AUK Award Immunity Checklits (was Re: VOTE! Kooks of the Year, 2006)



In article <>, pjr@example.invalid says...
> jitter wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> >> In article <xpowqgbjcsyt$vxpqkjhfcbda@>, jitter
> >> <jitf@> wrote:
> >>
> >> > In article <>,
> >> > says...
> >> > > In article <>, Cardinal
> >> > > Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition <> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > > On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:05:08 -0600, Max Grrl sat in thee
> >> > > > Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche
> >> > > > Tea:
> >> > > > > jitter wrote:
> >> > > > >> says...
> >> > > > >> > Chris Canty wrote:
> >> > > > >> > > Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
> >> > > > >> > > > Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler wrote:
> >> > > > >> > > >
> >> > > > >> > > > [Forwarded to AMM-J. Vote for Pambo for KotY!]
> >> > > > >> > > >
> >> > > > >> > > >> Here follows the one true ballot for the 2006
> >> > > > >> > > >> Usenet Kook of the Year awards. Anybody may vote,
> >> > > > >> > > >> but your votes may be disqualified, mocked, burnt,
> >> > > > >> > > >> shredded and/or recycled for use as toilet paper or
> >> > > > >> > > >> filler for Fluffy's litter box at the Vote
> >> > > > >> > > >> Wrangler's discretion if:
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> you are a notorious net.kook
> >> > > > >> > > >> you attempt to vote twice
> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote anonymously or with an unidentifiable
> >> > > > >> > > >> sockpuppet
> >> > you
> >> > > > >> > > >> vote for or against yourself
> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote in a thread other than this one you
> >> > > > >> > > >> vote in a newsgroup other than AUK without
> >> > > > >> > > >> crossposting to AUK you
> >> > follow
> >> > > > >> > > >> up to an incomplete or altered version of the
> >> > > > >> > > >> ballot you have explicitly been disenfranchised
> >> > > > >> > > >> by the Vote Wrangler you have officially been
> >> > > > >> > > >> declared non-existent
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> Crossposting the complete, unaltered ballot is
> >> > > > >> > > >> permitted. You have until 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM)
> >> > > > >> > > >> UTC on January 15th to cast your votes. Vote
> >> > > > >> > > >> wisely; next time the candidate might be you . - -
> >> > > > >> > > >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >> > > > >> > > >> - - - -
> >> > -
> >> > > > >> > > >> - - -
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> ROOKIE KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> Robert "Mop Jockey" Wolfe
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > > >> KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> Pamela K Russell
> >> > > > >> > > >> COWARD OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> Andrew B. Chung
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > > >> CLUELESS NEWBIE OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >> MCP of
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > > >> YEAR (Vote for one.)
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > > >>
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > > This page is particularly impressive:
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > >
> >> > > > >> > > I want to be on it!!
> >> > > > >> >
> >> > > > >> > Hey Chris . . . WTF's up with Pam Russell?? Sure, she
> >> > > > >> > seems a ****ing
> >> > > > >> > mental ****-knob to me, but why the **** do these guys
> >> > > > >> > give a **** about her???? I mean, she's just a ****wit
> >> > > > >> > from a ****ing Michael
> >> > > > >> > Jackson fan froup . . . am I missing something?
> >> > > > >>
> >> > > > >> Look where this is xposted to.
> >> > > > >>
> >> > > > >> AUK: ****wit Central
> >> > > > >
> >> > > > > Well, let's just say that I wandered in, by mistake, of
> >> > > > > course, into AUK .
> >> > > > > . . and saw this thread. Kinda piqued my curiosity, you
> >> > > > > know?
> >> > > > >
> >> > > > > Just kinda curious how some ****wit like her would garner
> >> > > > > the attention of
> >> > > > > such esteemed k00kologists . . . I mean, you don't just
> >> > > > > walk up to every
> >> > > > > nearby crack addicted ****-knob and hand them an award, do
> >> > > > > you???
> >> > > > > : )
> >> > > >
> >> > > > Pam's been drunkenly frothing away since at least 2004, with
> >> > > > some quite bizarre and outlandish outbursts about the world's
> >> > > > most-famous pedophile occurring on a fairly regular basis,
> >> > > > often with little or no provocation beyond a mild prod.
> >> > >
> >> > > Ah, so of all the crack addicted ****-knobs, she's like the
> >> > > queen. Gotcha.
> >> > >
> >> > > I just didn't see how she would come to your attention - I
> >> > > mean, I hardly see any of you guys exactly hanging out in a MJ
> >> > > froup. But then, I can't understand ANYONE hanging out in a
> >> > > ****ing MJ NG . .
> >> > > . wouldn't that like, kill off brain cells?????
> >> > >
> >> > > But, as you say, she deserves an award, if not a bullet to her
> >> > > pointy lil skull. : ) But then, I guess she's enough of an
> >> > > amusement that that would be like kicking over the swingset.
> >> > >
> >> > > > Meanwhile, you are replying to one of the candidates
> >> > > > on the ballot -- Steve "BowTie" Young, who possesses a list
> >> > > > of socks even longer than his list of awards.
> >> > >
> >> > > Hmmm . . . I know him as Chris and one other nym. But I've
> >> > > known him for a while and he does great work in keeping pedos
> >> > > like Frank McCoy on the defensive.
> >> > >
> >> > > How does that qualify him for an award???
> >> > > Please pardon me for being so naive/newb and/or st00pid. : )
> >> >
> >> > "Cardinal Snarky" sees Steve Y. in every nym that he/she cannot
> >> > identify as any previously known poster, and claims to keep a
> >> > list of them.
> >> > Creepy, huh. Don't nymshift, or you'll probably wind up on the
> >> > list. I'm no shrink, but he/she seems to have some kind of
> >> > intense obsession with SY that has gotten so bad that it's
> >> > starting to cause even worse problems.
> >>
> >> Well, ****. I nym shift - but not in the same froup. I have a
> >> uh-hem, "professional" nym and one I use for personal fun. And
> >> never the twain shall meet. In fact, my pro nym has sat unused for
> >> so long, I'm sure it's covered in dust!
> >>
> >> So does that mean I'll make the list for nym-shifting??? I mean, is
> >> what I'm doing wrong?

