AT&T offers to sell assets to Sprint in bid to win T-Mobile deal approval


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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AT&T has approached several U.S. wireless carriers offering to sell assets, spectrum and wireless subscribers in an effort to win the government’s blessing for its <a href="">planned acquisition of T-Mobile USA</a>, <em>Bloomberg</em> reported on Monday. MetroPCS, Leap Wireless, CenturyLink, Dish Network and Sprint were among the the companies approached in the private talks. AT&T’s move is no doubt a response to recent lawsuits that were filed by the Department of Justice and Sprint. The <a href="">Department of Justice filed a lawsuit on August 31st in an attempt to block the merger</a>, which it said would “remove a significant competitive force from the market.” Seven U.S. states also <a href="">joined the DOJ’s suit last week</a>. <a href="">Sprint sued on September 6th</a> and said the merger would “stifle innovation” in the U.S. wireless market. AT&T’s discussions to sell assets may not be enough to sway the Department of Justice in AT&T’s favor and the talks are still preliminary, <em>Bloomberg</em> said. <span id="more-104108"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report