As Much As I Hate To Admit It..........


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
On Jonathan Davis' Lap
..........I don't think that LP will play Ireland anytime soon.

The last time they played here, they supported Metallica. Now, Irish metal fans are very picky about what they consider to be 'metal', and LP did not fit into that category as far as they were concerned. Hence the shower of plastic bottles lobbed in Chester's general direction.

I, for one, was not one of those people, and if Chester reads this, I'd just like to say............

Same thing happened last year, when Metallica played Dublin. Lostprophets opened for them, and promptly got buried in a pile of plastic water bottles. Mind you, I hate lostprophets, so I had to laugh. How can they even attempt to open for Slipknot and Metallica? That would be like asking Avril Lavigne to open for Slayer, a lamb to the slaughter.........
Yeah...but many heavy metal fans are picky, weather they are from Ireland or anywhere else. I'm sure Linkin Park will be back, but they probably won't be opening for Metallica or anything again, ya know? My guess is they would just have there own concert.
omg.. i want to slap those asshole for throwing stuff at Linkin Park, how dare they.. how would they like it i through a waffle iron at them, they wouldn't like that now would them, i hope they gets whats come to them..
If they could have thrown anything heavier at them, they would have. As it was, security were taking cans of deodorant, lighters, and glass bottles off people at the gates. Iron Maiden and Manson are playing Dublin this August. All I can say is that the opening band had better be good, or they'll end up getting the samr treatment as LP and lostprophets got.
I want to slap all those bloody fools who threw stuff at Chester. Damn bitches..

Im sure they will be back one day:)
NineTails said:
Same thing happened last year, when Metallica played Dublin. Lostprophets opened for them, and promptly got buried in a pile of plastic water bottles. Mind you, I hate lostprophets, so I had to laugh. How can they even attempt to open for Slipknot and Metallica? That would be like asking Avril Lavigne to open for Slayer, a lamb to the slaughter.........
lostprophets? bhahahahhahahah open for metallica omg thats the funniest thing i've heard yet. i really really hate lost prophets.....with a passion. i alsohate greenday.....::stabs pic::
well,i heard ppl saying that lp are metalilca's no 1,come on let's face it matallica made history through rock music but that doesn't mean every rock or heavy metal band has to see them as gods
personally,i like metallica,i like some of the songs but i don't consider myself a metallica fan.
Hah, if I were LP I'd never go back :p Make the Irish fans go to London or something.

How rude, throwing stuff at LP >_< This isn't the first time though...
LP got booed off the stage a lot and some things were thrown at them during about 9 or 10 shows on Ozzfest 2001 X_X
Well that sucks... I cant belive they would do that to Chester! If I was Chester I would have opened up a case of whoop ass!. lol

Well maybe try making a petition to have them come back and give the Irish Men one more shot. But I dont know if that will work. But what do you got to lose?
aww poor chester but i think your better off movin 2 tha U.S. we dont do that over here...well hmm never heard of a story from tha U.S. doin that 2 them...Poor Chester :(
well,some of metallica's fans are pretty bad but i remember one thing....there is a guy o the live in texas dvd that has a metallica shirt on him and sigs lp's songs with all of his heart....what does that tell u??
it's like that metallica fans say that lp don't sing rock....but when they go home they listen to linkin park.....
Irish people and London dont mix :-/

LP sufferd the Crazy Town syndrome they came back popular and where hated cause they where no longer 'proper metal' the same thing happend to Crazy Town when they did a popular record (though it was proper pop lol) they got booed and jeered the whole tour.
Ahh my irish buddy was at that show I think. He is a proper "Metalhead" into Metallica and Megadeth and Slayer and he really hates LP lol. *I still love him loads though haha :)* He said the fans totally hated the "Crawling" song and someone threw a water bottle at Mr Hahns decks. I think that's really rude and ignorant. They should respect other bands even if they didn't like them. I definately wouldn't go back to Ireland if I got that kind of reception lol. There's plenty of other places where fans would happily cheer them on xD!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Ahh my irish buddy was at that show I think. He is a proper "Metalhead" into Metallica and Megadeth and Slayer and he really hates LP lol. *I still love him loads though haha :)* He said the fans totally hated the "Crawling" song and someone threw a water bottle at Mr Hahns decks. I think that's really rude and ignorant. They should respect other bands even if they didn't like them. I definately wouldn't go back to Ireland if I got that kind of reception lol. There's plenty of other places where fans would happily cheer them on xD!

damn what happend when lp got booed off stage at ozzfest what happend?
did they walk out from the stage or ? je i didnt know about that.
i whod kill those people 2 word the people that booed of lp and throwed stuff.
what does lp do when they get booed and throwed stuff at ?