Are Stocks Played against Investors?



----- Original Message -----
From: "jke" <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.usa.misc
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 11:42 AM
Subject: Why investors in Stock lose , Big Business good, Bad Business Bad

> Please read and send to others before you invest in the markets
> today.Please
> send this to others please
> -----
>>I can ask people not to use BP and Scottrade and Sprint but will anyone
>>care? Please read what I wrote below and tell me if it all seems just the
>>price of a free market system or paranoia.

> Are there good things about US? Yes for sure food, internet, free speech
> but
> lots of things going haywire too.
>> We need election reform
>>> The most one can do is hope you can protect your family from more ways
>>> to
>>> seperate you and your money from Big business and oil . Each year the
>>> big
>>> business, credit card companies,stock brokerages and Market Makers and
>>> Insiders and oil companies and utilities find more ways to rape you,
>>> without trying to sponser alternatives or fairer ways to act fast enough
>>> or strong enough. I
>>> just got a bill from BP and they charged me 39 dollars after they claim
>>> I
>>> sent the payment one day late., It was actually sent days before due
>>> date..
>>> This is what big business is now allowed to do to you because they can.
>>> I
>>> then after swearing all this happens ask people if they are surprised,
>>> they can then get away at poisoning you and not tell you enmass? (
>>> pollution) so help me God.

>> If it
>>> stopped there that would be one thing. Knowing the news stations keep
>>> consolidating also shows the intent of rich getting richer and anything
>>> is
>>> possible as they continue to get more ways to influencing Congress and
>>> hurting people. Business is good, if its fair, its horrible when Big
>>> Business and people are allowed to honestly take advantage of
>>> people.There are many other differences between rich and poor that needs
>>> to be addressed.

> . ) Stock
> brokers and online trade investors often play against
>>> your investment,,, finding every conceivable way to make sure once you
>>> come
>>> on line to watch porn (yeah this is the tradeoff people have to accept )
>>> and trade stocks And once your money show, they will take your money or
>>> go opposite and they don't lose! . Its like
>>> a
>>> golden rule to them and don't think they can't know your investment
>>> history
>>> or how likely you will buy and sell ..also known as ..... go opposite
>>> your play. Your
>>> money
>>> in or the most popular stocks pumped , the more chance they will find
>>> reasons to short it or go long if you shorted it.. I honestly believe in
>>> the stock market and horse racing and maybe even in professional sports,
>>> people win when others capitalize on your play or investment. The thing
>>> I
>>> am protesting is the unfair advantage insiders and market makers , maybe
>>> brokerages have to leverage against your big money. Its like they know
>>> when it shows up often because the same people who bet against you pump
>>> the things they hope you invest in so they can bet against you and win
>>> and rest assured they win and you lose most of the time. Its not an
>>> accident the Nasdaq just went down more in two weeks then it gained in
>>> close to two years . Why because its easier to take your money faster
>>> that way.. The
>>> problem of course is they have unfair inside knowledge of how to proceed
>>> to win capitalizing on going against your money when it shows up.. My
>>> contention that stocks and other gambles are played against started
>>> years
>>> ago when relatives in college along with a professor worked out a
>>> winning
>>> strategy at the track. They followed the strategy for a year and were
>>> fairly certain the system would work. It worked all the time fake bets
>>> were placed. Once though the real money showed up. the horses and plays
>>> lost. That was the end of horse racing for them. Later as I invested in
>>> stocks, i saw basically the possibility that the same things occurred.
>>> Stocks that did good on paper, seldom matched that performance once big
>>> money showed up. The willful evolution of
>>> trading stocks has matured to the point where playing against your big
>>> money is the goal of insiders and brokerages (fees for transactions for
>>> sure at least with them) and
>>> market makers. Seriously it don't matter how good a stock is.. the
>>> people
>>> in
>>> the market can find every conceivable reason to go opposite your play if
>>> they want to . and when reasoning fails they always have the excuse ,
>>> who
>>> said stocks are reasonable? Even when I say not to put a stop order in
>>> for the last five weeks the stocks go down so fast where one of the few
>>> times in history a stop order might have be needed.actually occurred.
>>> Its like whatever option
>>> you choose, they will find a reason to go against you seriously. They
>>> have unfair inside knowledge to be used against your investment.

> Take
>>> going green. Sure some people did ok , but just as many lost allot , if
>>> you invested in ethanol or biofuels even though its mandated.! If you
>>> invested years before it was mandated you might have often lost too! The
>>> companies whose crop prices are used, are now said has gone up too much
>>> and demand is too low... . Whatever it takes to say whatever to leverage
>>> their money against yours is legal. This is my honest to Gods opinion.
>>> Can you make money ? I guess, I certainly have not and no one i know has
>>> . i don't know if this is how it use to be or its changes over the years
>>> but I am guessing its changed over the years. The only plays that win
>>> are
>>> the stock companies insiders
>>> who know when to buy after you lose or get out and sometimes after you
>>> invest also and MM and I am guessing brokerages who are in it to pump
>>> and
>>> dump.... Read more about this later. so lies,
>>> taking
>>> your money and poisoning people in the US is going full blast.. so help
>>> me
>>> god , some of course more then others. Does this seem like paranoid
>>> talk?
>>> I guess but i do honestly feel all that I write about is true.
>>> the most unbelievable destruction of values that is going on in the
>>> market
>>> and in daily life continues and
>>> is ignored.
>>> this is just my opinion
>>> How popular and great is your stock? The more popular and the more money
>>> you
>>> put in the more reasons the people in the markets can bet against you
>>> and
>>> you
>>> lose,.. the markets don't have to go down for you to lose, just
>>> opposite
>>> your positions!!!!
>>> Please read the whole long post and send it to many people.
>>> I suggest don't play the markets its a set up and I say it based on the
>>> conclusions I left below:
>>> Do you see the same news stories on tv?
>>>> Do you see the same owners allowed to accumulate and consolidate tv
>>>> ownership?
>>>> Do you see our dependence on costly polluted energy and inflation?
>>>> Do you see more violence in the US then many if not most countries of
>>>> the
>>>> world?
>>>> Do you see your stocks going up?
>>>> Do you see kids bringing guns to school?
>>>> Do you see 50 millions without health insurance
>>>> Do you see millions without jobs ignored by news?

> Do you see credit card companies and big business have a lock to ruin your
> credit and charge outrageous fees ? If they lie, how much time do you have
> to save every letter and transaction? And mark my words they will lie to
> collect and steal from you because they can
> Congress is now a group of people who basically make rules because
> millionaires supported their wins in elections.
>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>>> The fixing of the stock market continues and thats just my opinion
>>>>>> when they see your big money all gains halt. If they don't have a
>>>>>> reason
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> taking it down they will think one up:. recession , drop in jobs (
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> reason they used to take it up too when maybe your money was not in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> market lol) smaller then realized profits,
>>>>>> transportation costs, owner sells, broker downgrades, broker
>>>>>> upgrades,
>>>>>> stock has gone up too much , the stock is no good because it don't go
>>>>>> up
>>>>>> enough.. read on, The stock
>>>>>> market doesn't have to go down to prove its fixed it just usually
>>>>>> goes
>>>>>> opposite your big position.!!!! Thats all that it needs to do for big
>>>>>> boys to capitalize over your investment and its legal too! . This
>>>>>> post
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> got more email then any other.
>>>>>> My email
>>>>>> I got more mail from this then anything else I wrote.
>>>>>> If you want real links to damage from pollution write me, this is
>>>>>> real
>>>>>> links
>>>>>> to real studies .
>>>>>> Now the fixing of the stock market.
>>>>>>>>>> For ten years I did a survey on who gains and loses and who
>>>>>>>>>> invested
>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> the stock market. Listen carefully.The stocks you buy in usually
>>>>>>>>>>> go
>>>>>>>>>>> down,
>>>>>>>>>>> especially if it allot of money you invested and you bought it
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> go up ( as opposed to investing in short markets) . But it can
>>>>>>>>>>> happen the reverse if you put allot of money on the short end.
>>> Stocks go up after you get out. You end up saying I should have just
>>> stayed.. Its always that way . but if you desire to get back don' be
>>> surprised the stock stops going up again once your big money shows
>>> up yet again.. If You do decide to catch a wave or hype or stock tip
>>> chances are great your wave will break as soon as your big money shows
>>> up.almost
>>> guaranteed. Market makers just keep it down till you leave then bring it
>>> back up when your no
>>> longer
>>> in the stock .- Usually within a day or two with one big swing up (
>>> usually when the least
>>> amount of investors who just got out are not there). and you say to
>>> yourself I should have just stayed in right? Who buys back so fast
>>> after
>>> you sell and make a loss Chances are its insiders or
>>> stocks reserved for maket makers even brokers.
>>> Then they can show the stock went up. and sell it back to
>>> vulnerable at higher prices and only they make the profits.. and just
>>> start the process
>>> over and over. Insiders and money market
>>> peoplecapitalize and of course brokers like Scott Trade make out too be
>>>cause of commissions. Don't ever
>>>>>>>>>>> invest in Scott trade, thats just my opinion. I saw a stock in
>>>>>>>>>>> real
>>>>>>>>>>> time selling for
>>>>>>>>>>> approx 11.68.. as soon as I go to sell form thAT price WITHIN
>>>>>>>>>>> SECONDS IT was 11.54,,
>>>>>>>>>>> it dropped 13 cents in the five seconds it took to write out my
>>>>>>>>>>> sell order. after I sold the stock was selling for 11.68,
>>>>>>>>>>> again.seconds later
>>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>>>>> I believe my sell order had resulted in worse then real time
>>>>>>>>>>> prices? OF COURSE this is normal for some people because they
>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>> get away with it, is it legal? Why should it be? . then I
>>>>>>>>>>> bought a stock in real time that was
>>>>>>>>>>> going for approx$ 44.39. I made
>>> a buy order and within five seconds the price was 44. 80. Did I have to
>>> buy ? no but I said to
>>>>>>>>>>> myself its remotely possible the market price is honest but as
>>>>>>>>>>> soon as I looked at real time
>>>>>>>>>>> after I bougght the price was 44: 38 again .. someone raised it
>>>>>>>>>>> close to fifty cents after I filled in the sell form ( just a
>>>>>>>>>>> coinciidence? LOL) and brought it down to fifty cents seconds
>>>>>>>>>>> later. They can say I didn't have to buy but I can say is it
>>>>>>>>>>> legal to raise the price to whatever they can get after you fill
>>>>>>>>>>> out a market order/ maybe it is maybe its not, its surely not
>>>>>>>>>>> ethical!
