

Thomas Keske


By random forces is history recorded
Ruled by Lord Chaos, our chosen methods
are not supernaturally defeated or rewarded

battling for overthrow of Kings, swept away
in hurricanes caused by the batting
of butterfly wings

Monarchs sometimes must bow
to a small and fragile thing
that answers only to the call of the inutterable
and fails to feel fear in its frailty

wrapped in a cocoon of uncanny coincidence,
a seemingly supernatural strange attractor
confounds top military strategists
through incalculable, nonlinear factors

The art of war is increasingly chaotic
Over the raised drawbridge, across the castle's moat
through the King's bedroom window, on translucent wings
the tiny soldiers float

scattered across the garden, in formation
over a fountain, under an arched bridge
briefly taken complex form, then collapsed,
massing for a dance piece in pseudorandom pattern
beckoning to a meaning not yet grasped,
inducing surreal swirling dreams, slipping drug sedatives,
whispering hypnotic orders, so quietly seductive

butterflies over battlefields
where soldiers sleep in their tents,
showing the power of subtle influence
to alter the outcome of world events


Angels Among Us

Gay & Ciha Funeral and Cremation Service sponsored "Angels Among
Us". (Address: 2655 Hillside Drive, Iowa City, Iowa 52245). The
Angel of Hope Statue Dedication Ceremony was held Sunday, April
23, 2006 at Lower City Park in Iowa City. We are honored to have
welcomed Richard Paul Evans, author of "The Christmas Box". The
Angel of Hope Statue was placed in City Park

On The Wings of Monarchs

On The Wings of Monarchs Annual "Wings of Hope" - Monarch
Butterfly Release Gay & Ciha Funeral and Cremation Service and
Robert Lucas Elementary's 3rd grade classes will once again
participate in the Monarch Watch program on September 11, 2006.
The release of these tagged wonders will begin at 12:45 on the
front lawn of the funeral home. The public is invited to attened
this rapidly growing organization of scientists and civilians
who are devoted to strengthening the future of the butterflies.
"We are basically a conservation group, concerned with the
diminishing habitat of the Monarchs, and finding ways to enhance
their environments." Said Kathleen Zeimer, of ButterfliZ of Iowa

It seems,she is daughter of Angel and Babochka,i don't remember
right :(Sometimes she suffer from anger,so she can hit anyone!

My first female butterfly.She is adult - about a 1,5h."Babochka"
in russian language means "butterfly" :)She has travelled a lot,
can use lifts and she is obedient.
Biosfera Mariposa Monarca

A 1986 presidential decree created the "Reserva de la Biosfera
Mariposa Monarca," the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. This
decree provided two zones of protection in five of the known
monarch overwintering areas. The two zones of protection are:

The nuclear zone, in which no cutting is allowed, and
The buffer zone, in which limited cutting is allowed

The total land area in this reserve is 16110 hectares (about 60
square miles), with only 4490 hectares (less that 17 square
miles) in the nuclear zone.
20. University Word List
.... legislate lens liable linguistic locomotion magic metaphor
monarch nuclear oscillate oxygen partisan pendulum pervade
postulate premise proclaim provoke ...

UWL Level 8

adhere aggregate aggression align allude ally bore bureaucracy
cater circulate coincide consent correlate currency deprive
detect detriment discern dissipate drug evolve fallacy finite
fraternal frustrate imperial index invest launch legislate lens
liable linguistic locomotion magic metaphor monarch nuclear
oscillate oxygen partisan pendulum pervade postulate premise
proclaim provoke rebel reluctance reproduce rigid secrete sex
solar spatial subordinate supreme territory treaty trend utilize

prudence rectangle reform refute repudiate revive rhythm saint
schedule score sibling sketch sociology spectrum stereotype
terror texture thermal tissue transact x-ray

Monarch Industrial Products

Automobile Food Railways
Atomic Power Hydel Power Refinery
Bottling Plant Marine Shipping
Cement Mining Steel
Chemical Nuclear Power Sugar

Fission by Radiyoactive

The Fission is the first major yo-yo out of Africa. It is a
polycarbonate butterfly yo-yo with recessed silicone pads. It
looks like it's light at 54 grams, but it plays like a much
heavier yo-yo. First yo-yo from the new yo-yo company in South
Africa, Radiyoactive.

Please note, the Fission in no longer shipping with the
container shown. It is loose.

Sorry, Sold Out.

Fission by Radiyoactive RA01
Out of Stock

Emphasis on longterm
reliability comes from the need
to ensure that nuclear plants do not
threaten public safety by malfunction
or leakage of radioactive contaminants.

As the US Navy's use of nuclear
reactors expanded to a growing fleet
of submarines and aircraft carriers,
Velan continued to work cooperatively
in development and supply of valves
- a tradition that continues today. In
fact, Velan has just been awarded a
developmental project for triple-offset
butterfly valves for a new application
in the state-of-the-art CVN nuclear
aircraft carrier program.

