Arizona judge sentences murderer Jodi Arias to life without parole


Yahoo! News

By David Schwartz PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona judge sentenced former waitress Jodi Arias to life in prison with no possibility of parole on Monday for shooting and stabbing her ex-boyfriend to death in 2008. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens said Arias' crime, which attracted national attention, was "especially cruel ... (and) involved substantial planning and preparation." Arias, 34, had escaped a possible death sentence last month after a lone juror at her sentencing retrial refused to back the death penalty throughout five days of deliberations. Prosecutors said she killed her former partner in a jealous rage while Arias argued she acted in self-defense. Shackled and clad in jail stripes, Arias told the court she had long wanted to be put to death for the crime.

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