>>>>>>>>>>> ( coincidence again?) both trades within seconds.. This is in
>>>>>>>>>>> addition to other ways to get the traders. Never invest in Scott
>>>>>>>>>>> trade. but of course this in addition to other ways to get your
>>>>>>>>>>> money from big business.. Legal what? . Never ever
>>> put a stop order in its almost assured to be taken out , the market
>>> makers can swoop down and find a reason why the stock dropped so fast
>>> and
>>> bring it back up after the stock tanked to get your stop order . Never
>>> ever day
>>> trade, they know your going to pull the trigger fast so the best thing
>>> is
>>> to wait you out till you sell for a loss which is why most day traders
>>> lose.!!!!! not because they made the wrong trade, they lose because they
>>> know what you bought and they know you are waiting for a gain fast.. The
>>> market is a set up now and ploy where human beings or market
>>> makers or brokers play
>>> against investors accept they can't lose. Its not how good the
>>> company is its how much of real money you and I invest ... there is to
>>> be
>>> played against!! . the human element is killing
>>> free exchange and yet no one cares. its like whistlin in the wind...The
>>> key questions are this if money market protect the value of the stocks
>>> why should insiders and others gain from your lack of insight all the
>>> time/? . The truth that some people can legally win by manipulating the
>>> stock
>>> price
>>> is ignored !!!!!! They can keep your stock opposite the way you went for
>>> however long they want
>>> and believe me they can make news to rationalize it too. Who fixes this
>>> like this?MM insiders? commission sellers? Your guess, its built into
>>> the
>>> system. the investment sites will pump a play in one day and six months
>>> later talk how horrible the exact site they pumped a few months ago and
>>> this is really order to take your hard earned dollars, its like
>>> a
>>> ponzi scheme.
>>> They say its because of changing conditions? Ha you know what causes
>>> changing conditions? YOOUR MONEY showing up to be played against Where
>>> does
>>> it say US stocks are all or nothing?The federal commerce agency recent
>>> decision ( I
>>> think the exact name alludes me ftc? )that allows Tv station owners to
>>> increase the concentration of ownership almost assures fewer and fewer
>>> different owners, and different perspectives of freedom of diverse
>>> viewpoints.
>>> .. which will stifle the freedom of speech and different view points.
>>>> and truth..They often totally ignore the reality
>>>>> They say or some say they ignore it because its not true. It is true
>>>>> what
>>>>> I am writing about, but don't lose your hard earned money to find out.
>>>>> Can you gain? Sure but it takes a special investor to gain with big
>>>>> money. Now more contentions I make about how big gov and industry fix
>>>>> things have unfair advantages
>>> violence and pollution is ignored in general elections and we have
>>> basically come to expect thousands of victims with more and more people
>>> studies to show the cost of harm from all this is in the billions. Can
>>> we
>>> do more to reduce crime/ Of course , do we/ of course not.
>>> . Money sites talk about hidden gems that go up usually without your
>>> knowledge, ( you know they show the stats of stocks you and your uncle
>>> never had and you just happened to MISS! and say if you only bought
>>> such
>>> and such time) , then they talk which ones to get in now,, rarely
>>> going
>>> up
>>> the same percentages if at all , but if you were to know which ones the
>>> most people put their money in I assure you the stock would stop going
>>> up
>>> as fast as the money showed up... almost a dead certain bet...and be
>>> played against.. ..The ones that go up the most ...all just happen to
>>> fall beneath the
>>> radar, and go up when no one you knew was in it...till someone says
>>> .."TILL Wall Street
>>> discovered it" . They say get in before Wall Street Discovers
>>> it... Why woulda stock stop going up
>>> when wall street discovers it? I thought the more investment the more
>>> likely to go up? OOPS Its seriously a giant ponzi scheme.? Of course,
>>> now
>>> this is legal in the US as rich find more ways to rape people in the US.
>>> The
>>> pollution factor which kills people is ignored in this more
>>> and
>>> more links shows extra carbon dioxide and particulate pollution kill
>>> people and harms people yet many children and adults are not protected
>>> from getting too much of this daily or informed of its dangers.
>>> I have been saying that for years only recently has the links been made
>>> to
>>> show studies of such things yet millions of people arestill not told
>>> how
>>> dangerous the places they live and work harms them.. They would sooner
>>> talk
>>> about tummy tucks or depression in midwest then about real dangers
>>> currently happening in their own backyard. yet media can get away with
>>> it.
>>> I
>>> saw a study about depression in the Midwest. Our Kyw newsradio ran this
>>> story over and over again. Yet when I sent them a link to show here in
>>> our
>>> city we are the most depressed. they ignored it? Thats the MOST
>>> depressed
>>> and most asthma,, totally ignored. Why because they can? and they can
>>> sell ads for health care instead. Suffice to say when i showed links to
>>> show harm here they ingored me as did the politicians.
>>> They
>>> can really sell meds easier if they ignore the damage that is going on
>>> here
>>> or to not tell people why they need the meds. This is the meaness of the
>>> power of the media and society values that filter down to people.
>>> C O N T R O L and harm is more important then truth so help me god.
>>> Face
>>> it
>>> jobs are expected from poor policies. that are allowed to go on. The
>>> media
>>> would rather stay mum about oil and coal and deisel pollution kill
>>> their own population but then sell
>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>> nebulizers and asthma drugs all day and if some of you only
>>>>>>>>>>> knew
>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>> pollution readings , or percentage of days we don't get clean
>>>>>>>>>>> air
>>>>>>>>>>> ( thats a number they don't have to do a study for they can just
>>>>>>>>>>> say we don't ge the most pollution so stop complaining)
>>> you would know why they need to sell this all day to some of us and not
>>> tell you why you need these things and allow children and adults to be
>>> harmed at will and gov and industry know better. but do nothing
>>> immediate
>>> to save people most at risk. its shameful. Trust me its happening
>>> in
>>> certain areas., its the Gods truth. Its ok to choke and be ignored if
>>> tv
>>> news can sell
>>> you meds.instead of telling you the consequences from this air or
>>>>>>>>>>> show harm correlations to pollution in the area.. People say
>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>> news stations or politiicans .. I Have almost zero answer
>>>>>>>>>>> ya..Thatsthe mentality of the meaness of society now. Of course
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>> >> ..They often totally ignore the reality I
>>> write bout here. The violence in society is often ignored in general
>>> elections by politicians and national news and we have basically come
>>> to
>>> expect over 189,000 shootings against our family members withoutdoing
>>> anything different year after year. Whats amazing is the spin when
>>>>>>>>>>> they say violence is down. Down 10 percent this year.. in some
>>>>>>>>>>> cities! and its still
>>> more still then most of the world but thats not
>>> even talked about ! Its amazing ! Why? Its a given 100,000 people
>>> in the US
>>> will be shot or killed each year, .30to 50 k will die from murder
>>> or suicide Why should the people inpower care, they live in
>>> in gated communities.. If its not happening to them,, they don't
>>>>>>>>>>> care..
>>>>>>>>>>> basically only the rich get
>>>>>>>>>>> elected to office and rich keep consolidating and distancing
>>>>>>>>>>> themselves
>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else. Only John McMCcain has talked about election
>>>>>>>>>>> reform.
>>>>>>>>>>> Oil, pharmacies, credit card and loan companis all
>>> can't lose getting more rules to be able to take wealth from the
>>> working class with outrageous fees that are allowed to keep
>>> multiplying. I literally had a bill for something for 8 dollars go to
>>> $800
>>> after accumulated late fees and interest, Its legal robbery. If
>>> a store clerk could get away at selling something for such a profit
>>>>>>>>>>> on such a low price item they would hold him for gauging. In
>>> american the rich and oil companies and brokers get to do it legally
>>> and
>>> they
>>> get to do it daily . How in the hell can they then get more legislation
>>> to
>>> keep getting more ways to
>>> collect? Our congress gives em more ways to collect also
>>> . We have violence that is worse then many terrorist
>>> countries so anything is possible. and its totally ignored in our press
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> As long as they are not physically going after you
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> consider yourself
>>>>>>>>> lucky
>>>>>>>>> especially if you believed in doing the right things and have
>>>>>>>>> watched
>>>>>>>>> depressing things happen to your stocks and neighborhoods.
>>>>>>>>> We have an economy based on people like this who manipulate stocks
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> tells
>>>>>>>>> you what you don't want to hear in order to gain from your
>>>>>>>>> investment..its
>>>>>>>>> that simple.. If this really happens imagine what else they can do
>>>> Finally there are millions without jobs,
>>> Big companies do away with more operators and use electronic answering
>>> devices that seldom work. If after 20 minutes an operator does come on
>>> they
>>> hang up on you if your not there after waiting so long talking to a
>>> machine
>>> that seldome recognizes what you just said.what was the point in calling
>>> them? you know why many big businesses don't want to talk to you now
>>> seriously in person, they don't want to talk about how they charged you
>>> too much for whatever reason they can think of . The companies that come
>>> to mind are the credit card companies, telephone companies and stock
>>> brokerages.
>>> Why must people talk to a machine that seldom recognizes what the caller
>>> (us) is answering! Its amazing how many companies and gov. uses this to
>>> keep
>>> people on telephon foreever before someone live answers. Its not like
>>> people can't do the same job better because they can! Why hire people
>>> or
>>> come to the phone, its easier to rip people off.
>>> Easier to poison them and rip them off like in stocks!

>>> there are people who get
>>> commercial
>>>> after commerical for nebulizers and have to breathe polluted air every
>>>>>>>> second of their life or much more then people in other areas who
>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> clean air., realize its really happening and I am one of the
>>>>>>>> victims. To go to bed each night with constricted lungs is not
>>>>>>>> something I can possibly make up and its based on the govs own air
>>>>>>>> pollution rating system. Moderate is when my lungs constrict and
>>>>>>>> other things happen negatively to people even according to many
>>>>>>>> objective figures but its still called moderate. This kind of
>>>>>>>> control and play on words is not defaulting to protecting people. .