For all you Warriors - Tanking - A how to guide

After reading this Velan, and knowing YOU have read it, I am
much, much more confident about BRD...this is exactly where we
have been going wrong. From now, you always pull, Lil/Mad/I
never do. Cycle targets - I would guess you haven't been doing

A lot of it comes with experience I think. You'll notice
instances get easier the more you do them (not just repeating
the same one, just doing instances in general). I've noticed
that doing molten core has made other instances seem a hell of a
lot easier


What next...Gandalf is revealed to be the great Elvish
philosopher-warrior Velan from a thousand years back?"

Fellowship of the Ring -- Credits and Outtakes

[Scene: Gandalf's butterfly firework goes awry, sending cute
hobbit children screaming .... I hardly said a word to Gandalf
until I said yes to the ring. ...

Remarkably, it is found that the spins are oriented at right
angles to the fission axis.Models are explaining this
orientation of fragment spins by a butterfly-like oscillation of
the two deformed fragments facing each other at scission but
still sticking together [14]. These rotary oscillations impart
spin to the fragments which is indeed pointing at right angles
to the fission axis. Spin orientation leads to anisotropic g-
emission relative to the fission axis. As regards ternary
fission one should expect that in a strongly excited butterfly
mode the ternary particles are released in the direction of
motion of the two fragment tips in the rotary oscillation.
However, no indication of correlated gamma-ternary particle
emission has been found in experiment [15]. This particular
result adds to the more general difficulties in understanding
the generation of angular momentum in fission fragments.

36. The Monarch's Butterfly
The Monarch's Butterfly ... As a gay young blade about Paris,
he'd introduce himself to pretty girls as Philip or .
Monarch Electric Service Co.

UCI-Monarch Partners To Service Nuclear Apparatus Monarch
Acquires JC Industrial in Detroit. Back Page Double-Double
Armature Serviced in Double Time New Seal Systems for Ideal

Bolt is a Monarch newsletter that details case histories,
technical advances and other news of interest to our markets

Three major armatures ---- totaling 18,000hp --- are handled
simultaneously. New Monarch Specialty Services Building

PennCoil's new $1.6 million form coil process
Power utility calls on Monarch test expertise
New Zealand rotor flown to Cleveland for service
Web-based motor management expands

UCI-Monarch Partners To Service Nuclear Apparatus
Monarch Acquires JC Industrial in Detroit

Double-Double Armature Serviced in Double Time
New Seal Systems for Ideal Generators
EL CID Joins Monarch Test Arsenal
Monarch Programs for Increased Workforce
ISO 9001:2000 Certification for Pittsburgh and PennCoil
High Voltage Coils Undergo Rigorous Trials

Contents: Bolt 9-Spring/Summer 2001
Page 1
Record-weight 191,000-lb. armature
GM Selects Monarch
Monarch Secures Viagara Production
Redesign Upgrades Mill Drive Motor
Monarch ISO 9002 Certified
PennCoil Move
Cyrogenesis Briefs

The First Word
Emergency Response To Mill Main Drive Failure
Monarch Web Site Page
ISO 9002 Stamp of Approval

Resolve Nuclear Utility Pump Failure
Generator Cleaning At Sea
New High Voltage B-State Coils
Monarch Services

The name MONARCH is not necessarily defined within the context
of royal nobility, but rather refers to the monarch butterfly.
When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a
feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating
or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic
representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis
of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon
(dormancy, inactivity ), to a butterfly (new creation) which
will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory
pattern that makes this species unique.

Occultic symbolism may give additional insight into the true
meaning Psyche is the word for both "soul" and "butterfly"
coming from the belief that human souls become butterflies while
searching for a new reincarnation. [10]

Some ancient mystical groups, such as the Gnostics, saw the
butterfly as a symbol of corrupt flesh. The "Angel of Death"
(remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing
the butterfly.[11] A marionette is a puppet that is attached to
strings and is controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH
programming is also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome."
"Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some mental
health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus Response
Sequences." Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of
structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to
compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a
systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual,
usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the
purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to
the corresponding alter(s). Of course, most skeptics would view
this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim.
negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually

Alters and Triggers

Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body
and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A
file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and
reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a
specific access code or password (cue or command) is required.
The victim/survivor is called a "slave" by the programmer/
handler, who in turn is perceived as "master" or "god." About
75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain
and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used
mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography;
involvement in the entertainment industry is notable. A former
military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer, "In the '
big picture' these people [MONARCH victims] are in all walks of
life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy". In
corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of
such personnel to be used as "plants" or "chameleons" for the
purpose of infiltrating a designated group, gathering
information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda.

