AT&T: FCC is preventing the creation of thousand of jobs, billions in investment


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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AT&T on Tuesday issued a statement after the Federal Communications Commission <a href="">took preliminary steps toward blocking AT&T’s proposed $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile USA</a>. The FCC said it is not convinced the merger will in fact create jobs as AT&T <a href="">has promised</a>, and it said it will hold an administrative hearing to examine the deal. The hearing, however, will not take place until after the <a href="">Department of Justice’s lawsuit against the merger</a>, which will go to trial in February 2012, runs its course. ”The FCC’s action today is disappointing,” AT&T’s senior vice president of Corporate Communications Larry Solomon said in a statement. ”It is yet another example of a government agency acting to prevent billions in new investment and the creation of many thousands of new jobs at a time when the US economy desperately needs both. At this time, we are reviewing all options.”
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report