>>>>>>>> The largest
>>> differences in health is often based on the pollution factor. The
>>> peoplewho
>>> ate the same things, but live in polluted areas near crowded
>>>>>>>> streets or malls
>>> with much traffic or near truck depots and or bus depots and or downwind
>>> from coal have much more illness then
>>> the people who live in clean air. but no one tells them these things. .
>>> there are people who can't afford food or health
>>> care, yet we poison them even more by not immediately doing whatever it
>>> takes to protect people. This is not like fast food, the harm done is
>>> not
>>> immediately seen but rest assured the harm done is REAL> . We bring
>>> millions more people here who often need help also!!!
>>> Often people hates one another and
>>> only
>>> millionaire gets elected. Market makers have a license to steal from
>>> investors.. You
>>>>>>>> pay
>>>>>>>> more money to oil and energy then anything in your life often
>>>>>>>> combined
>>> while millions live in poverty.. so why you surprised?
>>>>>>>> Remember this about stocks
>>>>>>>> "> go. The giant up factor is usually when your not in them. They
>>>>>>>> literally
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> track your investment knowing your trading history and when your
>>>>>>>>> likely
>>>>>>>>> to sell.
>>>>>> The republican role models and democrats
>>>>>>> who do nothing about crime, immigration ,dependency on terror,
>>>>>>> violent
>>>>>>> crime, murder,
>>>>>>> dependency on court
>>>>>>> systems,hate, pollution and oil , coal, and stock scams. Our role
>>>>>>> models
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>> us.I repeat our role models have left us.! They just ignore the
>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>> who are the real victims and who can't afford to voice opinions.
>>>>>>> Most
>>>>>>> people have no clue what some cities welfare lines look like and yet
>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>> virtually ignored along with the people who don't have jobs.
>>>>>>> God help us
>>>>>>> Are there agood things about US? yes but lets be honest what is
>>>>>>> happening
>>>>>>> now .kids come to school with guns, one of the largest cause of
>>>>>>> death
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> women in the US is murder. millions not counted out of work or
>>>>>>> unemployed. Many thousands of kids have violent video games and WW
>>>>>>> wrestling as their role models. Social security
>>> is going to have to be in debt for decades to pay people who are going
>>> to
>>> need it
>>> to survive.
>>> stocks fixed, pollution damage ignored, global warming ignored,
>>>>>>>> immigration
>>>>>>>> ignored, violent crime ignored by all major candidates ( not
>>>>>>>> politically
>>>>>>>> correct), unemployment all virtually ignored by our politicians
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> press , who virtually put out what they want you to see, not that
>>>>>>>> which is most important ..along with Britney Spears and movie
>>>>>>>> stars,
>>>>>>>> and the weather ,
>>>>>>>> not reality. People seem so cold hearted and controlled like
>>>>>>>> robots,
>>>>>>>> .Watch the old movie t=: Time machine and see how people don't care
>>>>>>>> anymore in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> future.. and they
>>>>>>>> become emotionless and if you do care the leaders come after
>>>>>>>> you..Get
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> movie and play it back and you tell me if you don't think our
>>>>>>>> leaders
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> like that and people too ... People are immune from responding
>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>> they are use to it :Control Control Control control and this
>>>>>>>> control filters to
>>> even
>>> workers at welfare where some ( not all ) of he workers treat their
>>>>>>>> clients with total diserespect.
>>> Kids and their families are often treated like dirt because they need
>>>>>>>> help and workers are not trained right or do what they want.. Some
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> very good though just so you know I am very objective ... so you
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> how abuse of control filters
>>> down to kids ( bullying) and even people who are suppose to help...and
>>> end
>>> up putting people at risk down? Do we have a system in place to help
>>> people
>>> at risk earlier? Or do we just let the kids join gangs and continue the
>>> violent spin off?
>>> about stocks..
>>> saw such set up and controls and
>>>>> stocks go up and down so fast..In two weeks the Nasdaq went down as
>>>>> much as it took a year ro two to ramp up. Why well of course they can
>>>>> get your money fster that way!!! Make
>>>>> no
>>>>> mistake our kids think control is what motivates. Why do kids bully?
>>>>> Look
>>>>> around! Everything in the US is controlled based on how much money you
>>>>> have
>>>>> or what you look like or how much power you can accumulate or the
>>>>> best
>>>>> mouse trap yu can make over others.
>>>>> The people without are totally ignored everyday.. treated like
>>>>> crap.....We
>>>>> are honestly slowly destroying ourselves. because the disparity
>>>>> between
>>>>> winners and losers and victims keeps increasing. If your a victim
>>>>> thats
>>>>> the price you
>>>>> pay by being ignored. and not represented by Gov. We need election
>>>>> reform badly.
>>>>>>>> Reporters would sooner ask question I want answered as the Tooth
>>>>>>>> fairy.
>>>>>>>> The idea of
>>>>>>>> tv
>>>>>>>> and news
>>>>>>>> is to get cute
>>>>>>>> people to laugh all day and
>>>>>>>> talk about everything but the news like gossip talk shows and
>>>>>>>> Jerry
>>>>>>>> Springer type shows...They make their own questions and know you
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> watch and form conclusions based on what they tell you. . If your
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> out of
>>>>>>>> state or another
>>>>>>>> country, know we are virtually not free anymore. Corporations and
>>>>>>>> big
>>>>>>>> oil
>>>>>>>> has taken our freedoms away.Our country is getting more mean
>>>>>>>> spirited,
>>>>>>>> WW
>>>>>>>> wrestling is becoming main stream,
>>>>>>>> Wealth is not created equally. Our role models have left or are
>>>>>>>> taking
>>>>>>>> drug enhancment pills, viagra or betting on their own games.
>>>>>>>> All I ever wanted was a job, good quality air without seeing people
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> love
>>>>>>>> and myself gasp for air or get disease thru policy I can't control
>>>>>>>> or influence , and go to sleep
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> night without
>>>>>>>> worrying if my family members who I love dearly are going to be
>>>>>>>> murdered.that night or the next day. our life is often but not
>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>> about decpetions and control. with no responses from politicians.
>>>>>>>> Change might take place but its too slow and too late for many .
>>>>>>>> Seriously the next biggest concern I
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> besides crime is
>>>>>>>> depression meds and how am I going to pay for health care and
>>>>>>>> transportation
>>>>>>>> costs.. Forget a job, no one responded to any job offers for
>>>>>>>> years..
>>>>>>>> Dr. Phil says I need to go out and find a job.. oh ok... Right, Go
>>>>>>>> outside see thousands of
>>>>>>>> people often poor people who look stunned. at bus stops. They have
>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>> for jobs. People in suburbia have no clue except when crime comes
>>>>>>>> close
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> them. We do virtually nothing to stop the progression of these
>>>>>>>> things.
>>>>>> People ask what can we do against crime? PLenty.. stop and frisk.
>>>>>> cameras,
>>>>>> teachers might teach about dysfunction in schools so parents and kids
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> identify
>>>>>> danger before they are in jeopardy. Job Training! Do we empower kids
>>>>>> to take back
>>>>>> control of their life in dysfunctional situations or do we let gangs
>>>>>> take
>>>>>> control for
>>>>>> them? Are social workers trained correctly? Are families encouraged
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> stay together? .is it fair to give ex criminals jobs over people who
>>>>>> need training and never did crime?
>>>>> We should
>>>>>> literally tortue child and cop killers and put them away for
>>>>>> life. death penalty don't work. If I were to really describe real
>>>>>> deterrents most people would rather see the expectation of 30
>>>>>> thousand
>>>>>> kids and women and men murdered each year at least instead of doing
>>>>>> more to stop these criminals. Torture is when good people hear
>>>>>> horrible
>>>>>> stories how women and kids are murdered. It seems to keep going on
>>>>>> without
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> word from politicians. The expectation of 40 thousand people murdered
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> shooting
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> hundreds of thousand s of people in the us every year goes on inspite
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> advances in technology in every other area, Fbi is making a database
>>>>>> for dna.. how about doing that at birth? .Not one idea to do anything
>>>>>> different!!!!!One of the top causes of death
>>>>>> for yg women is murder. Some people in cities fear losing their
>>>>>> health
>>>>>> paying for bread, being put down, and violent crime. and losing their
>>>>>> life
>>>>>> just for existing and the news media is pretty much ignoring all
>>>>>> that.
>>>>>> Why because they can and many of these people just don't have access
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> speak out.
>>> First of all we are country held hostage for oil and oil producers. I
>>>>>>>>> pledge alliance to oil , pollution and dependency on Arab
>>>>>>>>> production
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>> pay more for it then everything In life and then we are bombed for
>>> it..Man Face it these countries we then give aid to have no obligation
>>> to fight for peace or freedom without hate..

> . when the same stations use the same stories over and over
>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> over at the same time and ignore others. you know its more then
>>>>>>>>>>> coincidence. Their idea
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> a story is Britney Spears and weather forecasts
>>>>>> Many people have families who look out for one thing, getting
>>>>>>>>> bye
>>>>>>>>> with enough food and health care,
>>>>>>>>> without some drug induced nutcase killing or raping someone else.
>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>> can you blame someone who sees the same things I see? Drugs or
>>>>>>>>> depression
>>>>>>>>> drugs are almost a necessity. There are more people taking more
>>>>>>>>> deprression meds then in history.. Is the US based on doing the
>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>> things anymore or is it based on who can make the best mouse
>>>>>>>>> traps?
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> we need to stop global warming now. we need rules where rich can't keep
>>>> accumulating a greater percent of wealth at the expense of those who
>>>> are
>>>> not.
>>>> Epas rating is not true or helping people adequately protect families!