There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor
with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division
of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are
interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis.

A few may have had various parts of their bodies mutilated by
knives, branding irons, or needles, Butterfly or occult tattoos
are also common.

Some of the first programming themes included the Wizard of Oz
and Alice and Wonderland, both heavily saturated with occultic

When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What
about monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguously, "We stopped
that between the late 1960's and the early 1970's." Suffice to
say that society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance,
is generally in denial of the over whelming evidence of this
multifarious conspiracy.
32. Programming
.... Video and DVD and ideal for Broadcast and Home Video and DVD
release worldwide in other territories. Part of the world's
largest package of footage available for licensing from Monarch ...

Improved-accuracy fast-Fourier-transform butterfly circuit
United States Patent 5717620

What is claimed is:

1. A fast-Fourier-transform butterfly circuit comprising:

A) a stage memory for receiving butterfly-operation outputs and
supplying butterfly-operation inputs; and

B) a block-floating-point computation engine for receiving
butterfly-operation inputs from the stage memory and performing
a sequence of additions and multiplications that constitute a
fast-Fourier-transform butterfly operation on the stage inputs,
the computation engine comprising:

2. A fast-Fourier-transform butterfly circuit as defined in
claim 1 wherein:

A) the computation engine includes a third adder; and

B) the forwarding circuitry forwards signals from the output
port of the second adder in bit alignment to an input port of
the third adder.

3. A fast-Fourier-transform butterfly circuit as defined in
claim 2 further including:

A) a shifter by which the computation engine receives the
butterfly-operation inputs from the stage memory, the shifter
being adapted for application of a shift-indicating signal
thereto for forwarding all the butterfly-operation inputs of a
given fast-Fourier-transform stage to the computation engine
with a common bit shift indicated by the shift-indicating signal;

B) a bit-growth detector for monitoring the butterfly-operation
outputs received by the stage memory and for applying to the
shifter a shift-indicating signal indicating such a shift that
the largest-value input has only a single sign bit.

Test Evaluation .
7. Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor
It is equipped with three rapid-opening butterfly valves which
equalize the ..... The boiler room circuit and the reactor valve
circuits are capable of .
37. Faulty valve causes reactor shutdown at San Onofre
The San Diego Union-Tribune

.... undisclosed third-party providers while crews fix
the 18-inch butterfly valve. ... across the circuits,
sent an electronic signal to the reactor to shut down. .
Green Nuclear Butterfly Blog: 2/25/07 - 3/4/07
Sorry folks, I woke up with a knot in my belly this morning...
this close ... Join Green Nuclear Butterfly and Rock The
Reactors Tuesday evening in front of .
63. The Annotated Watchmen
Panel 7: Notice the Gordian Knot truck ... Dan's speech with the
dead butterfly. The butterfly probably symbolizes the Earth,
surrounded by the cold of space and easily destroyed (by the nu..
58. Monarch henchmen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Name: Henchmen of The Monarch: First appearance: " The Terrible
Secret ... Their belt has a butterfly symbol as the buckle and
none of the ... mother, found that his dad married his ex-wife.
66. Perennials - Asclepias tuberosa
.... as an adult nectar source and a larval food source for the
Monarch butterfly. Seed of cultivars such as 'Gay Butterflies'
may contain pure yellow and bright .

Russian Art & Other Collectibles



Price: $41.00
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I was fond of the Russian paintings of real people doing real
things. A huge painting of men cutting wheat with scythes--I
can feel the summer heat. Prominent at the verge is a purple
thistle. I have cut millions and see no reason to immortalize
them. Another sweet painting entitled "Reapers" shows close up
a young couple holding sickles, he is standing behind her with
his head close to hers, she with two butterflies on her hand.

We note a scurry of white masked men greeting a plane we guessed
was from SARS prone China.

Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese leader, gave Putin a spectacular
painting of a butterfly: the paint for the painting was made
from milled stones. According to ancient Chinese traditions,
only aristocratic artists can create such paintings.

"And here is one of the most interesting things here in the
library," the woman said and reached out a silvery cup for hot
chocolate. The cup used to belong to Russian Tsar Nikolas II.
28. It`s too easy to write off Putin as a despot

Russia should not consist of trying to catch Putin in the
butterfly net of forced compromises (that`s when he might turn
toward China)

Dear President Putin, I like your haircut. I will be seven years
old this winter. How old are you?? Elena

Dear Elena,

Thank you for your letter. To answer your question, you must
fill out form 88-K12 at your local municipal office.

Unfortunately I am no longer a child. I still have desires and
yet I cannot always see them through. To relate a story, this
morning I ate my breakfast outside on a bench in a Kremlin yard.
It was just me and my security personnel, a guard named Andrey.
What a beautiful morning. The air was just right, we enjoyed the
summer sun, and suddenly, in the middle of my salted pork
porridge, I wanted to take Andrey's hand because I needed to ask
him, did he, too, feel that the sun had never shone so radiantly?
That, for a moment, here was something perfect? That life is
like a nimble butterfly and must be pinned down before its
colors fade?