> I don't think Snarky is likely to complain if you use more than one
> From: header for Usenet. :)
> >> As to SY, well, I know CC under only one other nym -

> The only CC I can think of is Chris Caputo, and I don't think BowTie
> is Caputo.
> >> and he's using
> >> the
> >> nym-shifting for a noble purpose . . . I've spoken to him
> >> "privately" but even then, he's never straight out told me his RL
> >> name, so I'm cl00less there (among other places, LOL).
> >>
> >> Thanks for the heads up! I'm still a newb, so any help I can get is
> >> mucho appreciated! : )

> >
> > Apparently, SY trolled the living **** out of AUK on several
> > occasions,
> > each time using sockpuppets that were difficult to identify as him.

> There's a long and honourable tradition of trolling AUK regulars. The
> very first Hook, Line and Sinker award was given to Lewis de Payne in
> 1995 for doing exactly that, and BowTie could have picked up a couple
> of HLS awards himself if he'd confined himself to trolling AUKers;
> but he's always gone too far: forgery, spamming and real-life
> harassment are the characteristics of a typical BowTie "troll".
> > At least that's what I get from Google and from the semi-coheremt
> > blatherings of that "snarky" person or whatever he/she calls
> > him/herself.

> I find Snarky's posts exceptionally coherent. However, Lionel, not
> Snarky, is the expert on BowTie. Lionel had already been familiar
> with BowTie's behaviour for a long time before AUK noticed the kook.
> > So now any new posters who meet a small set of vague "criteria" are
> > instantly tagged as SY socks. I guess because it's easier, and more
> > fun (for the so-called "kookologists"), to run around screeching
> > nonsense than to actually accept newcomers as such and risk getting
> > trolled again.

> "BowTie" has become a generic term for anybody who resembles the
> original BowTie. So if you're not BowTie and I reply to you
> with "**** off, BowTie", it means that I think you should reconsider
> the path you're walking.
> Of course, you may be BowTie, but I don't think BowTie would pay for
> an Octanews account, or fail to lose it for abuse within a few hours
> if he did.
> > Or maybe I'm right, and certain people are obsessed to the point of
> > needing help. (shrug) I decided to err on the side of caution and
> > FormosaPlonk the worst ones.
> >
> > FYI
> >'s_law

> I'm rather proud to say that AUK is the only newgroup that attempts to
> apply Formosa's Law collectively. There are Usenet posters who have
> the kind of problems that make them easy to make fun of, but on the
> whole we leave them alone even when they're screaming for attention
> from us [tinu].
> > Now you know what I know about AUK vs SY. Interesting stuff.
> > Creepy in a way, but interesting.

> In fact, you don't know very much about BowTie, because you haven't
> been here very long. That's OK; when I started posting here I had no
> idea who Wollmann and Bullis were.

You know there's essentially an AUK awards loophole now, right? No
"kooks" will see it, because it's buried in some threads filled with
flaming, trolling, and general assholery, but it's been laid out for all
to find if they look.

In fact, let's lay it out right here (and lose X-No-Archive just for
this one post) to make it easier to find. It'll add to the fun. Froup
lits expanded for additional lulz.

AUK Award-Immunity Checklits

Time requirement: Plan to invest approximately 2-5 hours each day for
1-3 weeks. YMMV. But after this you're set for life, or at least for a
good goddamn long time, so the time investment might be worth it to you.

1. Nymshift so hard that your new nym can't be associated with your old
nym, even under close scrutiny. New name, new email, new sig.
Seriously consider using a different newsreader. Maybe even a different
news provider. And for ****'s sake, don't use a news provider that
sticks your IP address or FQDN in the header. You can use Google
Groups, but go through a web proxy like JAP or Tor or something.

2. Put "X-No-Archive: YES" at the top of every post from now on, or at
least for the next couple weeks.

3. Flame Onideus Mad Hatter relentlessly 5-10 times a day for a solid
week, and xpost every bit of it to AUK and his home group of alt.2600.
Add alt.flame and, too, just for extra lulz. Be sure
to post edit now and then, which has the same effect as throwing
gasoline on a fire (only without the 3rd-degree burns). Don't stop or
slow down for ****. Don't feel bad; OMH kinda likes the attention, and
he'll ignore you when you get tiresome.

4. Nom a "kookologist" for one of their own kook awards. Busted Urinal
is an easy one to apply to almost anyone. Don't be afraid to use lies
and post editing to reinforce your case. This will go over about as
well as serving pork chops for dinner at a mosque, so brace yourself for
all manner of flaming. Ignore it or flame back, your choice.

