Audio.'s Journal


New member
This is my journal...

Entry #1

Sunday 18, 2006

It was a regular day woke up went to church( parents force me to

go.. ) get home and since it was fathers day we took my dad out breakfast, got home and since my dad lives seprate from my mom so every saturday he takes the dog out and he returns him on sunday morning.

I have one more week of Summer till Summer School.... got an F in English which sucks xD. So I was thinking of something I could do so I called my friends asked what they wanted to do.. So we finally desided to go to Six Flags( California ).

Its 7:40 right now and iam getting ready too watch the Simpson( 8:00 ) then some Family Guy( favorite shows ). So basically most of the day i played on my drums( practice, practice, practice ).

Hope it was worth reading :) .



New member
poor you you have to go to church. my skool makes us go to church doing school time. no one does anything in it but talk.
lol in school I have to go to " church " every Wensday. :(



New member
Ours is every Monday. But usually it is called off. Cos Year 11 (in which I am in) haven't been for some good weeks, so that's a bonus, and that means a long lunch.

I don't go to church out of school (its only cos its compusary) because I have better things to do with my time other than to preach someone other than Maynard James Keenan.



New member
Whoa they FORCE you into church, wth is that lol.

No wonder everyone's talking, can't blame em. =p

Nice first entry btw.



New member
Hmmm so you get forced into church too =\

I Go and everything yet don't really wanna

my parents force me to go to -.-;



New member
Srry about the double post :)

Entry #2

Monday 19,2006

Heh today was kinda special xD.. One word dentist( que music ). Well it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be but hey it could of been worse. I had one of those compostite thingys and basicly everything felt dry after that... The appiontment was at 10:00 and the dentist didnt get there till 11:30... Yup what a time too waist. Well she finally got there and it took about 10 min just too do the procedure. Alot of time waisted Ill say.

I got home around 12:00 got some lunch and my moms of too do some arons and so I have the whole house o myself.. Well not exacly my grampas here with me but he sleeps most of the time lol.So basic this is the day were I play video games until 8:00 p.m. and then watch some T.V. until I go too sleep so basicaly the only thing that happend today was the trip to the dentist which only took 5 min too drive there and almost 2 hrs too get out... lol.



New member

Entry #3

Tuesday 20, 2006

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwn. Well I fianlly woke today at 10:00 then went back to sleep then woke up at 1:00 so I am kinda tiered and stuff.. Well theres nothing special today to do but just lay around enjoying my last week till summer school...

I wake up and my moms doing the lawndry and vacuming and stuff and I walk over to the computer and everythings rearraged and stuff its **** man I mean were are all my games and stuff so I look around and I cant find any so I turn on the computer and stuff then walk over to the laptop and well here Iam... I guess the only thing thats going to happen today is my mom is going to o shoping and I think Ill come along( Iam that bored )



New member

Entry #4

Wensday 21, 2006

Hey well today I slept till lol guess what... 2:00p.m. LOL. *** I love Summer. Well basicaly today I woke up went to the computer and stuff. Well on Tuesday I ask my mom if I could go to the book store and I guess it was a lil late( 8:30 xD ). So today we went and I wondered around and stuff.. After a bit, my mom said shes going to the card store and asked me if I wanted to come along( this is in the bookstore ) and I refused so.. I spent sometime reading Trigun vol. 1 just too catch up on the series then I read some Full Metal Alchemist.. Pritty good series by the way.. But its been about 50 min so I went down to get register and bought Shaman King #9 and then I waited around.. Then after another 10 min I seemy mom walking in from the front door and I was at the back xD.

So after that we got home and stuff so its about 8:00 p.m. and I walk over too the computer and I had this site on and she asked,"So is this the place were u've been getting all those spy-ware stuff.". LOL spyware here?!?! You've got too be kidding me.. pfft heh close call hu? lol jk..



New member
Hello again..

