At Fort Hood memorial, Obama promises help for war-weary troops


Yahoo! News

After losing 576 Fort Hood soldiers in a dozen years of war, the president, along with top US military leaders, gathered at the Texas Army base to remember the three who were gunned down by Sgt. Ivan Lopez. The job of military leaders “is to prepare our soldiers for the chaos of war,” the Army’s top officer, Gen. Raymond Odierno, said in remarks at the memorial service. But that the soldiers were lost “on American soil, at the hands of one of their own, makes this tragedy inexplicable,” added General Odierno, whose lived with his family on the base for more than seven years when he wasn’t commanding troops in Iraq. Two Fort Hood soldiers, Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Ferguson and Staff Sgt. Carlos Lazeney-Rodriguez, joined the military two decades ago, prior to the 9/11 attacks “and stayed as the nation went to war,” Mr. Obama said.

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