5. If anyone calls you "BowTie" or "Bowturd" or "Steve Young" deny it
and call them nuts. Refuse to "prove" it (you can't anyway). Imply
that the person is Steve's long lost crazy cat-hoarding girlfriend, or

6. Find a kook that's engaged in a trollfest with a "kookologist" and
give the kook a little fuel and inspiration to help them out. Google is
your friend (hint, hint). Do this at least three or four times over the
course of a week or two.

7. After a couple weeks at the most, you'll be tagged as a "BowTie
sock" -- and immune from almost all AWK awards, because BowTie is immune
and so are any of his sockpuppets. Including false sockpuppets like
you. Congrats. Plonk any AUK regs that annoy you, forget them, and get
on with life.

Special thanks to Steve "BowTie" Young for trolling AUK so hard as to
induce obsessions intense enough to make this possible. Give it up for
Steve, everybody! w00t (and the crowd goes wild)
On Sun, 14 Jan 2007 13:28:47 -0700, jitter attempted to confuse the issue
further by squeaking:
> pjr@example.invalid says...
>> jitter wrote:
>> > says...
>> >> jitter wrote:
>> >> > says...
>> >> > > Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>> >> > > > On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:05:08 -0600, Max Grrl sat in thee
>> >> > > > Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche
>> >> > > > Tea:
>> >> > > > > jitter wrote:
>> >> > > > >> says...
>> >> > > > >> > Chris Canty wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > > Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > >
>> >> > > > >> > > > [Forwarded to AMM-J. Vote for Pambo for KotY!]
>> >> > > > >> > > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Here follows the one true ballot for the 2006 Usenet
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Kook of the Year awards. Anybody may vote, but your
>> >> > > > >> > > >> votes may be disqualified, mocked, burnt, shredded
>> >> > > > >> > > >> and/or recycled for use as toilet paper or filler
>> >> > > > >> > > >> for Fluffy's litter box at the Vote Wrangler's
>> >> > > > >> > > >> discretion if:
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you are a notorious net.kook
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you attempt to vote twice
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote anonymously or with an unidentifiable
>> >> > > > >> > > >> sockpuppet
>> >> > you
>> >> > > > >> > > >> vote for or against yourself
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote in a thread other than this one you
>> >> > > > >> > > >> vote in a newsgroup other than AUK without
>> >> > > > >> > > >> crossposting to AUK you
>> >> > follow
>> >> > > > >> > > >> up to an incomplete or altered version of the ballot
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you have explicitly been disenfranchised by the
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Vote Wrangler you have officially been declared
>> >> > > > >> > > >> non-existent
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Crossposting the complete, unaltered ballot is
>> >> > > > >> > > >> permitted. You have until 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM) UTC
>> >> > > > >> > > >> on January 15th to cast your votes. Vote wisely;
>> >> > > > >> > > >> next time the candidate might be you . - - - - - -
>> >> > > > >> > > >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> >> > -
>> >> > > > >> > > >> - - -
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> ROOKIE KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Robert "Mop Jockey" Wolfe
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Pamela K Russell
>> >> > > > >> > > >> COWARD OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Andrew B. Chung
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> CLUELESS NEWBIE OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> MCP of
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > This page is particularly impressive:
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > I want to be on it!!
>> >> > > > >> >
>> >> > > > >> > Hey Chris . . . WTF's up with Pam Russell?? Sure, she
>> >> > > > >> > seems a ****ing
>> >> > > > >> > mental ****-knob to me, but why the **** do these guys
>> >> > > > >> > give a **** about her???? I mean, she's just a ****wit
>> >> > > > >> > from a ****ing Michael
>> >> > > > >> > Jackson fan froup . . . am I missing something?
>> >> > > > >>
>> >> > > > >> Look where this is xposted to.
>> >> > > > >>
>> >> > > > >> AUK: ****wit Central
>> >> > > > >
>> >> > > > > Well, let's just say that I wandered in, by mistake, of
>> >> > > > > course, into AUK .
>> >> > > > > . . and saw this thread. Kinda piqued my curiosity, you
>> >> > > > > know?
>> >> > > > >
>> >> > > > > Just kinda curious how some ****wit like her would garner
>> >> > > > > the attention of
>> >> > > > > such esteemed k00kologists . . . I mean, you don't just
>> >> > > > > walk up to every
>> >> > > > > nearby crack addicted ****-knob and hand them an award, do
>> >> > > > > you???
>> >> > > > > : )
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Pam's been drunkenly frothing away since at least 2004, with
>> >> > > > some quite bizarre and outlandish outbursts about the world's
>> >> > > > most-famous pedophile occurring on a fairly regular basis,
>> >> > > > often with little or no provocation beyond a mild prod.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Ah, so of all the crack addicted ****-knobs, she's like the
>> >> > > queen. Gotcha.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > I just didn't see how she would come to your attention - I mean,
>> >> > > I hardly see any of you guys exactly hanging out in a MJ froup.
>> >> > > But then, I can't understand ANYONE hanging out in a ****ing MJ
>> >> > > NG . .
>> >> > > . wouldn't that like, kill off brain cells?????
>> >> > >
>> >> > > But, as you say, she deserves an award, if not a bullet to her
>> >> > > pointy lil skull. : ) But then, I guess she's enough of an
>> >> > > amusement that that would be like kicking over the swingset.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > > Meanwhile, you are replying to one of the candidates on the
>> >> > > > ballot -- Steve "BowTie" Young, who possesses a list of socks
>> >> > > > even longer than his list of awards.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Hmmm . . . I know him as Chris and one other nym. But I've
>> >> > > known him for a while and he does great work in keeping pedos
>> >> > > like Frank McCoy on the defensive.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > How does that qualify him for an award??? Please pardon me for
>> >> > > being so naive/newb and/or st00pid. : )
>> >> >
>> >> > "Cardinal Snarky" sees Steve Y. in every nym that he/she cannot
>> >> > identify as any previously known poster, and claims to keep a list
>> >> > of them.
>> >> > Creepy, huh. Don't nymshift, or you'll probably wind up on the
>> >> > list. I'm no shrink, but he/she seems to have some kind of intense
>> >> > obsession with SY that has gotten so bad that it's starting to
>> >> > cause even worse problems.
>> >>
>> >> Well, ****. I nym shift - but not in the same froup. I have a
>> >> uh-hem, "professional" nym and one I use for personal fun. And never
>> >> the twain shall meet. In fact, my pro nym has sat unused for so
>> >> long, I'm sure it's covered in dust!
>> >>
>> >> So does that mean I'll make the list for nym-shifting??? I mean, is
>> >> what I'm doing wrong?

