Are you a freak??

Nope, can't say I am.... But if people who see me walking past them at the store consider me one because of my spiked hair then they can go back to Antarctica with all the other hippies... ;)

I might check the site out, but I won't promise that I will join.
Anceylee-134 said:
I've been called a freak because I'm different... just because I like anime, (first off, I'm a girl) boy clothes (they're comfy), and I'm also not fashion obbsessed. and lot of other things, but I'm being myself and proud of it!!

ya im the same way,i wear guys sweat pants and sweat shirts, there awsome. my brother makes fun of me about it. My mother keeps telling me to act like a girl and wear make up and dress in pink *shutters* but im not gonna anytime soon , im not trying to impress anyone. it annoys me to no end. So what if people are differnt, big shocker, people shouldnt be copies of each other like everything else, like my mother wants me to be.
i just joined, if you see me, go ahead and say hi,
(name on, 5th_level_of_hell)
if you been on the forum called "the hell test", then you know why i choose this name.