ATTENTION MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS: Here's your chance to **** with theRepublicans

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

In 1972, Republican voters in Michigan decided to make a little
mischief, crossing over to vote in the open Democratic primary and
voting for segregationist Democrat George Wallace, seriously
embarrassing the state's Democrats. In fact, a third of the voters
(PDF) in the Democratic primary were Republican crossover votes. In
1988, Republican voters again crossed over, helping Jesse Jackson win
the Democratic primary, helping rack up big margins for Jackson in
Republican precincts. (Michigan Republicans can clearly be counted on
to practice the worst of racial politics.) In 1998, Republicans helped
Jack Kevorkian's lawyer -- quack Geoffrey Feiger -- win his Democratic
primary, thus guaranteeing their hold on the governor's mansion that

With a history of meddling in our primaries, why don't we try and
return the favor. Next Tuesday, January 15th, Michigan will hold its
primary. Michigan Democrats should vote for Mitt Romney, because if
Mitt wins, Democrats win. How so?

For Michigan Democrats, the Democratic primary is meaningless since
the DNC stripped the state of all its delegates (at least temporarily)
for violating party rules. Hillary Clinton is alone on the ballot.

But on the GOP side, this primary will be fiercely contested. John
McCain is currently enjoying the afterglow of media love since his New
Hamsphire victory, while Iowa winner Mike Huckabee is poised to do
well in South Carolina.

Meanwhile, poor Mitt Romney, who's suffered back-to-back losses in the
last week, desperately needs to win Michigan in order to keep his
campaign afloat. Bottom line, if Romney loses Michigan, he's out. If
he wins, he stays in.

And we want Romney in, because the more Republican candidates we have
fighting it out, trashing each other with negative ads and spending
tons of money, the better it is for us. We want Mitt to stay in the
race, and to do that, we need him to win in Michigan.

Two polls the last couple of days show a tight race: Strategic Vision
(R) shows Romney within striking distance with 20 percent to McCain's
29 (Huckabee is third with 18), while Rossman Group shows Huckabee
with the lead -- 23 percent to Romney's 22 and McCain's 18.

Now here's the thing -- without a real Democratic contest on the
ballot, and a lack of party registration in Michigan, this is an open
primary. Anyone can pick up a Republican ballot. So Michigan Democrats
and independents who want to see the Republican battle royale continue
should just take a few minutes on Tuesday, January 15th to cast a
ballot for Mitt Romney in the Republican primary.

If you know someone in Michigan, send them the email I've included
below the fold. If you don't know someone in Michigan, send the email
to your liberal friends and see if THEY have friends in Michigan. Get
the word out, whether by blog, mailing list, MySpace or Facebook page,
or whatever.

If we can help push Mitt over the line, not only do we help keep their
field fragmented, but we also pollute Romney's victory. How
"legitimate" will the Mittster's victory look if liberals provide the
margin of victory? Think of the hilarity that will ensue. We'll simply
be adding fuel to their civil war, never a bad thing from our vantage

Michigan Democrats helped deliver their state to McCain in 2000 to
spite their hated governor, John Engler, who had "guaranteed" his
state to Bush. To prevent such future mischief, Michigan Republicans
helped push through a unified tax-payer funded primary date to
supposedly keep Democrats focused on their own race (prior to this
year, party contests were funded by the parties). Let's make sure
their meddling with the Democratic primary and their misuse of
taxpayer funds backfires on them.

Michigan is Romney's last stand. He has pulled all advertising from
other states for a last-ditch effort there. It's sink or swim time for
Romney, and we're going to throw him a lifesaver.

So why are we doing this? Because we can. Because it'll be fun. And
because we've suffered Republican meddling, stealing, and
disenfranchisement in our elections for far too long.

So get the word out and get out the vote!.