>> I don't think Snarky is likely to complain if you use more than one
>> From: header for Usenet. :)
>> >> As to SY, well, I know CC under only one other nym -

>> The only CC I can think of is Chris Caputo, and I don't think BowTie is
>> Caputo.
>> >> and he's using
>> >> the
>> >> nym-shifting for a noble purpose . . . I've spoken to him
>> >> "privately" but even then, he's never straight out told me his RL
>> >> name, so I'm cl00less there (among other places, LOL).
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for the heads up! I'm still a newb, so any help I can get is
>> >> mucho appreciated! : )
>> >
>> > Apparently, SY trolled the living **** out of AUK on several
>> > occasions,
>> > each time using sockpuppets that were difficult to identify as him.

>> There's a long and honourable tradition of trolling AUK regulars. The
>> very first Hook, Line and Sinker award was given to Lewis de Payne in
>> 1995 for doing exactly that, and BowTie could have picked up a couple
>> of HLS awards himself if he'd confined himself to trolling AUKers; but
>> he's always gone too far: forgery, spamming and real-life harassment
>> are the characteristics of a typical BowTie "troll".
>> > At least that's what I get from Google and from the semi-coheremt
>> > blatherings of that "snarky" person or whatever he/she calls
>> > him/herself.

>> I find Snarky's posts exceptionally coherent. However, Lionel, not
>> Snarky, is the expert on BowTie. Lionel had already been familiar with
>> BowTie's behaviour for a long time before AUK noticed the kook.
>> > So now any new posters who meet a small set of vague "criteria" are
>> > instantly tagged as SY socks. I guess because it's easier, and more
>> > fun (for the so-called "kookologists"), to run around screeching
>> > nonsense than to actually accept newcomers as such and risk getting
>> > trolled again.

>> "BowTie" has become a generic term for anybody who resembles the
>> original BowTie. So if you're not BowTie and I reply to you with "****
>> off, BowTie", it means that I think you should reconsider the path
>> you're walking.
>> Of course, you may be BowTie, but I don't think BowTie would pay for
>> an Octanews account, or fail to lose it for abuse within a few hours if
>> he did.
>> > Or maybe I'm right, and certain people are obsessed to the point of
>> > needing help. (shrug) I decided to err on the side of caution and
>> > FormosaPlonk the worst ones.
>> >
>> > FYI
>> >'s_law

>> I'm rather proud to say that AUK is the only newgroup that attempts to
>> apply Formosa's Law collectively. There are Usenet posters who have the
>> kind of problems that make them easy to make fun of, but on the whole
>> we leave them alone even when they're screaming for attention from us
>> [tinu].
>> > Now you know what I know about AUK vs SY. Interesting stuff. Creepy
>> > in a way, but interesting.

>> In fact, you don't know very much about BowTie, because you haven't
>> been here very long. That's OK; when I started posting here I had no
>> idea who Wollmann and Bullis were.