>>>> so
>>>> help me god.. Moderate particulate pollution harms a great deal
>>>> of people. This is simply another way to get people to accept the
>>>> damages
>>>> of
>>>> a modern society. Is there a God anymore. Do people actually care about
>>>> helping people maximize their existence. Or are people paying with
>>>> their
>>>> life for decisions they had no power about? First never smoke, I did
>>>> and
>>>> this
>>>> is one reason I am more sensitive to damages now . I am convinced
>>>> though,
>>>> the sensitivity I feel has led to me to now know what causes the most
>>>> damages from air conditions and pollution. I then went on to examine
>>>> whatever studies were made to show damages from pollution and where,
>>>> and
>>>> completely UNSURPRISING I think there is great cause to show that
>>>> people
>>>> living and working in polluted conditions are not only losing their
>>>> health,
>>>> it could be proved its based on how much pollution and or how much
>>>> clean
>>>> air
>>>> they don't get , IN DIRECT Proportion when all things were compared to
>>>> people who got good and bad air and ate the same things and had the
>>>> same
>>>> habits.
>>>> People are much more at risk simply living or working on streets with
>>>> crowded traffic or near idling cars like fast food restaurants.I
>>>> believe
>>>> anyway..
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> People in the US are self destructing.
>>>> Our role models have left us
>>>> We take drug enhancement pills , kids come to school with guns, we have
>>>> more
>>>> murders then most of world including terrorist countries. Murder is the
>>>> leading cause of death for women in the US in some age groups. Drug use
>>>> is
>>>> starting to increase. Many people are unemployed and not counted.
>>>> Pollution
>>>> numbers and descriptions from epa are not protecting people!
>>>> .., rich get more rules
>>>> to charge you interest. and keep distancing themselves from people who
>>>> are
>>>> poor. You have to be a millionaire to run for Senate or
>>>> Congress almost. Oil prices have sabotaged business. News media
>>>> consolidation ignores most everything important. while the world hates
>>>> by
>>>> religion and nothing is done about it,, and arming to the bones more
>>>> ways
>>>> to
>>>> destroy each other..some of it is political and economics too but
>>>> instead
>>>> of
>>>> dealing with it we ignore it. . the affects from pollution are
>>>> horrific (some of you have
>>>> no idea what day after day without good air does to you, ) We are
>>>> destroying
>>>> ourselves and the same people made to breathe it have to pay more to
>>>> doctors
>>>> to treat conditions they were not responsible for getting. You will see
>>>> thousands of studies for different conditions that causes illness but
>>>> few
>>>> about pollution damage. The greatest conspiracy I have ever seen in my
>>>> lifetimes. .What ,is going
>>>> on here? help someone help. stocks are manipulated and allowed to be
>>>> played
>>>> against by insiders,. REMEMBER DON"T SMOKE EVER, .. and Its not how
>>>> good a company is its how much of your
>>>> money shows up in a stock and insiders and market makers allowed to
>>>> then
>>>> find reasons to bet against you and this is legal! unbelievable.
>>>> need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered, being
>>>> poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being down. How do
>>>> I
>>>> know? My lungs constrict everyday in it and when I am not in that type
>>>> of air I don't have

> constricted lungs.
> My air filters turn
> black in less then
> 30 days
> I >>> seriously have tried to do the best in my life and now I am thinking
>>>> there
>>>> were things I couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not
>>>> protected
>>>> from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts and so many
>>>> days
>>>> without clean air.
>>>> Warmer temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is
>>>> like
>>>> the twilightzone. so should we not complain when someone like me sees
>>>> all this happening? Temperatures are often ten degrees warmer. We are
>>>> getting
>>>> most depression and respiratory disease with commercials for allergy
>>>> and
>>>> respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big business telling
>>>> you
>>>> why
>>>> we need it. Please can we get investigators over here please. What is
>>>> going
>>>> on in the us now? what ? what is happening where we get more crime
>>>> vandalism, and people not graduating.. and crime after crime! What is
>>>> happening , what has happened in the past.? We need comparisons to
>>>> people
>>>> who get clean air. Please someone help..this is totally outrageous our
>>>> kids
>>>> are not being protected and we have so many negatives going on here.
>>>> Please
>>>> we need lawyers now , and
>>>> investigators and researchers. Please this is unbelievable
>>>> remember I told you so Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in
>>>> Philly
>>>> and someone with clean air in Oregon and California got the best
>>>> reviews.
>>>> Out of thousands of people , Philly people were not very good. The
>>>> negative
>>>> Philly people were showcased ( half were borderline or schizophrenic
>>>> surprised@) .
>>>> If
>>>> and I say this with all seriousness, we were examined compared to rest
>>>> of
>>>> people with clean air our health would show additionally how harmed we
>>>> have
>>>> been from this pollution both physically and mentally. . I seriously
>>>> think we need
>>>> a
>>>> great lawyer to show how the most days without clean air, affected the
>>>> people here. The most incredible poisoning that is allowed to continue
>>>> for
>>>> years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very
>>>> depressed
>>>> city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in asthma and
>>>> respiratory
>>>> disease and its all ignored. God help --\
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> We
>>>> need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and
>>>> stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of gasoline,
>>>> to
>>>> innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm families.Please read on
>>>>> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and
>>>>> cancer
>>>>> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly in path of
>>>>> coal
>>>>> pollution, oil refineries and concentrated exhausts with a city
>>>>> prettty
>>>>> much
>>>>> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about worsening
>>>>> traffic conditions to maybe improve
>>>>> things. I see the exact same things happeening here for coming ten
>>>>> years.
>>>>> ,
>>>>> You can bank on your kids getting more pollution, , more violence,
>>>>> (then
>>>>> average) kids not learning, and horrible health ratings and ads to
>>>>> target
>>>>> you from illness put upon you for no reason then because politicians
>>>>> let
>>>>> it
>>>>> happen.
>>>>> cares. Saw that guy Chitwood from homicide talk about murder or cab
>>>>> driver
>>>>> ( another murder how surprising) the guy who is probably over 50 also
>>>>> looks
>>>>> way older then his
>>>>> years. and its a shame,, seems like a good guy At a certain point if
>>>>> you
>>>>> can
>>>>> tell me how to do well in retiirement or
>>>>> anyother way when we have the least percentage of days with good air
>>>>> then
>>>>> most big cities and number 2 in state for asthma and green house
>>>>> pollution,,, . You would then not be surprised we are number one for
>>>>> asthma
>>>>> ,
>>>>> respiratory disease, respiratory death and higher then normal in
>>>>> cancers
>>>>> heart disease and number one in nation for depression. We do horrible
>>>>> in
>>>>> education and we are one of the worse for violence .most of all your
>>>>> not
>>>>> told any of this by your newstations
>>>>> when you ignore the number one city or two city with asthma and
>>>>> respiratory
>>>>> deaths and respiratory prescriptions and when you can compare our
>>>>> number
>>>>> of
>>>>> health commercials with other cities and when your graphs also show
>>>>> the
>>>>> number of days we get good air in total to other communities then I
>>>>> might
>>>>> believe but I know what they are . For example one graph said Philly
>>>>> had
>>>>> 200
>>>>> days of good air last year, which was totally outrageous lies. It may
>>>>> have
>>>>> reached good but many if not most of those days were in moderate zone
>>>>> or
>>>>> worse most of the time. . Thats one way of getting to say whatever you
>>>>> want
>>>>> without showing the reality of the situation.
>>>>> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.
>>>>> us life expectency falls to 42nd
>>>>> now heart disease worsens because of it.
>>>>> pollution and heart disease
>>>>> parituclate pollution dangers
>>>>> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
>>>>> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
>>>>> California
>>>>> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25
>>>>> minutes
>>>>> to
>>>>> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the board
>>>>> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
>>>>> particles
>>>>> can occur during a commute.
>>>>> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
>>>>> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure to
>>>>> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
>>>>> hardening
>>>>> and narrowing of the arteries.
>>>>> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in over
>>>>> a
>>>>> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not
>>>>> like
>>>>> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
>>>>> years."
>>>>> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid
>>>>> yourself;
>>>>> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report
>>>>> by
>>>>> the
>>>>> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
>>>>> commutes
>>>>> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented
>>>>> diesel
>>>>> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars, buses
>>>>> and
>>>>> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
>>>>> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
>>>>> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on
>>>>> alternative
>>>>> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
>>>>> traveling
>>>>> with little truck traffic
>>>>> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
>>>>> DEATHS caused by pollution
>>>>> Dying For a Change -
>>>>> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
>>>>> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
>>>>> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air contributes
>>>>> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
>>>>> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
>>>>> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
>>>>> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
>>>>> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
>>>>> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
>>>>> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
>>>>> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population was
>>>>> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
>>>>> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
>>>>> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
>>>>> incidence of diseases."
>>>>> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
>>>>> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
>>>>> 2007
>>>>> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring
>>>>> they
>>>>> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in
>>>>> polluted
>>>>> air
>>>>> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
>>>>> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
>>>>> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
>>>>> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
>>>>> environment (if that can be proven). Since
>>>>> The
>>>>> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the
>>>>> same
>>>>> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live
>>>>> and
>>>>> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most
>>>>> time
>>>>> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and live
>>>>> near
>>>>> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot
>>>>> lives
>>>>> of
>>>>> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
>>>>> pollution
>>>>> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last
>>>>> twenty
>>>>> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who
>>>>> get
>>>>> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no
>>>>> fault
>>>>> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
>>>>> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
>>>>> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me
>>>>> god.well
>>>>> what
>>>>> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
>>>>> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have
>>>>> done
>>>>> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
>>>>> pollution
>>>>> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
>>>>> effects
>>>>> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to lessen
>>>>> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and
>>>>> tell
>>>>> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some things
>>>>> but
>>>>> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That
>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good health
>>>>> and
>>>>> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the
>>>>> world
>>>>> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people and
>>>>> when
>>>>> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people
>>>>> who
>>>>> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we
>>>>> get
>>>>> for
>>>>> allowing this to happen. I am saying people in PHilly and pa are being
>>>>> allowed to lose their health for no good reason when so much more can
>>>>> be
>>>>> done now. ( also in many other areas close to pollution and on east
>>>>> coast.
>>>>>Ps I say to all Israelis get out of Israel now, your going to be
>>>>>I sense it and feel it and with all the craziness and arming in the
>>>>>its not if , its when. The people in the world are insane and can't
>>>>>get along with each other, and ignores many things to justify power.