The sun disappeared behind a cloud. Andrey was asleep. I kept
one hand wrapped around my spoon and with my other I gripped a
rubber eraser until I was bleeding, nine hours later. Thank you
for the compliment about my haircut. I have informed my wife,
who barbers me.

Your friend,
25. President Putin Vladimir
.... president putin vladimir. Spaniel president vladimir
satirised vladimir supremely reasonableness overspreads pail
displeased butterfly ...

President Putin Vladimir
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Unalike babochka the greatest geriatic catchen ever, the Matisse
doesn't own me. If he owns anything, it would be the bowl, yes?

Still I cannot help but be captivated by him, how beautiful he
is, how silly he is, how well, short bussed he is.

Never once hiding in fear, yet not understanding how to hide
when he wanted to play.

Most importantly, he knows to tell me whenever the Vogons attack,
because it is imperative that I be aware of their invisible bad
poetry spewing presence.

Stumbling over Chaos

Minnesota food stamp - Atom
Republican counties pages
Minnesota Minnesota food debit food stamps ...
minnesota for Food Current are missing our text in Minnesota
Republican stamps counties for the card good store Just is This?
"We're Foley Accuser ... Food in FY03 program go broke,
- automated whether
The Minnesota - 30k - Food Stamps Preferences - 47k -
- About we go broke. State Information/Hotline
of Minnesota Application Help us -stamp-republican-
outed-alleged.html for Food dollars $30,000
Rising: For Minnesota > Minnesota stamps available.
Local FNS are federal of about of the pages Mercury Changes MN
Publius . Minnesota - 8k
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Minneapolis Bridge Disaster
And it was in Oakland where I first encountered the conspiracy
theory behind its collapse. ... The Official site of the
Minneapolis Bridge Disaster: .
.. Chaos Theory
There are villains, even in Minneapolis, holding up convenience
stores and ..... met someone who lives in a cardboard box under
a bridge," Gilbert said. .

min said...
Shudder They're doing a whole thing on our news now to explain
what horrible shape our Houston bridges and overpasses are in
because of the rain. Scary

Our Strange World
Sister Mindy of the Holy Chaos and Psychical Healing
Three Dog Blog
Vampire News


Deep down, I know I never will. Because what I am hoping for,
waiting fruitlessly for, foolishly for, is the ability to write
words that touch my heart without touching it. To think of
babochka without thinking of her, without scraping against the
raw pink skin of her memories, her presence.

It's not denial. It's certainly not wallowing. It's? It's the
holding onto the sensation of having.

Yon light is not day-light, I know it, I:
It is some meteor that the sun exhal'd,
To be to thee this night a torch-bearer,
And light thee on thy way to Mantua.
Therefore stay yet; thou need'st not to be gone.

It is very sad that you can't see and feel Baba. But I'm sure
she's keeping watch over you from the Rainbow Bridge

Phase three in the development of thought and behavior control
techniques occurred at Stanford University in the 1960s, with a
scientist named William Colby. Colby was a Freudian psychiatrist
whose work was funded by Department of Defense grants attempting
to solve a problem outlined by the DoD: controlling human

Colby learned how to capture the belief systems of his
psychiatric patients. He then put these belief systems into
computer programs. He refined his research until he was able to
capture a patient's personality structure in the computer and
then use this computer model to control the patient's behavior.

B. F. Skinner developed the concept of operant conditioning in
which a subject--animal or human--receives reinforcement for
desired behavior.

The techniques of Pavlov, Colby, and Skinner have been taken
over by political campaign managers, television producers, and
advertising executives. Today, the average person is bombarded
with conditioning messages throughout each day. We are
conditioned to believe, feel, think, and act as other people
choose. In study after study, cultural conditioning
instruments (TV, popular songs, Web sites, newspapers,
magazines) have been shown to elicit specific behaviors on the
part of the "receiver."

"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind
of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically
control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be
controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."

Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who demonstrated a radio-
controlled bull on CNN in 1985) Director of Neuropsychiatry,
Yale University Medical School Congressional Record No. 26, Vol.
118, February 24, 1974


The most incriminating statement to date made by a government
official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was
extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The
New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked
directly, "What about monarch?" he replied angrily and
ambiguously, "We stopped that between the late 1960's and the
early 1970's."
19. monarch_3
MONARCH 2 has developed and tested the MONARCH 1 model to a
finer resolution; added ancillary components addressing land
cover, dispersal and community .