Entry #5

Thursday 22, 2006

Well today was a lil better than the last.. Well today got up a lil earilier this time.. 1:00 p.m.. Well todays the last day before my friends come over then we go too six flags WOO. Well the sad part about today is that each and everyday my grandpa get sader and sader. But still depreast and I dont know what too do.. Maybe we should give him some Prozack.. lol, but it sucks to see him like that.. So around 6:30 I went to nearest arcade spent sometime there and stuff.. But after a few 1 or 2 hours we went home and well hes watchen T.V. on the bed and well I dont know if haveing him in the house without me playing on the drums would help but... heh nope I dopnt know what too do..

Any segestions? lol



New member

Entry #6

Friday 23, 2006

At last today is the day my friends come over... 1 thing.. My mom hates it when my friends come over because," we make too much noise." And besides that she eats my head off after they come over.. *** its like theres a catch to everything I do.. its **** man I dont know what too do. But atleast we get to go to Sixflags heh heh. Thats the good side too it WOO, and also my dad is taken me so, its not like ill be stuck with mom. yay!!!

Well she went out too get some money and do some other stuff that she doesnt want me too go.. But the more the better for me I get to relax without her nagging on me.. "GET A LIFE" heh my life, is just fine :) ..

Another thing that ****** me off is that my grandpa is in pain and my mom is taking it out on me.. My practice time is like going to shooting range and taking out all the **** upon to target with a 45 mil and blowing it too peices.. In other words it a way too get out all my anger heh. Then my mom stops me before I could get a single song out but, that enough for my complaining..

My Paper Heart - By The All-American Rejects

OMFG WTF GD damnit man my $50 headphones just broke AND IAM ****** OFF my mom said that were not getting another one till my birthday( August 14 ) *** DAMNIT MAN I CANT BELIVE THAT JUST HAPPEND AND I BOUGHT IT WITH MY OWN MONEY ***. *** STUPID TELLIEMARKETERS **** THEM **** THEM ALL!!!!



New member

Entry #7

Saturday 24, 2006

Phew, Iam tired.. I just got back from Sixflags. Well basucaly I didnt think Id have this kinda day.. U know having your friends talk about you behind your back and then having your dad telling you your going to **** right too your face. Pfft I guess thats

what he would call love? Lol," Son your going to ****!!!"

Well this is how it happend.. I once in a while, just rearly I get up earily heh 6:30. Well we got in the car and headed over there. We got there around 9:30, got the tickets then went in the park. Well Basicaly the day before all this was the day were my "friends" taked about me behind my back. Well we went on a few rides and stuff and well. We got out of the park at around 5:00, after that we went to Wendys and ****. We went in there and my dad starts talking about how many times we need to forgive each thing. Pfft ( 70x7 ) and how he applied it too some **** and how *** is coming in a few years and **** and other ****. And basicaly it lead too if you get baptised and **** that u get to go to HEAVEN!!! Heck no omg no way.. That is a bunch of **** and so.. It eventualy led too "YOUR GOIN TO ****!!"

What a day...



New member
Ok I dont know if this is going through and I thought It would attract some replays and **** but I guess not so basically Ill probly be quiting it... If anyone sees possible

to convince me do so now.. lol I dont know if this is coming from someone whos ****** off or something like that and **** but still..



New member
Hey, Audio!

I just stopped by and saw that you want to quit...why the ****?! I mean, try doing this for yourself...someone will check out it eventually, believe me...don't give up, ok? Ok!

How are you, anyway?

Oh, I'm diana or Di...nice to meet you... :)



New member
Heh yeah what the ****... O well yeah maybe Iam doing this for the wrong reason and I mean this is like the umm I lost count of how many times Ive ****** stuff up..


New member
I can't do much right for my dad either, but I know he shouldn't be such a whiner, lol.

So yeah, I mean you can't **** everything up.. do the stuff you don't **** up and lettem be proud of you :thumbsup:

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