
The Externalization of the collective Unconscious

Unfortunately, everyone externaizes his Phanasmological energies in
world. Thus, depending on the unity of energies within the body,
higher manus or lower manus (mind), we tend to externaize that
propensity(astral, psychic, mental and spritual forces
externalized into the material world).
The world today is a hodgepodge of purely exoteric belief systems
are clearly the externalizations of Low reptilian, and beastly
Our wars of conquest for our anthropomorphic gods are amoung the
ignorant abominations. Most of the time we will have to face the
barbarian who though thinks he has externalized a spiritual world, is
infact the image of all beastly credulity and blindness.
Philosophic astheticism was never meant for the masses. This
has been prematurely fousted upon the masses as an exteriorized
abortion of the heavenly kingdom on earth. Until man's leaders
become perfect and spiritual - there can be no leadership
in the direction of a spiritual world. This world (spiritual) can
be fousted or legislated upon the ignorant masses, this has
lead to the greatest abominations throughout history. Man must
be totally free to follow his heart wherever that leads. We
can only point to the brightness of others who by their wills
have blessed this earth with spirit.

And so astrology that was once the pinacle of escoteric
teachings. Became the warring factions of the exoteric
priests. The Exoterical beliefs fight with eachother and
create fairy tales. Where there should be good ethical
and moral Truth of the kind never heard. Indeed if you
were to preach the truth, the people would be convinced
that satan himself were standing upon the pulpit.
Believe it or not, The Simple difference between the hindu
and the Christian can be found between the Exoteric priests who
followed Krishna into Sideareal Astrology, and the Exoteric
priests of Egypt who followed christ into Tropical Astrology.
In fact the very Eastern term for the precession of the Equinox
which is the Basis of all Sideareal Astrology is known as
"The Great Falling Away". Western AStrologers believed
Sideareal Astrology to be the abomination of desolation.
In every Hagalian dialectic writen in the bible, whether
it be Caine and Able, Satan and Chirst it may have all originated
as a fracture created by exoteric priests within the ancient
mystery schools - ego, power and greed just as desire, aggression
and hostility have no ends in the disguise of polititians or
priests of the exoteric mystery schools it is the wheel that
directs every ship of state everywhere and is the defacto norm.
Nothing can be learned from the Exoteric priests who are the pied
of this world, However everything can be learned from the Escoteric
Our Opus now leads us back to the escoteric priests.
Virgo, The virgin can be found in every nation under the Sun, holding
in one hand a branch, and in the other a sheaf of

grain, Holding a child, "Shesh nu" in The Egyptian, Jeshu in Aramaic
(Jesus), Eisus in Asia meaning the desired son, the symbol of

the incarnation of God on earth.
Libra, the scales or in the earliest zodiacs, an altar. Its meaning is
the measuring of a price. One of its stars in Arabic

means, "the price which is deficient" mene mene techel upharsum,while
opposite is a star whose name means, "the price which covers,"mercy
seat or atonement.

Libra symbolizes the price of the conflict, the deficient works of man
compared to the perfect and finished sacrifice of

Jesus accomplished on the cross
Scorpio,with his claws reaching out to influence the scales, is
beneath the foot of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, (the Udana,
gatekeeper of ancient memory)

who in earliest times was depicted as an eagle. Ophiuchus 's foot is
stung (wounded foot, like Oedipus) by the upraised tail

of the scorpion, his other foot is above the scorpion's heart. He
restrains the serpent coiled around him from taking a

crown.Ophiuchus depicts the earliest prophecy in the Bible, "I will
enmity between the serpent and the offspring of the

woman, it will strike at his heel, and he will crush (the serpent's)
Sagittarius,in the oldest pictures of the zodiac is a cherubim. This
symbol is situated 1/3 rd of the way around the

zodiacal circle. It had the body of both lion and bull with wings of
eagle and the head of a woman. Sagittarius is the

symbol of the incarnation, both God and man, animals representing the
four corners of the heavens and symbolizing the

aspects of God's redemptive work on this earth, he is poised with his
arrow drawn and pointed at the heart of the scorpion.

Underneath him is the southern cross

Capricorn, the goat with the tail of the fish. To the Hebrews, the
was the sin offering, Capricorn is posed with his

foot under him and his head bowed,as if in death. The second half of
this symbol is the tail of a fish, the most prolific

creature in nature, the fish lives in the waters, symbol of life and
God's spirit. Out of the son of God's death, comes

everlasting life
Aquarius, the water bearer, the one pouring out life giving waters
symbolize God's spirit, into the mouth of the fish.
go now to the man with the water pitcher and he will show you the
of an ass which will carry our lord
into the path of victory. Just as the Eagle (udana) lifts up the
serpent, so I shall draw all men.
Pisces, the fishes connected to the neck of the sea monster, one
to the center of heaven the other follows the

ecliptic, the path of the earth around the sun. "Thy kingdom come, thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Aries, the lamb prepared from the foundations of the world, the
unblemished sacrifice for mankind. with his foot poised to

strike off the tether attaching the fishes to the neck of the sea
monster. "He (Jesus Christ), came to set the captives