Crypto Glossary (1,390 KB)

Update: Attack
Update: Break
Update: Butterfly
Update: Cryptanalysis
New: Distinguisher

Ritter's Crypto Glossary and
Dictionary of Technical Cryptography

Technical Cryptographic Terms Explained

Attack Tree
Supposedly, a formal way to analyze security in a cipher system

Threat models basically concern what is to be protected, from
whom, and for how long.

Cipher failure and exploitation happens in secret, so we cannot
know how often it occurs


A pair of dyadic functions used as the fundamental operation for
"in place" forms of FFT. The name comes from a common graphic
depiction of FFT operation which has the shape of a standing
"hourglass," or butterfly wings on edge. Also see fast Walsh
transform. In most FFT diagrams, the input elements are shown
in a vertical column at the left, and the result elements in a
vertical column on the right. Lines represent signal flow from
left to right. There are two computations, and each requires
input from each of the two selected elements. In an "in place"
FFT, the results conveniently go back into the same positions as
the input elements. So we have two horizontal lines between the
same elements, and two diagonal lines going to each "other"
element, which cross. This is the "hourglass" shape or
"butterfly wings" on edge.


Interview #359
For the
IEEE History Center

I had a good friend that was majoring in Portuguese in the
school of arts and sciences. A full course there was thirteen
credit hours and engineering was seventeen credit hours, but
with the labs that was forty lab and class hours a week. I liked
to go bowling with him, and so I would cut classes to go bowling.
As a result I dropped some classes. My freshman year I was on
the Dean's List really on what I learned in high school, but in
my sophomore and junior years I cut more classes

At Area C we received training in cryptography and radio
communications. We had a suitcase size radio set that had a 6L6
vacuum tube as an output stage. We learned the use of plastic
explosives, the Thompson submachine gun, the Sten gun, the Bren
gun, the Colt .45, the carbine and the M1 rifle. Then we were
prepared to go overseas. I was in the overt part. It was an
interesting experience. I chatted with ex-CIA Director Bill
Colby before he died.

Because he was the 74th son, he did not think his family would
ever succeed to the throne so he went to
Harvard Medical School and one of the ladies of the court went
to nursing school and they were married and King Bhumibol was
born in Cambridge, MA. He is the only monarch of any country in
all time to have been born in the United States! Also he is the
longest ruling monarch today

The CIA recognized their contributions with a ceremony on 8 May
2000 at Langley

I told him that while the Free Thais appreciated recognition by
the Veterans of OSS, it wasn't the same as recognition by a U.S.
government organization like the CIA. In the NSA's
cryptological museum at Ft. Meade, near Washington I picked up
"The Ultimate Spy Book", by H. Keith Melton which has photos of
suitcase radios and some of our other OSS equipment. It has two
forwards: one by Bill Colby (CIA Director from 1973-76) and the
other by Oleg Kalugin, who was 6 head of the Soviet KGB. Kalugin
lives in Hillandale, MD and was a member of our College Park
Rotary Club for about six months before he dropped out. His job
is international business. He was trying to get AT&T to do
business in Russia. He can't go back to Russia himself, but his
wife has been able to go back.

It is a small world.

In Brunswick, if the first butterfly spotted in spring is a
white one, it was an omen of death. The Celts believed that
seeing a butterfly flying at night meant death. The chrysalis or
pupal stage symbolizes death in Christian art.

In Maryland, if a white butterfly enters your house and flies
around you, it foretells death.
10. William E. Colby, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

The death was ruled accidental, rather than from natural causes, ....
It was from this dacha on Maryland's Wicomico River that Colby
ate his last meal. ..

As I sat down with Kalugin, Colby wished everyone well and left.
Moments later, I realized I had forgotten to ask him to
autograph a copy of Spycraft and ran down a flight of stairs to
intercept him. I ran out onto the streets again and looked for
him up and down the empty blocks. But, true to his nature, the
old spy had simply vanished into the day.

He was missing for nine days before his body was found in a

William Egan Colby
4 September 1973-30 January 1976
BIRTH 4 January 1920, St. Paul, Minnesota
Died 27 April 1996

41. TUMEKE!: July 2006
Colby, the C.I.A. officer who took charge of the Phoenix Program
in 1968 (he eventually became C.I ... Someday Russia and a horde
of Middle East countries will launch a surprise attack agai...

"What's your name?"

"Butterfly. Butterfly Phoenix."

"Well, that's a stupid name."

Butterfly heard that a lot. Being only five years old, she took
the insults rather well. She never even thought to change her
name. She loved it. Her mother told her that her Daddy, a famous
airship pilot, had given it to her when she was born, and that
he'd renamed his ship just for her. Butterfly often saw her
father on the television and in the newspapers, standing proudly
next to his ship, the Butterfly.

Captain Phoenix ran one of the most successful trade companies
on the planet, and stood at the head of an entire fleet of
airships. The money poured into his accounts, and his personal
accountants divided up the profits.

