > >-- >dave hillstrom xrbj If you want a hot tip for the market try insurance companies. -- sychotic <c>hicken http://crass.on.ru/bin/upload/files/mp3/Trashmen-Surfin::Bird.mp3 Friends intervene on Friends. Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working! > If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot. > Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008