> You know there's essentially an AUK awards loophole now, right? No
> "kooks" will see it, because it's buried in some threads filled with
> flaming, trolling, and general assholery, but it's been laid out for all
> to find if they look.
> In fact, let's lay it out right here (and lose X-No-Archive just for
> this one post) to make it easier to find. It'll add to the fun. Froup
> lits expanded for additional lulz.
> AUK Award-Immunity Checklits
> Time requirement: Plan to invest approximately 2-5 hours each day for
> 1-3 weeks. YMMV. But after this you're set for life, or at least for a
> good goddamn long time, so the time investment might be worth it to you.
> 1. Nymshift so hard that your new nym can't be associated with your old
> nym, even under close scrutiny. New name, new email, new sig. Seriously
> consider using a different newsreader. Maybe even a different news
> provider. And for ****'s sake, don't use a news provider that sticks
> your IP address or FQDN in the header. You can use Google Groups, but
> go through a web proxy like JAP or Tor or something.
> 2. Put "X-No-Archive: YES" at the top of every post from now on, or at
> least for the next couple weeks.
> 3. Flame Onideus Mad Hatter relentlessly 5-10 times a day for a solid
> week, and xpost every bit of it to AUK and his home group of alt.2600.
> Add alt.flame and, too, just for extra lulz. Be sure
> to post edit now and then, which has the same effect as throwing
> gasoline on a fire (only without the 3rd-degree burns). Don't stop or
> slow down for ****. Don't feel bad; OMH kinda likes the attention, and
> he'll ignore you when you get tiresome.
> 4. Nom a "kookologist" for one of their own kook awards. Busted Urinal
> is an easy one to apply to almost anyone. Don't be afraid to use lies
> and post editing to reinforce your case. This will go over about as
> well as serving pork chops for dinner at a mosque, so brace yourself for
> all manner of flaming. Ignore it or flame back, your choice.
> 5. If anyone calls you "BowTie" or "Bowturd" or "Steve Young" deny it
> and call them nuts. Refuse to "prove" it (you can't anyway). Imply
> that the person is Steve's long lost crazy cat-hoarding girlfriend, or
> something.
> 6. Find a kook that's engaged in a trollfest with a "kookologist" and
> give the kook a little fuel and inspiration to help them out. Google is
> your friend (hint, hint). Do this at least three or four times over the
> course of a week or two.
> 7. After a couple weeks at the most, you'll be tagged as a "BowTie sock"
> -- and immune from almost all AWK awards, because BowTie is immune and
> so are any of his sockpuppets. Including false sockpuppets like you.
> Congrats. Plonk any AUK regs that annoy you, forget them, and get on
> with life.
> Special thanks to Steve "BowTie" Young for trolling AUK so hard as to
> induce obsessions intense enough to make this possible. Give it up for
> Steve, everybody! w00t (and the crowd goes wild)

Oh, you should also be aware that, since he was Galactically Killfiled,
Stevie has still managed to win multiple awards, largely because he's an
obsessive k00k with a hard-on for many different kookologists, including
Lionel, Fred Hall, Art, Bookman, and myself, among others.

Additionally, another way to gain immunity from kook awards is to be
hate-litsed by a variety of k00ks, while displaying a sense of humour
and cluefulness. A talent for self-deprecation doesn't hurt, either
(though it doesn't help Brad Guth much, but that's mainly because his
drool is overpowering).

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; COOSN-029-06-71069
The God of Odd Statements, the Ugliest Pig****er In The Universe
Stupidity Takes Its Toll. Please Have Exact Change.

"I say you are out of your ****ing mind." -- Ying Guo, posting as
"SameAsB4" <>, tells PorchMonkey4Life, posting
as the same nick but a slightly different morph, the score, in MID:

"in the holy spirit i know you would satisfy every single person in a
room if you were the only person present." -- ~tanya, to Crazy Andy II,
in MID: <>

If you never read anything else in any of my sigs, read this:
Or watch it here:
Then, if you manage to read/watch all that, try this:
And Molly Ivins had a few choice words to say about it, weeks before:
Here's Chris Floyd: Fatal Vision: The Deeper Evil Behind the Detainee

"Q: What's the difference between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War?
A: George W. Bush had a plan to get out of the Vietnam War." -- Anon.

Thread where outing begins:
George Pickett Memorial Trophy, Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart,
and the Order of the Holey Sockpuppet winner <> on
outing personal contact info in x-poasted subject lines:
"Plenty of people post under their real names and do not attempt to hide
their contact info. You are scared of being 'outed' because you are a
pathological abuser of usenet, and people rightly despise you for it.
You're afraid of being reported to the authorities or, better, visited
by a couple of guys with baseball bats. Other people don't have this
obsessive fear. Ward Hardman himself has posted plenty of personal
information - nothing that anyone else added was hidden in any way.
You're so ****ing scared you've built up this whole sick mythology about
different categories of bad dudes who 'out' scum like you.

"Meanwhile you are the ugliest pig****er in the universe. You are the
coward without ethics. You call me a 'newbie' - ha! what an asshole you
are. Those who want to remain anonymous do so. There is absolutely no
way you could identify me, not unless you had the sort of subpoena power
that only gets turned on for big-time terrorists. That's because I chose
to be anonymous. Some people don't. Only really stupid dicks like you
choose the sort of semi-anonymity which leaves you in constant fear.

"What a dickless wonder you are 'Snarky' you fat asshole."
-- in MID: <>

"I am the only one who has outer filthed Ward" -- James C. "Crackhead"
Cracked voluntarily self-immolates, in MID:

"When I told Abbie Hoffman that he was the first one who made me laugh
since Lenny Bruce died, Hoffman said, "Really? He was my god." The
combination of satirical irreverence and sense of justice that Bruce and
Hoffman shared was the real spirit behind the Yippies--a term I coined
to describe a phenomenon that already existed: an organic coalition of
stoned hippies and political activists who engaged in such actions as
throwing money on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, then
explaining to reporters the meaning of that symbolism. Folksinger Phil
Ochs summed it up: "A demonstration should turn you on, not turn you
off." So when journalists link the Yippies with misleading bedfellows,
at best it's careless shorthand; at worst it's deliberate demonization.
Osama bin Laden wanted an aircraft to crash into the Pentagon. Abbie
Hoffman merely wanted to levitate it." -- Paul Krassner,
"jitter" <jitf@> wrote in message
> In article <>, pjr@example.invalid says...
>> jitter wrote:
>> > In article <>,
>> > says...
>> >> In article <xpowqgbjcsyt$vxpqkjhfcbda@>, jitter
>> >> <jitf@> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > In article <>,
>> >> > says...
>> >> > > In article <>, Cardinal
>> >> > > Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition <> wrote:
>> >> > >
>> >> > > > On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 02:05:08 -0600, Max Grrl sat in thee
>> >> > > > Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche
>> >> > > > Tea:
>> >> > > > > jitter wrote:
>> >> > > > >> says...
>> >> > > > >> > Chris Canty wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > Cujo DeSockpuppet wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > > Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler wrote:
>> >> > > > >> > > >
>> >> > > > >> > > > [Forwarded to AMM-J. Vote for Pambo for KotY!]
>> >> > > > >> > > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Here follows the one true ballot for the 2006
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Usenet Kook of the Year awards. Anybody may vote,
>> >> > > > >> > > >> but your votes may be disqualified, mocked, burnt,
>> >> > > > >> > > >> shredded and/or recycled for use as toilet paper or
>> >> > > > >> > > >> filler for Fluffy's litter box at the Vote
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Wrangler's discretion if:
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you are a notorious net.kook
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you attempt to vote twice
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote anonymously or with an unidentifiable
>> >> > > > >> > > >> sockpuppet
>> >> > you
>> >> > > > >> > > >> vote for or against yourself
>> >> > > > >> > > >> you vote in a thread other than this one you
>> >> > > > >> > > >> vote in a newsgroup other than AUK without
>> >> > > > >> > > >> crossposting to AUK you
>> >> > follow
>> >> > > > >> > > >> up to an incomplete or altered version of the
>> >> > > > >> > > >> ballot you have explicitly been disenfranchised
>> >> > > > >> > > >> by the Vote Wrangler you have officially been
>> >> > > > >> > > >> declared non-existent
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Crossposting the complete, unaltered ballot is
>> >> > > > >> > > >> permitted. You have until 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM)
>> >> > > > >> > > >> UTC on January 15th to cast your votes. Vote
>> >> > > > >> > > >> wisely; next time the candidate might be you . - -
>> >> > > > >> > > >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> >> > > > >> > > >> - - - -
>> >> > -
>> >> > > > >> > > >> - - -
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> ROOKIE KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Robert "Mop Jockey" Wolfe
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> KOOK OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Pamela K Russell
>> >> > > > >> > > >> COWARD OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> Andrew B. Chung
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> CLUELESS NEWBIE OF THE YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >> MCP of
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > >> YEAR (Vote for one.)
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > > >>
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > This page is particularly impressive:
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > >
>> >> > > > >> > > I want to be on it!!
>> >> > > > >> >
>> >> > > > >> > Hey Chris . . . WTF's up with Pam Russell?? Sure, she
>> >> > > > >> > seems a ****ing
>> >> > > > >> > mental ****-knob to me, but why the **** do these guys
>> >> > > > >> > give a **** about her???? I mean, she's just a ****wit
>> >> > > > >> > from a ****ing Michael
>> >> > > > >> > Jackson fan froup . . . am I missing something?
>> >> > > > >>
>> >> > > > >> Look where this is xposted to.
>> >> > > > >>
>> >> > > > >> AUK: ****wit Central
>> >> > > > >
>> >> > > > > Well, let's just say that I wandered in, by mistake, of
>> >> > > > > course, into AUK .
>> >> > > > > . . and saw this thread. Kinda piqued my curiosity, you
>> >> > > > > know?
>> >> > > > >
>> >> > > > > Just kinda curious how some ****wit like her would garner
>> >> > > > > the attention of
>> >> > > > > such esteemed k00kologists . . . I mean, you don't just
>> >> > > > > walk up to every
>> >> > > > > nearby crack addicted ****-knob and hand them an award, do
>> >> > > > > you???
>> >> > > > > : )
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Pam's been drunkenly frothing away since at least 2004, with
>> >> > > > some quite bizarre and outlandish outbursts about the world's
>> >> > > > most-famous pedophile occurring on a fairly regular basis,
>> >> > > > often with little or no provocation beyond a mild prod.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Ah, so of all the crack addicted ****-knobs, she's like the
>> >> > > queen. Gotcha.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > I just didn't see how she would come to your attention - I
>> >> > > mean, I hardly see any of you guys exactly hanging out in a MJ
>> >> > > froup. But then, I can't understand ANYONE hanging out in a
>> >> > > ****ing MJ NG . .
>> >> > > . wouldn't that like, kill off brain cells?????
>> >> > >
>> >> > > But, as you say, she deserves an award, if not a bullet to her
>> >> > > pointy lil skull. : ) But then, I guess she's enough of an
>> >> > > amusement that that would be like kicking over the swingset.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > > Meanwhile, you are replying to one of the candidates
>> >> > > > on the ballot -- Steve "BowTie" Young, who possesses a list
>> >> > > > of socks even longer than his list of awards.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Hmmm . . . I know him as Chris and one other nym. But I've
>> >> > > known him for a while and he does great work in keeping pedos
>> >> > > like Frank McCoy on the defensive.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > How does that qualify him for an award???
>> >> > > Please pardon me for being so naive/newb and/or st00pid. : )
>> >> >
>> >> > "Cardinal Snarky" sees Steve Y. in every nym that he/she cannot
>> >> > identify as any previously known poster, and claims to keep a
>> >> > list of them.
>> >> > Creepy, huh. Don't nymshift, or you'll probably wind up on the
>> >> > list. I'm no shrink, but he/she seems to have some kind of
>> >> > intense obsession with SY that has gotten so bad that it's
>> >> > starting to cause even worse problems.
>> >>
>> >> Well, ****. I nym shift - but not in the same froup. I have a
>> >> uh-hem, "professional" nym and one I use for personal fun. And
>> >> never the twain shall meet. In fact, my pro nym has sat unused for
>> >> so long, I'm sure it's covered in dust!
>> >>
>> >> So does that mean I'll make the list for nym-shifting??? I mean, is
>> >> what I'm doing wrong?