>>> pposite your big money!


> "ftds" <> wrote in message
> news:FsPjj.11261$sA6.1546@trndny08...
>> to lose most of the gains
>> "> nothing like all or nothing by the market scammers, It took just two
>> or
>>> three weeks for years of stocks gains ( many times up after investors
>>> left) to be lost.. a coincidence? NOT
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "estalavi" <>
>>> Newsgroups:
>>> sci.environment,,pa.politics,,md.general
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:17 AM
>>> Subject: Lung Cancer ,Stock Fraud and Truth in life
>>>> The most one can do is hope you can protect your family for more ways
>>>> to
>>>> seperate you and your money from Big business and oil . Each year the
>>>> big
>>>> business, credit card companies,stock brokerages and Market Makers and
>>>> Insiders and oil companies and utilities find more ways to rape you,
>>>> without trying to sponser alternatives fast enough or strong enough.
>>>> If
>>>> it
>>>> stopped there that would be one thing. Knowing the news stations keep
>>>> consolidating also shows the intent of rich getting richer and anything
>>>> is
>>>> possible. For ten years I tried to show how news and our epa is not
>>>> protecting people from harm from pollution. Some places more affected
>>>> actually have less rules to follow in order to allow pollution of the
>>>> air
>>>> and ocean to continue. You hear soo many studies about cancer, rarely
>>>> are
>>>> they studies based on pollution numbers although they could if they
>>>> wanted
>>>> to show harm. Stock brokers and online trade investors often play
>>>> against
>>>> your investment,,, finding every conceivable way to make sure once you
>>>> come
>>>> on line to watch porn and trade stocks they will take your money. Its
>>>> like a
>>>> golden rule to them and don't think they can't know your investment
>>>> history
>>>> or how likely you will buy and sell ..aka go opposite your play. Your
>>>> money
>>>> in or the most popular stocks pumped , the more chance they will find
>>>> reasons to short it or go long if you shorted it. The willful evolution
>>>> of
>>>> trading stocks has matured to the point where playing against your big
>>>> money is the goal of insiders and brokerages (fees for transactions)
>>>> and
>>>> market makers. Seriously it don't matter how good a stock is.. the
>>>> people
>>>> in
>>>> the market can find every conceivable reason to go opposite your play
>>>> if
>>>> they want to . and when reasoning fails they always have the excuse ,
>>>> who
>>>> said stocks are reasonable? Even me when I say not to put a stop order
>>>> in for the last five weeks the stocks go down so fast where one of the
>>>> few times in history a stop order might be needed. Its like whatever
>>>> option you choose, they will find a reason to go against you seriously.
>>>> Take going green. Sure some people did ok , but just as many lost allot
>>>> ,
>>>> if you invested in ethanol or biofuels even though its mandated.! The
>>>> companies whose crop prices are blamed its going up to fast so they
>>>> lost
>>>> value too. The only plays that win are the stock companies and insiders
>>>> who know when to buy after you lose.. Read more about this later. so
>>>> lies, taking
>>>> your money and poisoning people in the US is going full blast.. so help
>>>> me
>>>> god , some of course more then others.
>>>> the most unbelievable destruction of values that is going on in the
>>>> market
>>>> and in daily life continues and
>>>> is ignored.
>>>> this is just my opinion
>>>> How popular and great is your stock? The more popular and the more
>>>> money
>>>> you
>>>> put in the more reasons the scum in the markets can bet against you and
>>>> you
>>>> lose,.. the markets don't have to go down for you to lose, just
>>>> opposite
>>>> your positions!!!!
>>>> Please read the whole long post and send it to many people.
>>>> I suggest don't play the markets its a set up and I say it based on the
>>>> conclusions I left below:
>>>> Do you see the same news stories on tv?
>>>>> Do you see the same owners allowed to accumulate and consolidate tv
>>>>> ownership?
>>>>> Do you see our dependence on costly polluted energy and inflation?
>>>>> Do you see more violence in the US then many if not most countries of
>>>>> the
>>>>> world?
>>>>> Do you see your stocks going up?
>>>>> Do you see kids bringing guns to school?
>>>>> Do you see 50 millions without health insurance
>>>>> Do you see millions without jobs ignored by news?
>>>> ----- ,tx.politics
>>>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:26 AM
>>>> Subject: The US our Press Don't Talk about World Alert
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> The fixing of the stock market continues and thats just my opinion
>>>>>>> when they see your big money all gains halt. If they don't have a
>>>>>>> reason
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> taking it down they will think one up:. recession , drop in jobs (
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> reason they used to take it up too when maybe your money was not in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> market lol) smaller then realized profits,
>>>>>>> transportation costs, owner sells, broker downgrades, broker
>>>>>>> upgrades,
>>>>>>> stock has gone up too much , the stock is no good because it don't
>>>>>>> go
>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>> enough.. read on, The stock
>>>>>>> market doesn't have to go down to prove its fixed it just usually
>>>>>>> goes
>>>>>>> opposite your big position.!!!! Thats all that it needs to do for
>>>>>>> big
>>>>>>> boys to capitalize over your investment and its legal too! . This
>>>>>>> post
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> got more email then any other.
>>>>>>> My email
>>>>>>> I got more mail from this then anything else I wrote.
>>>>>>> If you want real links to damage from pollution write me, this is
>>>>>>> real
>>>>>>> links
>>>>>>> to real studies .
>>>>>>> Now the fixing of the stock market.
>>>>>>>>>>> For ten years I did a survey on who gains and loses and who
>>>>>>>>>>> invested
>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the stock market. Listen carefully.The stocks you buy in
>>>>>>>>>>>> usually
>>>>>>>>>>>> go
>>>>>>>>>>>> down,
>>>>>>>>>>>> especially if it allot of money you invested and you bought it
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> go up ( as opposed to investing in short markets) . But it can
>>>>>>>>>>>> happen the reverse if you put allot of money on the short end.
>>>> Stocks go up after you get out. You end up saying I should have just
>>>> stayed.. Its always that way . but if you desire to get back don' be
>>>> surprised the stock stops going up again once your big money shows
>>>> up yet again.. If You do decide to catch a wave or hype or stock tip
>>>> chances are great your wave will break as soon as your big money shows
>>>> up.almost
>>>> guaranteed. Market makers just keep it down till you leave then bring
>>>> it
>>>> back up when your no
>>>> longer
>>>> in the stock .- Usually within a day or two with one big swing up (
>>>> usually when the least
>>>> amount of investors who just got out are not there). and you say to
>>>> yourself I should have just stayed in right? Who buys back so fast
>>>> after
>>>> you sell and make a loss Chances are its insiders or
>>>> stocks reserved for maket makers even brokers.
>>>> Then they can show the stock went up. and sell it back to
>>>> vulnerable
>>>> and only they make the profits.. and just start the process
>>>> over and over. Insiders and money market
>>>> peoplecapitalize and of course brokers like Scott Trade make out too be
>>>> commissions. Don't ever
>>>>>>>>>>>> invest in Scott trade, thats just my opinion. I saw a stock in
>>>>>>>>>>>> real
>>>>>>>>>>>> time selling for
>>>>>>>>>>>> approx 11.68.. as soon as I go to sell form thAT price WITHIN
>>>>>>>>>>>> SECONDS IT was 11.54,,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it dropped 13 cents in the five seconds it took to write out my
>>>>>>>>>>>> sell order. after I sold the stock was selling for 11.68,
>>>>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe my sell order had resulted in worse then real time
>>>>>>>>>>>> prices? OF COURSE this is normal for some people because they
>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>> get away with it. then I bought a stock in real time that was
>>>>>>>>>>>> going for approx$ 44.39. I made
>>>> a buy order and within five seconds the price was 44. 80. I said to
>>>>>>>>>>>> myself its remotely possible but as soon as I looked at real
>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>> after I bougght the price was 44: 38 again .. someone raised
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> close to fifty cents after I filled in the sell form ( just a
>>>>>>>>>>>> coinciidence? LOL) and brought it down to fifty cents seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>> later
>>>>>>>>>>>> ( coincidence again?) both trades within seconds.. This is in
>>>>>>>>>>>> addition to other ways to get the traders. Never invest in
>>>>>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>>>>>> trade. but of course this in addition to other ways to get
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> money and this is legal? lol Legal what? . Never ever
>>>> put a stop order in its almost assured to be taken out . Never ever
>>>> day
>>>> trade, they know your going to pull the trigger fast so the best thing
>>>> is
>>>> to wait you out till you sell for a loss which is why most day traders
>>>> lose.. The market is a set up now and ploy where human beings or market
>>>> makers or brokers play
>>>> against investors accept they can't lose. Its not how good the
>>>> company is its how much of real money you and I invest ... there is to
>>>> be
>>>> played against!! . the human element is killing
>>>> free exchange and yet no one cares. its like whistlin in the wind...
>>>> . The truth that some people can legally win by manipulating the stock
>>>> price
>>>> is ignored !!!!!! They can keep your stock opposite the way you went
>>>> for
>>>> however long they want
>>>> and believe me they can make news to rationalize it too. Who fixes this
>>>> like this?MM insiders? commission sellers? Your guess, its built into
>>>> the
>>>> system. the investment sites will pump a play in one day and six months
>>>> later talk how horrible the exact site they pumped a few months ago
>>>> and
>>>> this is really true.
>>>> They say its because of changing conditions? Ha you know what causes
>>>> changing conditions? YOOUR MONEY showing up to be played against Where
>>>> does
>>>> it say US stocks are all or nothing?The federal commerce agency recent
>>>> decision ( I
>>>> think the exact name alludes me ftc? )that allows Tv station owners
>>>> to
>>>> increase the concentration of ownership almost assures fewer and
>>>> fewer
>>>> different owners, and different perspectives of freedom of diverse
>>>> viewpoints.
>>>> .. which will stifle the freedom of speech and different view points.
>>>>> and truth..They often totally ignore the reality = write about here.
>>>>>> They say or some say they ignore it because its not true. It is true
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> I am writing about, but don't lose your hard earned money to find
>>>>>> out.