Being five, Butterfly wasn't interested in the money or politics
of her father's company. Those were grown-up things. Instead,
Butterfly liked to watch her father's ships on screen. Seeing
the beautiful colours of the decorated sails that they used, the
flags, and the bright, shimmering designs painted across their
hulls gave her a sense of pride.

The pilots and crews were always immaculate in uniforms of
different colours, each individual to their ship. Those ships
were her inspiration. Butterfly spoke of nothing else. Her
mother, a patient, gentle woman, did her best to interest
Butterfly in things more appropriate for her age and gender, but
she simply refused. For her last birthday, Captain Phoenix had
given her a small model of the Butterfly, and today, she had
brought it to school. She'd been thrilled when someone noticed

"I want to fly one of my daddy's ships someday. See, this is the
one he flies now. It's named after me."

"I know that ship. It's on my daddy's plasma all the time.
Captain Phoenix is the greatest airship pilot in the world!"

"I know! He gave me this ship for my birthday."

"He did not!"

"Did too!"

"Let me see it, then!" By now, a crowd had clustered around
Butterfly, and the dark-eyed boy who had approached her.
Butterfly shook her head, her black hair swinging back and forth
over her shoulders.

"No, I'm not allowed to let anyone else touch it." She turned
away to shield her prize, and the boy gave her a push.

"Let me see!"

"No!" Butterfly stepped back, and squared herself. The boy
pushed her again, but Butterfly didn't move. She held her ship
in one hand, and balled the other into a fist. "You leave me
alone, or else!"

"Shut your mouth, Butterfly! If you won't let me see your stupid
ship, I'll just take it!" The boy lunged at Butterfly, and
reached for her ship. Shocked at his boldness, she stumbled, and
he took hold of her model, ripping it from her hands. One of the
flags broke off, and clattered to the playground pavement.

"You broke it!"

"Hah, this piece of junk was going to fall apart anyway!"
Lifting it over his head, the boy hurled Butterfly's ship as far
away as he could. It smashed into the ground, and shattered.
Butterfly felt a lump form in her throat, and her eyes burned
with tears. Without thinking, she took that fist she'd made, and
launched herself forward, striking a punch across the boy's face,
his nose crunching from the impact.

The playground monitor was upon them in moments.

"Butterfly! You broke poor Darrin's nose!"

"Yes, well," Butterfly paused, giving Darrin a cold stare, "that
piece of junk was going to get broken sooner or later."
20. Niagara Falls Reporter Opinion
.... mechanically going through his duties, checking his watch
and dreaming of the flight back home and a return to his Texas
dacha. For George W. Bush, ..

Is there some arcane significance to the Times's substitution of
the commonplace term country house for the slightly sinister
dacha? And while pursuing such quiddities, what does Mr. Putin's
middle initial stand for? Could it possibly stand for Vladimir?
Is it possible that Mr. Putin's full name is Vladimir Vladimir
Putin? But I digress. Mr. Putin has been engaged in a "charm
campaign," attempting to combat the criticism he has received of
late for his "autocratic" behavior.
13. Bush and Putin to meet in Maine to shore up troubled US-Russian ...
A grinning Putin once put Bush behind the wheel of his prized
1956 Volga at his dacha outside Moscow. Bush has brought Putin
to the Camp David .

"Marina came in a red motorcar of an early 'runabout' type,
operated by the butler very warily as if it were some fancy
variety of corkscrew. She looked unwontedly smart in a man's
grey flannels and sat holding the palm of her gloved hand on the
knob of a clouded cane as the car, wobbling a little, arrived to
the very edge of picnic site, a picturesque glade in an old
pinewood cut by ravishingly lovely ravines. A strange pale
butterfly passed from the opposite side of the woods, along the
Lugano dirt road, and was followed presently by a landau?."

Even though Ardis, a three-story pile of "pale brick and
purplish stone," is located in some mysterious land, not quite
Russia, nor Europe or America, it is in spirit a summer place
that evokes the dreamlike world of the old dachas built during
the reign of Peter the Great.

Dacha means "something given"?and the term came to be used for
the property given by the tsar to his most loyal retainers.

It is said to be Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite
restaurant- he was born in St. Petersburg and you can order the
same menu he had on his birthday

Cat's-cradle of bickering, all innuendo.
This is the way that a secret is kept:
words that are seemingly mumbo-jumbo,
but gestures the eyes can intercept.

The secret nests in the sum of sighs,
in piles of papers, in dust in the corner.
Over the green fence a butterfly flies
then settles itself to close like a folder.

The wings' backsides are jaggedly broken,
like leaves or shards of colored glass.
The wicker chairs, this shaken Eden--
all is in motion and all has gone past.