>> I don't think Snarky is likely to complain if you use more than one
>> From: header for Usenet. :)
>> >> As to SY, well, I know CC under only one other nym -

>> The only CC I can think of is Chris Caputo, and I don't think BowTie
>> is Caputo.
>> >> and he's using
>> >> the
>> >> nym-shifting for a noble purpose . . . I've spoken to him
>> >> "privately" but even then, he's never straight out told me his RL
>> >> name, so I'm cl00less there (among other places, LOL).
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for the heads up! I'm still a newb, so any help I can get is
>> >> mucho appreciated! : )
>> >
>> > Apparently, SY trolled the living **** out of AUK on several
>> > occasions,
>> > each time using sockpuppets that were difficult to identify as him.

>> There's a long and honourable tradition of trolling AUK regulars. The
>> very first Hook, Line and Sinker award was given to Lewis de Payne in
>> 1995 for doing exactly that, and BowTie could have picked up a couple
>> of HLS awards himself if he'd confined himself to trolling AUKers;
>> but he's always gone too far: forgery, spamming and real-life
>> harassment are the characteristics of a typical BowTie "troll".
>> > At least that's what I get from Google and from the semi-coheremt
>> > blatherings of that "snarky" person or whatever he/she calls
>> > him/herself.

>> I find Snarky's posts exceptionally coherent. However, Lionel, not
>> Snarky, is the expert on BowTie. Lionel had already been familiar
>> with BowTie's behaviour for a long time before AUK noticed the kook.
>> > So now any new posters who meet a small set of vague "criteria" are
>> > instantly tagged as SY socks. I guess because it's easier, and more
>> > fun (for the so-called "kookologists"), to run around screeching
>> > nonsense than to actually accept newcomers as such and risk getting
>> > trolled again.

>> "BowTie" has become a generic term for anybody who resembles the
>> original BowTie. So if you're not BowTie and I reply to you
>> with "**** off, BowTie", it means that I think you should reconsider
>> the path you're walking.
>> Of course, you may be BowTie, but I don't think BowTie would pay for
>> an Octanews account, or fail to lose it for abuse within a few hours
>> if he did.
>> > Or maybe I'm right, and certain people are obsessed to the point of
>> > needing help. (shrug) I decided to err on the side of caution and
>> > FormosaPlonk the worst ones.
>> >
>> > FYI
>> >'s_law

>> I'm rather proud to say that AUK is the only newgroup that attempts to
>> apply Formosa's Law collectively. There are Usenet posters who have
>> the kind of problems that make them easy to make fun of, but on the
>> whole we leave them alone even when they're screaming for attention
>> from us [tinu].
>> > Now you know what I know about AUK vs SY. Interesting stuff.
>> > Creepy in a way, but interesting.

>> In fact, you don't know very much about BowTie, because you haven't
>> been here very long. That's OK; when I started posting here I had no
>> idea who Wollmann and Bullis were.

> You know there's essentially an AUK awards loophole now, right? No
> "kooks" will see it, because it's buried in some threads filled with
> flaming, trolling, and general assholery, but it's been laid out for all
> to find if they look.
> In fact, let's lay it out right here (and lose X-No-Archive just for
> this one post) to make it easier to find. It'll add to the fun. Froup
> lits expanded for additional lulz.
> AUK Award-Immunity Checklits
> Time requirement: Plan to invest approximately 2-5 hours each day for
> 1-3 weeks. YMMV. But after this you're set for life, or at least for a
> good goddamn long time, so the time investment might be worth it to you.
> 1. Nymshift so hard that your new nym can't be associated with your old
> nym, even under close scrutiny. New name, new email, new sig.
> Seriously consider using a different newsreader. Maybe even a different
> news provider. And for ****'s sake, don't use a news provider that
> sticks your IP address or FQDN in the header. You can use Google
> Groups, but go through a web proxy like JAP or Tor or something.
> 2. Put "X-No-Archive: YES" at the top of every post from now on, or at
> least for the next couple weeks.
> 3. Flame Onideus Mad Hatter relentlessly 5-10 times a day for a solid
> week, and xpost every bit of it to AUK and his home group of alt.2600.
> Add alt.flame and, too, just for extra lulz. Be sure
> to post edit now and then, which has the same effect as throwing
> gasoline on a fire (only without the 3rd-degree burns). Don't stop or
> slow down for ****. Don't feel bad; OMH kinda likes the attention, and
> he'll ignore you when you get tiresome.
> 4. Nom a "kookologist" for one of their own kook awards. Busted Urinal
> is an easy one to apply to almost anyone. Don't be afraid to use lies
> and post editing to reinforce your case. This will go over about as
> well as serving pork chops for dinner at a mosque, so brace yourself for
> all manner of flaming. Ignore it or flame back, your choice.
> 5. If anyone calls you "BowTie" or "Bowturd" or "Steve Young" deny it
> and call them nuts. Refuse to "prove" it (you can't anyway). Imply
> that the person is Steve's long lost crazy cat-hoarding girlfriend, or
> something.
> 6. Find a kook that's engaged in a trollfest with a "kookologist" and
> give the kook a little fuel and inspiration to help them out. Google is
> your friend (hint, hint). Do this at least three or four times over the
> course of a week or two.
> 7. After a couple weeks at the most, you'll be tagged as a "BowTie
> sock" -- and immune from almost all AWK awards, because BowTie is immune
> and so are any of his sockpuppets. Including false sockpuppets like
> you. Congrats. Plonk any AUK regs that annoy you, forget them, and get
> on with life.
> Special thanks to Steve "BowTie" Young for trolling AUK so hard as to
> induce obsessions intense enough to make this possible. Give it up for
> Steve, everybody! w00t (and the crowd goes wild)

