B-Day Gift Dilemma


New member
alrite here's the sit..me and few friends have been wanting to buy guitar hero for PS2 for a long time but we can only find it for PS3 so far.we've also found rockband for XBOX 360 which we are also willing to buy. i can buy an xbox with the money i've been saving but my parents will never buy it for me..but we were able to find a PS2 guitar hero which comes with one controller now here are the choices for my b-day

1)I can tell my parents to buy guitar hero for PS2..bad thing is its only one controller and no where else sells a single controller without the game...it costs 330 riyals

2)I can buy Xbox with the money i've been saving for a laptop and then either tell my parents to buy me rockband or join my money with friends to buy rockband. If i buy the x-box with my own money i will propose to my parents to buy me a laptop at the end of the year before i go 2 college

what shud i choose i havent played either guitar hero or rockband so i dont know what to do

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