>>>>>> Can you gain? Sure but it takes a special investor to gain with big
>>>>>> money. Now more contentions I make about how big gov and industry fix
>>>>>> things have unfair advantages
>>>> violence and pollution is ignored in general elections and we have
>>>> basically come to expect thousands of victims with more and more people
>>>> studies to show the cost of harm from all this
>>>> . Money sites talk about hidden gems that go up usually without your
>>>> knowledge, ( you know they show the stats of stocks you and your uncle
>>>> never had and you just happened to MISS! and say if you only bought
>>>> such
>>>> and such time) , then they talk which ones to get in now,, rarely
>>>> going
>>>> up
>>>> the same percentages if at all , but if you were to know which ones
>>>> the
>>>> most people put their money in I assure you the stock would stop going
>>>> up
>>>> that fast almost a dead certain bet...and be played against.. as the
>>>> ..The ones that go up the most ...all just happen to fall beneath the
>>>> radar, and go up when no one you knew was in it...till someone says
>>>> .."TILL Wall Street
>>>> discovered it" . They say get in before Wall Street Discovers
>>>> it... Why woulda stock stop going up
>>>> when wall street discovers it? I thought the more investment the more
>>>> likely to go up? OOPS Its seriously a giant ponzi scheme.? Of
>>>> course,
>>>> now
>>>> this is legal in the US as rich find more ways to rape people in the
>>>> US.
>>>> The
>>>> pollution factor which kills people is ignored in this more
>>>> and
>>>> more links shows extra carbon dioxide and particulate pollution kill
>>>> people.
>>>> I have been saying that for years only recently has the links been made
>>>> to
>>>> show studies of such things yet millions of people are not told how
>>>> dangerous the places they live and work harms them.. They would sooner
>>>> talk
>>>> about bad spinanch in Canada or out west then talk about real dangers
>>>> currently happening in their own backyard. yet media can get away with
>>>> it. I
>>>> saw a study about depression in the Midwest. Our Kyw newsradio ran this
>>>> story over and over again. Yet when I sent them a link to show here in
>>>> our
>>>> city we are the most depressed. they ignored it? Why because they can?
>>>> They
>>>> can really sell meds easier if they ignore the damage that is going on
>>>> here
>>>> or to not tell people why they need the meds. This is the meaness of
>>>> the
>>>> power of the media and society values that filter down to people.
>>>> C O N T R O L and harm is more important then truth so help me god.
>>>> Face
>>>> it
>>>> jobs are expected from poor policies. that are allowed to go on. The
>>>> media
>>>> would rather sell oil and kill their own population but then sell
>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>> nebulizers and asthma drugs all day and if some of you only
>>>>>>>>>>>> knew
>>>>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>>>>> pollution readings , or percentage of days we don't get clean
>>>>>>>>>>>> air
>>>>>>>>>>>> ( thats a number they don't have to do a study for they can
>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>> say we don't ge the most pollution so stop complaining)
>>>> you would know why they need to sell this all day to some of us and
>>>> not
>>>> tell you why you need these things and allow children and adults to be
>>>> harmed at will and gov and industry know better.. Trust me its
>>>> happening
>>>> in
>>>> certain areas., its the Gods truth. Its ok to choke and be ignored if
>>>> tv
>>>> news can sell
>>>> you meds.instead of telling you the consequences from this air or
>>>>>>>>>>>> show harm correlations to pollution in the area.. People say
>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>> news stations or politiicans .. I Have almost zero answer
>>>>>>>>>>>> ya..Thatsthe mentality of the meaness of society now. Of course
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>> consolidation of news stations almost assures all these things I write
>>>> about to continue .The federal commerce agency recent decision ( I
>>>> think
>>>> the exact name alludes me ftc maybe )that allows Tv station owners to
>>>> increase the concentration of ownership almost assures fewer and fewer
>>>> different owners, and less different perspectives of freedom of
>>>> diverse
>>>> viewpoints.=and objectivity.
>>>> ..They often totally ignore the reality I
>>>> write bout here. The violence in society is often ignored in general
>>>> elections by politicians and national news and we have basically
>>>> come
>>>> to
>>>> expect over 189,000 shootings against our family members withoutdoing
>>>> anything different year after year. Whats amazing is the spin when
>>>>>>>>>>>> they say violence is down. Down 10 percent this year.. in some
>>>>>>>>>>>> cities! and its still
>>>> more still then most of the world but thats not
>>>> even talked about ! Its amazing ! Why? Its a given 100,000 people
>>>> in the US
>>>> will be shot or killed each year, .30to 50 k will die from murder
>>>> or suicide Why should the people inpower care, they live in
>>>> in gated communities.. If its not happening to them,, they don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> care..
>>>>>>>>>>>> basically only the rich get
>>>>>>>>>>>> elected to office and rich keep consolidating and distancing
>>>>>>>>>>>> themselves
>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else. Only John McMCcain has talked about election
>>>>>>>>>>>> reform.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oil, pharmacies, credit card and loan companis all
>>>> can't lose getting more rules to be able to take wealth from the
>>>> working class with outrageous fees that are allowed to keep
>>>> multiplying. I literally had a bill for something for 8 dollars go to
>>>> $800
>>>> after accumulated late fees and interest, Its legal robbery. If
>>>> a store clerk could get away at selling something for such a profit
>>>>>>>>>>>> on such a low price item they would hold him for gauging. In
>>>> american the rich and oil companies and brokers get to do it legally
>>>> and
>>>> they
>>>> get to do it daily . How in the hell can they then get more
>>>> legislation
>>>> to
>>>> keep getting more ways to
>>>> collect? Our congress gives em more ways to collect also
>>>> . We have violence that is worse then many terrorist
>>>> countries so anything is possible. and its totally ignored in our press
>>>>>>>>>>> My Hillbilly friends tell me we are at that awkward time when it
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> too late for them to fix things, but still too early to drag the
>>>>>>>>>>> bastards out to be shot.
>>>>>>>>>> As long as they are not physically going after you consider
>>>>>>>>>> yourself
>>>>>>>>>> lucky
>>>>>>>>>> especially if you believed in doing the right things and have
>>>>>>>>>> watched
>>>>>>>>>> depressing things happen to your stocks and neighborhoods.
>>>>>>>>>> We have an economy based on people like this who manipulate
>>>>>>>>>> stocks
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> tells
>>>>>>>>>> you what you don't want to hear in order to gain from your
>>>>>>>>>> investment..its
>>>>>>>>>> that simple.. If this really happens imagine what else they can
>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>> Finally there are millions without jobs,
>>>> Big companies do away with more operators and use electronic answering
>>>> devices that seldom work. If after 20 minutes an operator does come on
>>>> they
>>>> hang up on you if your not there after waiting so long talking to a
>>>> machine
>>>> that seldome recognizes what you just said.
>>>> Why must people talk to a machine that seldom recognizes what the
>>>> caller
>>>> (us) is answering! Its amazing how many companies and gov. uses this to
>>>> keep
>>>> people on telephon foreever before someone live answers. Its not like
>>>> people can't do the same job better because they can! Why hire people?
>>>> Easier to poison them and rip them off like in stocks!
>>>> there are people who get
>>>> commercial
>>>>> after commerical for nebulizers and have to breathe polluted air every
>>>>>>>>> second of their life or much more then people in other areas who
>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>> clean air. . The largest
>>>> differences in health is often based on the pollution factor. The
>>>> peoplewho
>>>> ate the same things, but live in polluted areas near crowded
>>>>>>>>> streets or malls
>>>> with much traffic or near truck depots and or bus depots and or
>>>> downwind
>>>> from coal have much more illness then
>>>> the people who live in clean air. but no one tells them these things.
>>>> .
>>>> there are people who can't afford food or health
>>>> care, yet we bring millions more people here who often need help
>>>> also!!!
>>>> Everybody hates one another and
>>>> only
>>>> millionaire gets elected. Market makers have a license to steal from
>>>> investors. You never ever day trade or have a stop loss order. its
>>>>>>>>> automatically taken out and not one Congressional investigation.
>>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>> pay
>>>>>>>>> more money to oil and energy then anything in your life often
>>>>>>>>> combined
>>>> while millions live in poverty.. so why you surprised?
>>>>>>>>> Remember this about stocks
>>>>>>>>> "> go. The giant up factor is usually when your not in them. They
>>>>>>>>> literally
>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>> track your investment knowing your trading history and when your
>>>>>>>>>> likely
>>>>>>>>>> to sell.
>>>>>>> The republican role models and democrats
>>>>>>>> who do nothing about crime, immigration ,dependency on terror,
>>>>>>>> violent
>>>>>>>> crime, murder,
>>>>>>>> dependency on court
>>>>>>>> systems,hate, pollution and oil , coal, and stock scams. Our role
>>>>>>>> models
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>> us.I repeat our role models have left us.! They just ignore the
>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>> who are the real victims and who can't afford to voice opinions.
>>>>>>>> Most
>>>>>>>> people have no clue what some cities welfare lines look like and
>>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>> virtually ignored along with the people who don't have jobs.
>>>>>>>> God help us
>>>>>>>> Are there agood things about US? yes but lets be honest what is
>>>>>>>> happening
>>>>>>>> now .kids come to school with guns, one of the largest cause of
>>>>>>>> death
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> women in the US is murder. millions not counted out of work or
>>>>>>>> unemployed. Many thousands of kids have violent video games and WW
>>>>>>>> wrestling as their role models. Social security
>>>> is going to have to be in debt for decades to pay people who are going
>>>> to
>>>> need it
>>>> to survive.
>>>> stocks fixed, pollution damage ignored, global warming ignored,
>>>>>>>>> immigration
>>>>>>>>> ignored, violent crime ignored by all major candidates ( not
>>>>>>>>> politically
>>>>>>>>> correct), unemployment all virtually ignored by our politicians
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> press , who virtually put out what they want you to see, not that
>>>>>>>>> which is most important ..along with Britney Spears and movie
>>>>>>>>> stars,
>>>>>>>>> and the weather ,
>>>>>>>>> not reality. People seem so cold hearted and controlled like
>>>>>>>>> robots,
>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>> the old movie time machine and see how people don't care anymore
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> future.. and they
>>>>>>>>> become emotionless and if you do care the leaders come after
>>>>>>>>> you..Get
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> movie and play it back and you tell me if you don't think our
>>>>>>>>> leaders
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> like that and people too ... People are immune from responding
>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>> they are use to it : can we say control and this control filters
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>> even
>>>> workers at welfare where some ( not all ) of he workers treat their
>>>>>>>>> clients with total diserespect.
