ATTN - The Park


Jan 8, 2005
Inside the fire (or Oz)
The Park
A Collaboration Story where anyone can join/’move’ in.

Gethsemane Park Apartments
NYC, NY, July 2008.

~ I know the following seems like a lot to read and may seem over the top but it's to stop spamming and people getting way off track. Sorry, but necessary. ~

How many times have you read a story and wished you were right there living it? How often have you thought, ‘yeah, that’s was good, but if I wrote it I would have said that another way,’ or ‘I can so write this spinning off in a whole new direction!’
If yes, this is for you.

This idea evolved from another of writing a collaboration piece between woodyloveslinkin and myself (and lets face it to tr and ressurect the lagging Writer's Corner ;)) Originally we intended to write a chapter each and relay back and forth or more recently to write a spin off from our arguably successful Discombobulated Family thread/stories. We eventually decided that a fresh start with no family ties was needed, but given we have very different styles and people like to be the stars in their own stories for the most part, we thought this way we could have as many or as few people as desired to join in, and weave their stories into ours.
Its bold yes, and a little weird at first, but the basic idea is pretty simple.

Think of it along the lines of Big Brother. I hate the show, but the idea is close. Only we’re not locked in. There are no cameras. This apartment (pictured above) is just the backdrop to lots of individual stories all rolled in to make one (hopefully).
And just in case you missed it –

THIS IS NOT A CONTEST! It’s a collaboration STORY.

Story Thread is here -

  • Each post/chapter you do MUST be focussed only on you or your apartment. You are solely responsible for what goes on inside it. You cannot move anyone else besides you and your chosen friend/partner. You can and are encouraged to mention other housemates, such as Sarah or myself, or our chosen spouses, but you may NOT go into any great detail about anyone else’s life except for your main character/s. (For example Ravyn mentions she saw Sarah for coffee that morning and they had a chat before each going home. Can mention some dialog but no great detail. That way it’s up to anyone in the apartment to mention or ignore the meeting if they choose, or Sarah in this instance to elaborate in her next update if she feels the need. This is how the story will evolve. The characters MUST interact with others but the only details you provide are yours/your characters where possible. The other characters you interact with will have their chance then to give their side of the story in their daily post).
  • Each update/post is for a strict 24 hour time limit - starting from 12:00am midnight to 11:59pm. What happens during that day is up to you. (That is to say you can only write about what happened that day, reflect on the ones before and build up plans for the next day. You can NOT write for example ‘the next day’ because each post IS the next day).
  • You must start every post/update with the day of the week. For example Sarah and I as first occupants will start Sunday. If someone wants to join/move in, they write their chapter of moving in, and post it the day we (Sarah and I) are up to in this story. If we have started our post Tuesday your post must start with the word ‘Tuesday’.
  • There is no word limit, but remember it can only take place in one whole day. If you can warble of for 15 pages about it go nuts. Just remember to keep something flowing for the next day or you’ll burn out of ideas too fast.
  • You are only allowed to post one update per day/24 hours (real time). This is so people in other time zones can catch up. We hope to extend this if we get people from other time zones to ‘move in,’ and write with us.
  • Your main character has to be you (as an LPF member). Use whatever nickname for yourself you want. It’s advised you initially move at least two people in so you have someone else to write about and not get bored. They can be famous; they can be no one or anyone at all. You chose who, how and so on. It’s your life. Remember the basic idea – you (and pal) are moving into the apartments pictured above. No one knows each other. It’s up to you to give us your story and your motives; it is (we hope) a whole bunch of side stories all rolled into one. That’s the exact premise of any TV show anyway.
  • If you wish to include another LPF member you must get their consent first! Please abide by LPF rules, thanks.
  • Write in whatever view point you feel comfortable with. If you wish to write in the 3rd person or start each post as a diary in the first person with times logged, feel free. It’s up to you. It’s your apartment; you’re the one in the driver’s seat.
  • Please be sensible. This is meant to be a story, THIS IS NOT AN EXTENTION OF A GAMES THREAD. No random jackass behaviour will be tolerated unless it’s happening inside your apartment and no other character is involved. If you want to want to blow things up for example, do it elsewhere. Try and be considerate towards the rest of the characters, not just yourself. And don’t complain if say you wanted to move in with Mike Shinoda. Sarah (I think) got in first. You can write about how maybe you have feelings for him but he’s with Sarah until she specifies otherwise. DO NOT move people from other apartments in or out. You only ever control your own.
  • Strictly NO porn. Sarah advocates the use of the Red Room for that. I say if you feel it’s necessary or integral to your story and you really have to share it, PM a fellow writer/’housemate,’ and share the adult versions all you want if they agree. Remember it’s an all-ages forum. Have some respect and common sense, please.
  • If you miss posting an update for a day for whatever reason you CANNOT double post (or post two days worth at once). You will have to skip the day or edit your post to make it fit into that following day when you are able to get online. Real life gets in the way sometimes.
  • Last but not least; In keeping with some reality it’s set now, present day. Queens, NYC, USA. The apartments are average middle class. No one’s rich or famous. You COULD have been, if that’s your story, and you’re finding your feet again, or are trying to get noticed. Again, up to you. We all start out with a familiar clean slate. Give us your (Park life) story!
  • And having said that – have fun!
Oh and you can move in/out at any point of the story. No one ever has to stay.

If you have any questions PM either Sarah or Myself and we will get back to you. Thanks!

(Oh and Sarah wants to extract promises we’ll all do the Friends theme song/start skit at some point ;))
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