In the year of nineteen-fifty-whatever,
what was their quarrel, those who are dead?
What hopes flew through the dacha's bower
and passed in circles over my head?



On August 18-20, 1996, a California newspaper, the San Jose
Mercury, published a series of articles implicating elements of
the U.S. government in running tons of cocaine into U.S. cities
during the 1980s. Based upon recently declassified government
documents, eyewitness reports, and court records, Mercury
reporter Gary Webb provided a detailed account of how the
Contras financed their war against the Sandinista regime of
Nicaragua by flying tons of cocaine into the West Coast, where
it would be turned into the deadly, instantly addictive "crack,"
and sold to such street gangs as the Cryps and the Bloods.

another name popped up, that I knew well from the Franklin
investigation: George Bush

As follow-up investigation from the Franklin case shows, drugs
are not the deepest level of government -sponsored evil. I think
the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who conjured up
and carried out the "Monarch Project."

"Monarch" refers to young people in America who were victims of
mind control experiments run either by U.S. government agencies
such 'as the Central Intelligence Agency, or military
intelligence agencies.

The story told by Monarch victims - one of whom is Paul Bonacci -
is that they were tortured for the purpose of creating "multiple
personalities" within them. These multiple personalities could
then be programmed as desired - as spies, "drug mules,"
prostitutes, or assassins.

Because of legal cases still pending, I am severely limited in
what I can say about the Monarch Project. Suffice it to say at
this point:

Major intelligence programs in this country did and do exist for
the purpose of protection of this country and to learn what
other countries, particularly our Cold War enemies, were doing
in this area of mind control.

I asked Bill Colby to tell me what he could or would, about this.
He said:

"Of course the CIA in particular was involved in investigating,
learning and, on occasion, using, everything we could learn
about mind control-and with extremely good reason. Following the
Korean War, this country's military and intelligence communities
went through a period of absolute paranoia about just how far
our enemies were ahead of us in mind control and related

"There was no particular program called' Monarch,' contrary to
what you want to think. 'Monarch' was merely a name that some
participants in the program-who knew very little about it, other
than from their own limited participation-were given to identify
themselves. But, as far as the CIA was concerned, there was no
such program named 'Monarch.'

"But, with respect to mind control, I will tell you that this
country spent millions upon millions supposedly catching up to
our Cold War adversaries, because we believed they had developed
mind control technology which exceeded anything we had. In fact,
we at the Company [CIA] truly believed for a substantial period
of time, that technology and techniques and drugs had been
developed by Russia which would enable them to have agents who
in fact really were able to have and use ESP-extra sensory

"Can you imagine," Bill continued, "how dangerous for this
country it would be if you could have had someone meeting the
President of the United States, who was actually able to read
what was in the President's mind?

Bill Colby had ample reason to know the seriousness of the
Franklin case. In secret, Colby had been hired a few months
earlier by the Nebraska Legislature's investigative committee,
to look into the single-engine plane crash, in which the Senate's
private investigator, Gary Caradori, and his son were killed.

Bill could tell I was excited, frustrated and almost angry.

"Relax, just a moment, John," he said. "Relax, and I will tell
you my own personal story. Maybe it will have some message for

"Last night I returned from Russia," Bill began.

Our conversation was taking place shortly before the now
infamous August 19, 1991 coup attempt to throw out Gorbachov,
and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union as it had
existed since 1917.

"Why was I in Russia?" Bill explained. "For meetings in Moscow,
to try to work with other world leaders and Russian leaders,
privately and quietly, so that when and if a transition of power
and a change of government and economic policy occur in Russia,
they occur in such a way that it avoids a war.

"So, what's the message?" I asked. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Sometimes," Bill said, "There are forces too powerful for us to
whip them individually, in the time frame that we would like. We
have to keep working at our goal. But we have to be sensible
enough, not to risk everything and get ourselves destroyed or
killed in the process. That victory we seek may take much longer
than we wanted, and come in ways we never anticipated.

At least fifteen people who were close to the Franklin case have
died under suspicious circumstances. Many of these deaths were
violent, others were unexplained.

Home of Try to Live Better by Self Education

Why are all brain dead Americans being brainwashed and
controlled by the elite ... of Sen. Paul Wellstone,
investigative journalist Gary Webb, Sen. Mel Carnahan,

William Colby

This former CIA director disappeared in an apparent boating
accident, and a body was later discovered (minus the life jacket
Colby's friends insisted he always wore while boating) and
buried promptly

Gary Webb "shot himself in the head" sometime in the morning of
Friday, Dec. 10, 2004, according to police in Sacramento,
California. <1>What Webb did to hurt the BFEE's feelings is he
tied the CIA's Iran-Contra gang to the crack cocaine epidemic in
America's major metropolitan areas. To the Bush gang, telling
the truth made Webb an enemy. <2>