>>>> Kids and their families are often treated like dirt because they need
>>>>>>>>> help and workers are not trained right or do what they want.. Some
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> very good though just so you know I am very objective ... so you
>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>> how abuse of control filters
>>>> down to kids ( bullying) and even people who are suppose to help...and
>>>> end
>>>> up putting people at risk down? Do we have a system in place to help
>>>> people
>>>> at risk earlier? Or do we just let the kids join gangs and continue the
>>>> violent spin off?
>>>> about stocks..
>>>> saw such set up and controls and
>>>>>> stocks go up and down so fast.. Make
>>>>>> no
>>>>>> mistake our kids think control is what motivates. Why do kids bully?
>>>>>> Look
>>>>>> around! Everything in the US is controlled based on how much money
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> or what you look like or how much power you can accumulate over
>>>>>> others.
>>>>>> The people without are totally ignored everyday.. treated like
>>>>>> crap.....We
>>>>>> are honestly slowly destroying ourselves. because the disparity
>>>>>> between
>>>>>> winners and losers and victims keeps increasing. If your a victim
>>>>>> thats
>>>>>> the price you
>>>>>> pay by being ignored.
>>>>>>>>> Reporters would sooner ask question I want answered as the Tooth
>>>>>>>>> fairy.
>>>>>>>>> The idea of
>>>>>>>>> tv
>>>>>>>>> and news
>>>>>>>>> is to get cute
>>>>>>>>> people to laugh all day and
>>>>>>>>> talk about everything but the news like gossip talk shows and
>>>>>>>>> Jerry
>>>>>>>>> Springer type shows...They make their own questions and know you
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> watch and form conclusions based on what they tell you. . If your
>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>> out of
>>>>>>>>> state or another
>>>>>>>>> country, know we are virtually not free anymore. Corporations and
>>>>>>>>> big
>>>>>>>>> oil
>>>>>>>>> has taken our freedoms away.Our country is getting more mean
>>>>>>>>> spirited,
>>>>>>>>> WW
>>>>>>>>> wrestling is becoming main stream,
>>>>>>>>> Wealth is not created equally. Our role models have left or are
>>>>>>>>> taking
>>>>>>>>> drug enhancment pills, viagra or betting on their own games.
>>>>>>>>> All I ever wanted was a job, good quality air without seeing
>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> love
>>>>>>>>> and myself gasp for air or get disease thru policy , and go to
>>>>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> night without
>>>>>>>>> worrying if my family members who I love dearly are going to be
>>>>>>>>> murdered.that night or the next day. our life is often but not
>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> about decpetions and control. . Seriously the next biggest concern
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> besides crime is
>>>>>>>>> depression meds and how am I going to pay for health care and
>>>>>>>>> transportation
>>>>>>>>> costs.. Forget a job, no one responded to any job offers for
>>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>>> Go
>>>>>>>>> outside see thousands of
>>>>>>>>> people often poor people who look stunned. at bus stops. They have
>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>>> for jobs. People in suburbia have no clue except when crime comes
>>>>>>>>> close
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> them. We do virtually nothing to stop the progression of these
>>>>>>>>> things.
>>>>>>> People ask what can we do against crime? PLenty.. stop and frisk.
>>>>>>> cameras,
>>>>>>> teachers might teach about dysfunction in schools so parents and
>>>>>>> kids
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> identify
>>>>>>> danger before they are in jeopardy. Do we empower kids to take back
>>>>>>> control of their life in dysfunctional situations or do we let
>>>>>>> gangs
>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>> control for
>>>>>>> them? Are social workers trained correctly? Are families encouraged
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> stay together? . >>
>>>>>> We should
>>>>>>> literally tortue child and cop killers and put them away for
>>>>>>> life. death penalty don't work. Torture is when good people hear
>>>>>>> horrible
>>>>>>> stories how women and kids are murdered. It seems to keep going on
>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> word from politicians. The expectation of 40 thousand people
>>>>>>> murdered
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> shooting
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> hundreds of thousand s of people in the us every year goes on
>>>>>>> inspite
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> advances in technology in every other area.Not one idea to do
>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>> different!!!!!One of the top causes of death
>>>>>>> for yg women is murder. Some people in cities fear losing their
>>>>>>> health
>>>>>>> paying for bread, being put down, and violent crime. and losing
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> life
>>>>>>> just for existing and the news media is pretty much ignoring all
>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> Why because they can and many of these people just don't have access
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> speak out.
>>>> First of all we are country held hostage for oil and oil producers. I
>>>>>>>>>> pledge alliance to oil , pollution and dependency on Arab
>>>>>>>>>> production
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>> pay more for it then everything In life and then we are bombed for
>>>> it..Man Face it when the same stations use the same stories over and
>>>> over
>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> over at the same time and ignore others. you know its more then
>>>>>>>>>>>> coincidence. Their idea
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> a story is Britney Spears and weather forecasts
>>>>>>> Many people have families who look out for one thing, getting
>>>>>>>>>> bye
>>>>>>>>>> with enough food and health care,
>>>>>>>>>> without some drug induced nutcase killing or raping someone else.
>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>> can you blame someone who sees the same things I see? Drugs or
>>>>>>>>>> depression
>>>>>>>>>> drugs are almost a necessity. There are more people taking more
>>>>>>>>>> deprression meds then in history.. Is the US based on doing the
>>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>>> things anymore or is it based on who can make the best mouse
>>>>>>>>>> traps?
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> we need to stop global warming now. we need rules where rich can't
>>>>> keep
>>>>> accumulating a greater percent of wealth at the expense of those who
>>>>> are
>>>>> not.
>>>>> Epas rating is not true or helping people adequately protect families!
>>>>> so
>>>>> help me god.. Moderate particulate pollution harms a great deal
>>>>> of people. This is simply another way to get people to accept the
>>>>> damages
>>>>> of
>>>>> a modern society. Is there a God anymore. Do people actually care
>>>>> about
>>>>> helping people maximize their existence. Or are people paying with
>>>>> their
>>>>> life for decisions they had no power of. First never smoke, I did and
>>>>> this
>>>>> is one reason I am more sensitive to damages now . I am convinced
>>>>> though,
>>>>> the sensitivity I feel has led to me to now know what causes the most
>>>>> damages from air conditions and pollution. I then went on to examine
>>>>> whatever studies were made to show damages from pollution and where,
>>>>> and
>>>>> completely UNSURPRISING I think there is great cause to show that
>>>>> people
>>>>> living and working in polluted conditions are not only losing their
>>>>> health,
>>>>> it could be proved its based on how much pollution and or how much
>>>>> clean
>>>>> air
>>>>> they don't get , IN DIRECT Proportion when all things were compared to
>>>>> people who got good and bad air and ate the same things and had the
>>>>> same
>>>>> good habits.
>>>>> People are much more at risk simply living or working on streets with
>>>>> crowded traffic or near idling cars like fast food restaurants.
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> People in the US are self destructing.
>>>>> Our role models have left us
>>>>> We take drug enhancement pills , kids come to school with guns, we
>>>>> have
>>>>> more
>>>>> murders then most of world including terrorist countries. Murder is
>>>>> the
>>>>> leading cause of death for women in the US in some age groups. Drug
>>>>> use
>>>>> is
>>>>> starting to increase. Many people are unemployed and not counted.
>>>>> Pollution
>>>>> numbers and descriptions from epa are not protecting people!
>>>>> .., rich get more rules
>>>>> to charge you interest. and keep distancing themselves from people who
>>>>> are
>>>>> poor. You have to be a millionaire to run for Senate or
>>>>> Congress almost. Oil prices have sabotaged business. News media
>>>>> consolidation ignores most everything important. while the world hates
>>>>> by
>>>>> religion and nothing is done about it,, and arming to the bones more
>>>>> ways
>>>>> to
>>>>> destroy each other..some of it is political and economics too but
>>>>> instead
>>>>> of
>>>>> dealing with it we ignore it. . the affects from pollution are
>>>>> horrific (some of you have
>>>>> no idea what day after day without good air does to you, ) We are
>>>>> destroying
>>>>> ourselves and the same people made to breathe it have to pay more to
>>>>> doctors
>>>>> to treat conditions they were not responsible for getting. You will
>>>>> see
>>>>> thousands of studies for different conditions that causes illness but
>>>>> few
>>>>> about pollution damage. The greatest conspiracy I have ever seen in my
>>>>> lifetimes. .What ,is going
>>>>> on here? help someone help. stocks are manipulated and allowed to be
>>>>> played
>>>>> against by insiders, Its not how good a company is its how much of
>>>>> your
>>>>> money shows up in a stock and insiders and market makers allowed to
>>>>> then
>>>>> find reasons to bet against you and this is legal! unbelievable.
>>>>> need someone to listen to care, Our people are being murdered, being
>>>>> poisoned by coal and exhaust conditions without more being down. How
>>>>> do
>>>>> I
>>>>> know? My lungs constrict everyday. I have air filters that turn black
>>>>> in
>>>>> less then 30 days.. I want an investigation about what is going on
>>>>> here.
>>>>> I
>>>>> seriously have tried to do the best in my life and now I am thinking
>>>>> there
>>>>> were things I couldnt' get past and people are being unfairly not
>>>>> protected
>>>>> from refinery and industry pollution and auto exhausts and so many
>>>>> days
>>>>> without clean air.
>>>>> Warmer temperatures where If you remember our past winters, this is
>>>>> like
>>>>> the twilightzone. Temperatures are often ten degrees warmer. We are
>>>>> getting
>>>>> most depression and respiratory disease with commercials for allergy
>>>>> and
>>>>> respiratory meds and inhalers without a news or big business telling
>>>>> you
>>>>> why
>>>>> we need it. Please can we get investigators over here please. What is
>>>>> going
>>>>> on in the us now? what ? what is happening where we get more crime
>>>>> vandalism, and people not graduating.. and crime after crime! What is
>>>>> happening , what has happened in the past.? We need comparisons to
>>>>> people
>>>>> who get clean air. Please someone help..this is totally outrageous our
>>>>> kids
>>>>> are not being protected and we have so many negatives going on here.