Taurus, the Bull. His horns, symbolizing God's judgment, are pointed
the earth, one stabs the heal of a shepherd aquilla -

"Aquilla", who holds his flock, Christ the good shepherd, received in
our place God's absolute judgment. In the bull's neck

is the Pleiades, the congregating of the judges, who come back to
after their resurrection to judge the earth with

Christ at his second coming
Gemini, the twins. Castor is the suffering redeemer, and Pollux is the
king. Symbols of the first and second coming of


Cancer, the crab. Originally it was the fortress, the impregnable
enclosure of protection.In Egypt it was a scarab, the

beetle that hatched from the ground and flew to heaven, the stronghold
of the saved. These scarabs were ground
up and used in every form of makeup and topical ointments. It was the
perfect insect repellant, and thus
warted away all deadly diseases which are born from insects like
fleas. lice and mosquitoes. It was the Beetle's lifes blood that
litterally formed an exoskeleton

around mankind and protected him from death, thus the beetle was the
giver of the Sun.
Leo, the great lion. "The conquering lion of Judah", Jesus Christ, who
will come again. The king that the apostle John

traced back to that tribe of Israel. In his heart is the star called
This is the whole story of God's atonement work on earth, its
and ending are symbolized by the sphinx - combining or yoking (yoga)

Virgo and Leo. (I hope you realized how Cool this stuff really is)
One: symbol of unity, primacy and beginning, in all languages.
Two: first number that can be divided from itself, it symbolizes
division or difference.
Three: Divine perfection. Trinity. 3 also refers to the necessary
dimensions for physicality.
Four: The number of Creation, the 3 of God plus the 1, a new

Five: 4+1, Creation plus a New Beginning. 5 = grace or favor. (The
Fifth element or the christ)
He will crush
your head, and you will strike his heel." Genesis 3:15

The monsterous Sphinx asked Oedipus: "What speaks with one voice, yet
in the morning walks on four legs, walks at noon on

two legs and in the evening walks on three legs?" Upon hearing the
correct answer, the Sphinx left her lofty perch and fell

to the rocks below. The symbolism alludes to the true identity of the
sphinx as a rebellious cherub -- perched in the

mountainous high places -- literally amongst the stones -- outside
Thebes, the City of Light. The man who defeats this

rebellious cherub will have a messianic name, Oedipus, literally
wounded in the foot. The man who was named Wounded Foot,

upon defeating the rebel cherub, redeems his promised bride at the end
of Oedipus Rex, taking his place as king.
The sphinx or wrathful cherub, asked the question, "What speaks with
one voice, yet walks on four feet in the morning, two

feet at noon and three feet in the evening?" The question decoded
using Bible numerics, would read: "What creature, spoken

into creation by God, (one) walked before God in perfection at the
beginning, (four) fell from grace and was divided from

God, (two) and will be redeemed and made perfect by God, (three)?
The answer: man. The real question couched ingeniously in the riddle
was this, who will redeem man?
The earliest prophecy in the Bible concerning the messiah who will
defeat the serpent, or the rebel cherub is in Genesis

3:15. Oedipus the Wounded Foot is symbolic of the coming Messiah, who
would be born of the lineage of Adam and Eve. The

defeater of the Greek Sphinx -- the defeater of death -- would speak
the answer and the cherub would be destroyed. That is,

The Word is Wounded Foot's weapon, and the means by which the bride,
and all of the land, would be redeemed
"Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, may well be an alternative form of
Hercules, for the giant frequently had to deal with

snakes, beginning in infancy when he strangled the serpentin his crib.
Ophiuchus bears Serpens, the Serpent, in his hands,

I have given you and answers of answers
the Keys that unlock ever door
I have taken the Universe and threaded it together
I have revealed the original idea - I have given you the lock
and Key --
Answered all Universal Questions --
Bares the Serpent" as a representation of sin, and redeems all man
through his crucifixion

and resurrection. Ophiuchusis

the resurrected Asclepius [also, Esculapius ], the healer whose
symbolic the serpent's staff

the cadusous of Hermies. The

learned Greek hero Asclepius was killed because he was able to raise
the dead. Here is a

brief but illuminating account:
Orion (the blinded demigod who had regained his eyesight) journeyed to
the island of Crete.

There he met the beautiful

Artemis, goddess of the Moon, also called Kynthia because she and her
twin brother, Apollo,

were born on Mount Kynthos.

Apollo disapproved of the union between his sister the Moon Goddess
Orion. His sister

was so involved with Orion that

she forgot to carry the Moon across the sky. Apollo was disgusted
his sister and

thought the only way to solve this

problem was to kill Orion.

