Attention span?


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If something can't hold my attention, then it was never important to begin with.


New member
I have a short attention span when a teacher is reading a incredibly boring book or telling us something I am not interested in. I usually zone out and think about Linkin Park or Wrestling.


New member
it depends on how interesting you are, I can listen for hours but I can't help it that sometimes my mind starts wandering rather :p


New member
Mine is prolly about 30 seconds as researched that mot kids our range have these days. Its os useful taking Media Studies


New member
Mines okay, it depends what I'm doing. If a techer is droning on about the excitement of atoms and particles then I'll usually drift off after about 60 seconds and think about what I could be doing with my time, and wishing I was still in bed. However if I'm reading something (like this topic or a story or somthing like that) I could go on for a while, if it was interesting enough.


New member
My attention span is miniscule, haha. Even when I'm doing something I enjoy, my mind still wanders all over the place.


New member
it varies. if I'm interested in something, or feel obligated to pay attention to it, I can concentrate on it for hours. but other than that it's usually not long.


New member
depends on if I like the subject. but most of the time im not bright big words confuse me I have the attention span of a rode.....ooh squirrl.


New member
2 seconds

its literally like

Joelle: guess what

person: what??

Joelle: what

person: you said something

Joelle: huh? brownies are really good.

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