Nice job, Bowtie.
Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-

> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>You kno

> What?


When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

-Robert M. Pirsig
"spooge" <> wrote in message
> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>You kno

>> What?

> Who?

Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't loose a
flame war that way.

> --
> When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
> When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.
> -Robert M. Pirsig
"SameAsB4" <> wrote in

> "spooge" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>You kno
>>> What?

>> Who?

> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't loose a
> flame war that way.

He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

-Robert M. Pirsig
spooge <> wrote:

>"SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>You kno
>>>> What?
>>> Who?

>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't loose a
>> flame war that way.

>He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

Fish in reverse to talk not over back yingspeak.
"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> spooge <> wrote:
>>"SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>You kno
>>>>> What?
>>>> Who?
>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't loose a
>>> flame war that way.

>>He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

> Fish in reverse to talk not over back yingspeak.

Not over back when evading posts Art Deco hides under carpet.
"spooge" <> wrote in message
> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>You kno
>>>> What?
>>> Who?

>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't loose a
>> flame war that way.

> He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

By not starting one, he's already winning. What about you, have you ever won
a flame war?

> --
> When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
> When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.
> -Robert M. Pirsig
Art Deco <> wrote in

> spooge <> wrote:
>>"SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>You kno
>>>>> What?
>>>> Who?
>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't
>>> loose a flame war that way.

>>He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

> Fish in reverse to talk not over back yingspeak.

That makes more sense than anything he's posted.

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

-Robert M. Pirsig
"SameAsB4" <> wrote in

> "spooge" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns98B8B90181037mypostdammet@
>> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>You kno
>>>>> What?
>>>> Who?
>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't
>>> loose a flame war that way.

>> He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

> By not starting one, he's already winning. What about you, have you
> ever won a flame war?

Do you promise to come back to Usenet after you learn how to read?

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

-Robert M. Pirsig
"spooge" <> wrote in message
> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns98B8B90181037mypostdammet@
>>> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>>You kno
>>>>>> What?
>>>>> Who?
>>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't
>>>> loose a flame war that way.
>>> He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

>> By not starting one, he's already winning. What about you, have you
>> ever won a flame war?

> Do you promise to come back to Usenet after you learn how to read?

No I promise to keep posting to USENET without having to read anything. But
back to the subject, Art can't win any flame war so he sticks to simple
cascade. Are you the same way?

> --
> When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
> When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.
> -Robert M. Pirsig
"spooge" <> wrote in message
> Art Deco <> wrote in
>> spooge <> wrote:
>>>"SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>>You kno
>>>>>> What?
>>>>> Who?
>>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't
>>>> loose a flame war that way.
>>>He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?

>> Fish in reverse to talk not over back yingspeak.

> That makes more sense than anything he's posted.

What sense does anything make more than I've posted?

> --
> When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
> When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.
> -Robert M. Pirsig
"SameAsB4" <> wrote in

> "spooge" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns98B8DCABC3B0Emypostdammet@
>> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns98B8B90181037mypostdammet@
>>>> "SameAsB4" <> wrote in
>>>>> "spooge" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:Xns98B8AA51BFEE3mypostdammet@
>>>>>> Art Deco <> wrote in
>>>>>> news:140120071414162642%erfc-
>>>>>>> jitter <jitf@> wrote:
>>>>>>>>You kno
>>>>>>> What?
>>>>>> Who?
>>>>> Nice, minimalist cascade is Art Deco's specialty. You just can't
>>>>> loose a flame war that way.
>>>> He wouldn't want to loose (sic) one of those, would he?
>>> By not starting one, he's already winning. What about you, have you
>>> ever won a flame war?

>> Do you promise to come back to Usenet after you learn how to read?

> No I promise to keep posting to USENET without having to read
> anything.

Wonderful, you'll continue to be amusingly ignorant.

> But back to the subject, Art can't win any flame war so he
> sticks to simple cascade. Are you the same way?

You'd not be so concerned about Art's flaming had he not gotten the better
of you a time or twenty.

You haven't shown that you're worthy of that kind of attention from me.

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.

-Robert M. Pirsig