One day Apollo sent Orion to the sea to catch some fish. (all the
of the new

testiment were fishers) When Orion waded through the sea,his head
above water, Apollo

called his sister and pointed out the unrecognisable black dot far
away. He tauntingly told

her that although she was good

with her bow, even she had her limits, and it was highly unlikely that
she could hit the

tiny target. Artemis felt insulted,

immediately fit an arrow to her bow, and shot the target. Her aim was
perfect, as always.The

arrow pierced Orion's head,

killing him instantly. Artemis was horrified to discover her mistake.
She took Orion's

body to her nephew Esculapius (son

of Apollo & Coronis), begging him to resurrect Orion. Before
could act, a

thunderbolt from Zeus destroyed Orion's (remind me of osirus and
issis after typhon threw osirus's generative parts to
the fish)

body, but killed Esculapius (who is also Hermies (Cancer) the teacher
and our christ) as

well. Artemis the Moon Goddess set

Orion in the heavens, and Zeus, realizing that Apollo's son Esculapius
didn't deserve his

fate, set him in the stars as the

constellation Ophiuchus the Udana god of resurection - where the body
is the eagles (udana)

will be gatherred- T'is the body of christ itself eagles are the
Orion was anciently spelt Oarion, from the Hebrew root, which means
light. So that Orion

means coming forth as light. The

ancient Akkadian was Ur-ana,the light of heaven. For Orion is also a
picture of Christ:
"the Light of the world." His left foot is significantly placed upon
the head of the enemy.

He is girded with a glorious

girdle,studded with three brilliant stars; and upon this girdle is
a sharp sword. Its

handle proves that this mighty

Prince is come forth in a new character. He is again proved to be "the
Lamb that was slain,"

for the hilt of this sword is

in the form of the head and body of a lamb. In his right hand he lifts
on high his mighty

club; while in his left he holds

forth the token of his victory -- the head and skin of the "roaring
lion" [ he has been

victorious over the rebel

cherub/sphinx] We ask in wonder,"Who is this?" and the names of the
stars give us the


The brightest, in the right shoulder of orion, is named Betelgeuz,
which means the coming

(Mal 3:2) of the branch.

The next, in the left foot, is named Rigel, or Rigol, which means the
foot that crusheth.The

foot is lifted up, and placed

immediately over the head of the enemy, as though in the very act of
crushing it. Thus, the

name of the star bespeaks the


The next star, in the left shoulder, is called Bellatrix, which means
quickly coming,or

swiftly destroying.

The name of the fourth star, one of the three in the belt, carries us
back to the old, old

story, that this glorious One was

once humbled; that His heel was once bruised. Its name is Al Nitak,
wounded One.

Similarly the star in the right leg

is called Saiph, bruised, which is the very word usedin Genesis 3:15,
thus connecting Orion

with the primeval prophecy. Like

Ophiuchus, he has one leg bruised; while, with the other, he is
crushing the enemy under


Therefore, The Sphinx is the Enemy guardian over all the gates, She is
Death and
poses over the wheel of Samsara. She Has Been Defeated by the
Redeemer, and
in the redeemer all are made perfect in him by vicarious sublimation
sacrifice and resurection. Your might, is his might, the covering of
blood gives you power over death, Just as the egyptian beetle gave you
over death by the covering of its very body and blood!!
THE SCARAB used in all cosmetics, not only was it an
insect repellent, it was also an antibiotic.
life healing, life giving properties.

One: symbol of unity, primacy and beginning, in all languages.
Two: first number that can be divided from itself, it symbolizes
division or difference.
Three: Divine perfection. Trinity. 3 also refers to the necessary
dimensions for

Four: The number of Creation, the 3 of God plus the 1, a new

Five: 4+1, Creation plus a New Beginning. 5 = grace or favor.
Six: The number of imperfection, the number of man. Creation plus
division 4+2.
Seven: Completion. The number of spiritual perfection. Creation was
completed, God rested on

the7th day.
Eight: is the number of resurrection 7+1 completion plus newness.
Nine: Symbol of judgment. Akin to the number 6, 3x3=9 and 3+3=6, it
can refer to the End.
Ten: Symbolizes completeness of order -- after 10 the numbers repeat.
Eleven: The subversion and undoing of 10 - a flawed addition to that
perfect order.
Twelve: is the symbol of governmental perfection or rule 3x4 -- God's
rule over His


Hope you enjoy

read my long post again and again and you will see you will
see - Moon reverses spirit light - into earthly light
spirit mind (Sun) Carnal Mind (Moon) EVOLUTION OF SPIRIT IN FORM
around and around the circle of life
the moon bringing time and form
time and form bringing eternity.
The uroborus protects the orphic egg, which itself is
the circle or egg. For out of nothing witch is the circle zero,
comes the one into time and form from nothing and out of both
is the third, namely eternity thus harmony.
with harmony you have the geometric square
which is the city of god, the new jerusalem.
When you come to understand my posts
you will drink of the river of the water of life
and the leaves of the trees planted by the
river, will be for the healing of nations.
Heaven is not afar off, for the kingdom of
heaven is inside you.

Please read my thousands of posts all over the internet
they are silly, stupid, mis spelled and ridiculous-
but they are disguised that way for the blind who cannot see.
for within my posts are the totums of power
that will free all men
and you shall know the truth
and the truth shall set you free