>>>>> Please
>>>>> we need lawyers now , and
>>>>> investigators and researchers. Please this is unbelievable
>>>>> remember I told you so Our teams seldom win, American Idol was in
>>>>> Philly
>>>>> and someone with clean air in Oregon and California got the best
>>>>> reviews.
>>>>> Out of thousands of people , Philly people were not very good. The
>>>>> negative
>>>>> Philly people were showcased ( half were borderline or schizophrenic)
>>>>> .
>>>>> If
>>>>> and I say this with all seriousness, we were examined compared to rest
>>>>> of
>>>>> people with clean air our health would show additionally how harmed we
>>>>> have
>>>>> been from this pollution both physically and mentally. I now am
>>>>> completely
>>>>> beside myself with harm done and I want comparisons to show
>>>>> productivity
>>>>> and
>>>>> how much more so then people who got clean air. I seriously think we
>>>>> need
>>>>> a
>>>>> great lawyer to show how the most days without clean air, affected the
>>>>> people here. The most incredible poisoning that is allowed to
>>>>> continue
>>>>> for
>>>>> years . Most days without good air. A very violent city , A very
>>>>> depressed
>>>>> city, more cancers and heart disease. Number one in asthma and
>>>>> respiratory
>>>>> disease and its all ignored. God help --\
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> We
>>>>> need to get lawyers to stop this pollution now and
>>>>> stop the dirty coal now not in 2020, to change our percent of
>>>>> gasoline,
>>>>> to
>>>>> innovate ways to immediate help kids not harm families.Please read on
>>>>>> as long as your sitting ducks for asthma and lung institutes and
>>>>>> cancer
>>>>>> hospitals and more and more hospital annexes and directly in path of
>>>>>> coal
>>>>>> pollution, oil refineries and concentrated exhausts with a city
>>>>>> prettty
>>>>>> much
>>>>>> in denial about how to remedy it or to not even care about worsening
>>>>>> traffic conditions to maybe improve
>>>>>> things. I see the exact same things happeening here for coming ten
>>>>>> years.
>>>>>> ,
>>>>>> You can bank on your kids getting more pollution, , more violence,
>>>>>> (then
>>>>>> average) kids not learning, and horrible health ratings and ads to
>>>>>> target
>>>>>> you from illness put upon you for no reason then because politicians
>>>>>> let
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> happen.
>>>>>> cares. Saw that guy Chitwood from homicide talk about murder or cab
>>>>>> driver
>>>>>> ( another murder how surprising) the guy who is probably over 50 also
>>>>>> looks
>>>>>> way older then his
>>>>>> years. and its a shame,, seems like a good guy At a certain point if
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> tell me how to do well in retiirement or
>>>>>> anyother way when we have the least percentage of days with good air
>>>>>> then
>>>>>> most big cities and number 2 in state for asthma and green house
>>>>>> pollution,,, . You would then not be surprised we are number one for
>>>>>> asthma
>>>>>> ,
>>>>>> respiratory disease, respiratory death and higher then normal in
>>>>>> cancers
>>>>>> heart disease and number one in nation for depression. We do horrible
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> education and we are one of the worse for violence .most of all your
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> told any of this by your newstations
>>>>>> when you ignore the number one city or two city with asthma and
>>>>>> respiratory
>>>>>> deaths and respiratory prescriptions and when you can compare our
>>>>>> number
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> health commercials with other cities and when your graphs also show
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> number of days we get good air in total to other communities then I
>>>>>> might
>>>>>> believe but I know what they are . For example one graph said Philly
>>>>>> had
>>>>>> 200
>>>>>> days of good air last year, which was totally outrageous lies. It may
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> reached good but many if not most of those days were in moderate zone
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> worse most of the time. . Thats one way of getting to say whatever
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> want
>>>>>> without showing the reality of the situation.
>>>>>> this is the link to air pollution and danger in exercising in it.
>>>>>> us life expectency falls to 42nd
>>>>>> now heart disease worsens because of it.
>>>>>> pollution and heart disease
>>>>>> parituclate pollution dangers
>>>>>> Ultra-fine particulate matter has been linked with premature death,
>>>>>> cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness, according to the
>>>>>> California
>>>>>> Air Resources Board. Though it takes Americans an average of 25
>>>>>> minutes
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> drive to work, according to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau figures, the
>>>>>> board
>>>>>> estimates that over 50% of a person's daily exposure to ultra-fine
>>>>>> particles
>>>>>> can occur during a commute.
>>>>>> Likewise, a 2005 study by researchers at the University of Southern
>>>>>> California's Keck School of Medicine showed that long-term exposure
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> ambient particulate matter may contribute to atherosclerosis, the
>>>>>> hardening
>>>>>> and narrowing of the arteries.
>>>>>> "Particle pollution kills people, whether they're breathing it in
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> short period or day in and day out for a year," Nolen says. "It's not
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> being hit by a car, but it shortens the lives of people by months to
>>>>>> years."
>>>>>> Even if you live in a city with low pollution levels, don't kid
>>>>>> yourself;
>>>>>> that doesn't necessarily mean your commute is healthy. A 2007 report
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Clean Air Task Force that investigated diesel exhaust levels during
>>>>>> commutes
>>>>>> in New York, Boston, Austin, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio, documented
>>>>>> diesel
>>>>>> particle levels four to eight times higher inside commuter cars,
>>>>>> buses
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> trains than in those cities' ambient outdoor air.
>>>>>> The only commutes found to be low in diesel exposure were those on
>>>>>> electric-powered subways and commuter trains, buses running on
>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>> fuels or retrofitted with diesel particulate filters, and in cars
>>>>>> traveling
>>>>>> with little truck traffic
>>>>>> Exercising in polluted air causes harm
>>>>>> DEATHS caused by pollution
>>>>>> Dying For a Change -
>>>>>> Here's one small reason to join the save-the-environment cause: new
>>>>>> research indicates that some 40 percent of deaths worldwide are a
>>>>>> direct effect of air, water, and soil pollution. Dirty air
>>>>>> contributes
>>>>>> to cancer and birth defects; unclean water accounts for 80 percent of
>>>>>> all infectious diseases; and contaminated soil passes toxics to
>>>>>> unwitting humans through direct contact or via food. According to
>>>>>> researchers' review of data from more than 120 published papers,
>>>>>> pollution combined with population growth contributes to
>>>>>> malnourishment and disease susceptibility in 3.7 billion people, or
>>>>>> about 57 percent of the world population. In 1950, when a mere 2.5
>>>>>> billion humans roamed the earth, only 20 percent of the population
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> malnourished. Says lead researcher David Pimentel, "We have serious
>>>>>> environmental resource problems of water, land, and energy, and these
>>>>>> are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition, and the
>>>>>> incidence of diseases."
>>>>>> straight to the source: Science Daily, 14 Aug 2007
>>>>>> straight to the source: The Ithaca Journal, Topher Sanders, 13 Aug
>>>>>> 2007
>>>>>> assume people walk for a cure while not possibly realizing or caring
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> are doing more harm possibly by taking long walks and living in
>>>>>> polluted
>>>>>> air
>>>>>> , or not worrying about their diet then worrying about a drugs and
>>>>>> hospitals looking for a cure i. Maybe they don't need to give medical
>>>>>> centers more money , because I can't think of a single drug that will
>>>>>> reverse asthma or probably other cancers once they get it from the
>>>>>> environment (if that can be proven). Since
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> biggest differences in quality of health when everything else is the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> like diet and bad habits is the differences between people who live
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> work in polluted air near coal and industry and refineries the most
>>>>>> time
>>>>>> and those that don't. , People who wait in long traffic lines and
>>>>>> live
>>>>>> near
>>>>>> crowded malls or work in heavy traffic are much much more prone ot
>>>>>> lives
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> devastation from illness and yet they are rarely connected to the
>>>>>> pollution
>>>>>> levels and this is in fact on purpose. What I have seen in the last
>>>>>> twenty
>>>>>> years is babies crying more often , people who sleep less, people who
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> more depression , asthma and respiratory illness often at exactly no
>>>>>> fault
>>>>>> of their own and politicians and newsmakers completely in together in
>>>>>> ignoring the implications. The most incredible indifference to human
>>>>>> suffering I have ever seen in my life. continues... so help me
>>>>>> god.well
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> if its a multiple choice of reasons. Face it some people were born
>>>>>> too sensitive or different but I can't prove it. What I think I have
>>>>>> done
>>>>>> greatly is alerted as many people as possible about the dangers of
>>>>>> pollution
>>>>>> (coal , transportation exhausts) , global warming and subsequent ill
>>>>>> effects
>>>>>> ignored for the most part by the people who have the ability to
>>>>>> lessen
>>>>>> them.. Whats that say about this world? I had to scream every day and
>>>>>> tell
>>>>>> people I can't breathe which I couldn't before someone did some
>>>>>> things
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> the percentage of time people get good air is still too few. That
>>>>>> wouldn't
>>>>>> be so bad had it not been the case they are cheated out of good
>>>>>> health
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> still are and not told. Why should I care If they don't? It says the
>>>>>> world
>>>>>> is a very depressing place to live if we default to harming people
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> people complain , make a timeline for 2020 to fix it while the people
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> profit by it get to keep doing it. . what kind of role models do we
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> allowing this to happen. I am saying people in PHilly and pa are
>>>>>> being
>>>>>> allowed to lose their health for no good reason when so much more can
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> done now. ( also in many other areas close to pollution and on east
>>>>>> coast.
>>>>>>Ps I say to all Israelis get out of Israel now, your going to be
>>>>>>I sense it and feel it and with all the craziness and arming in the
>>>>>>its not if , its when. The people in the world are insane and can't
>>>>>>get along with each other, and ignores many things to justify power.
>>>> pposite your big money!

>> years of gains.. lol what a joke..
