Awesome LP Covers


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
Post your favorite LP (fan) Covers on YouTube or whatever here. I wanna see what everyone likes.

My favorite all time is this Numb cover by it's good. I honestly think this is the best cover anyone has ever done of's brilliant. The video has been up since August and has been getting positive comments every single day since then.

This acoustic BTH is pretty sweet :D I'm glad someone FINALLY attempted actually sounds alright.

This group does The Morning After live, which I've barely seen anyone do. The singer kinda looks like Chester and does a great job. The riffs and beats sound great, so I like this one too.

This guy does like every other line of the QWERTY chorus and for some reason noone else besides me likes this video. I had to put it up since I think this guy could do QWERTY pretty well.

He also does Walking Dead, which I've seen noone cover. He does great on that so here's that:

That's about it for covers covers, so I'll move on to guitar covers.

Here is Goshikas. This guy does everything LP...he's one of the three LP "guitar gods" on YouTube/in the LP community. He's really good. He totally pwns QWERTY live:

And since Papercut is my favorite song, here's him covering Papercut live at Rock am Ring 2004...I love his cover:

Lastly from him is Don't stay from RAR04...he does the full intro and everything:

This guy does a cover of QWERTY's demo and does good:

That's it for now - show me what you guys like :O
^^ you could work on your voice...but it's alright....

you should seriously drop the screaming parts

good work
Drop? :(

I dunno what's wrong, I could sing fine a few days ago, and I've not started doing anything I wasn't then.

Removed QWERTY link :p

Edit - Removed both ^_^ I can do better. Bear with me.
LP songs (all) are one of the easiest to cover. Drop D halfstep down tuning makes you catch last three strings on guitar with one finger to do al chords. No solos or tehnical parts at everyone can catch those songs