Daniel "Danny" Casolaro - Researched BCCI and the Inslaw/PROMIS
Affair, found that George H. W. Bush had ties going around the
world and back through Iran- Contra, Iraq-gate, the October
Surprise, Watergate, Vietnam, the Bay of Pigs and Dallas. A

Abbie Hoffman - Yippie of the 60s turned into an investigative
reporter in the 80s, researched and wrote about "October
Surprise" allegations involving George H.W. Bush, Bill Casey and
Robert Gates doing a deal with the Ayatollah Khomeini to delay
the release of the hostages in 1980. The pretty good overview
appeared in Playboy in 1988. A "suicide

Mark Lombardi - Artist and researcher who developed "Global
Networks" or "Social Network Diagrams" which illustrated and
chronicled the relationships between many of our day's shadiest
characters, institutions and treasons. One of his works
graphically charted Osama bin Laden, Sheik Salim bin Laden,
James R. Bath, Texas Gov George W. Bush and Harken Energy. A

Schoedinger, Margie

woman in Texas who filed sex lawsuit against Bush,
later "committed suicide"

Spence, Craig J.

a Washington lobbyist involved in White House prostitution
scandal allegations, supposedly committed "suicide" in 1989
3. In charge of military intelligence in Beirut from 1982 to 2002 ...

As the KGB used to say, any fool can commit a murder, but it
takes an artist to commit a suicide. COPYRIGHT 2005 National
Review, Inc. .
8. Murdered President Video
This video covers the murder of US president JFK. ... monarch
why he killed? by monarch, 1157692318 Reply Thumbs Up Thumbs
Down Trash ..
9. The Death of a President
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice. Cry havoc, and
let slip the ... alleged role in the murder of the President,
his whereabouts, at the time .

And ask of thee forgiveness: and we'll live,
And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh
At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues
Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too,
Who loses, and who wins; who's in, who's out;
And take upon 's the mystery of things,
As if we were God's spies; and we'll wear out,
In a walled prison, packs and sets of great ones
That ebb and flow by the moon."
- William Shakespeare, King Lear, 5.3.9


The GOP, butterflies' wings and the withering of empire: could
your climax be the decider? If you don't try, you'll never know

by James Heddle
December 22, 2006

'The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more
technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions
in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a
dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term
behavior of the system....'

'Breakdown or Breakthrough,' is how General Systems pioneer
Ervin Laszlo sees the current historical moment,

'We now live in a period of transformation when a new world is
struggling to be born. Ours is an era of decision - a window of
unprecedented freedom to decide our destiny. In this decision-
window, 'fluctuations" - in themselves small and seemingly
powerless actions and initiatives - pave the way toward the
critical "chaos point" where the system tips in one direction or
another. This process is neither predetermined nor random. It
is a systemic process that can be purposively steered.'
22. Parasites and Natural Enemies
Many predators, parasites, and parasitoids attack monarch eggs,
larvae, and adults. ... monarchs, including a nuclear
polyhedrosis virus and Pseudomonas

Second Study Links Gene-Altered Corn, Monarch Butterfly Deaths

A second study has found that pollen from genetically engineered
corn plants can harm monarch butterflies.

About 20 percent of monarch larvae died after being exposed to
pollen from corn genetically engineered to produce a pesticide
that had blown onto nearby plants that the monarch caterpillars
eat, the study found.The finding reignites a heated scientific
and regulatory debate over whether biotech crops in general, and
the engineered corn in particular, pose heightened risks for the
environment, and whether federal authorities have appropriately
addressed those risks.

"This takes the monarch research a step further," said John
Obrycki of Iowa State University, who conducted the new study.
"We had lab research showing the effect, and now we have a
modified field study that shows an effect as well."

But both the biotech industry and the federal Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) cautioned against making conclusions
based on the study, which looked at the effects of corn modified
to produce a pesticide called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

The premise [of the game] is, you are a CIA officer and you're
told a Russian presidential candidate has just been assassinated,"
Colby explained. "The President of the United States is next on
the hit parade."

A realistic scenario in 1996? American presidents have been
assassinated before, Colby pointed out. "It could happen

For Spycraft, Colby teamed up with Major General Oleg Kalugin,
the former chief of KGB foreign counter-intelligence, who now
lives in Washington. Both men portray themselves in the game,
and each help the player in solving the mystery

Greeting Kalugin at my office after the interview, Colby invited
the Russian to "visit my dacha on the river. It's almost warm
enough." It was from this dacha on Maryland's Wicomico River
that Colby ate his last meal.

16. DCP: 60 degrees north, 31 degrees east
The dirt road passed several "dachas". A dacha is a kind of
Russian weekend house, ... My only companion was a butterfly
when passing the birch forest, .
5. Single chip DMT-modem transceiver for ADSL - ASIC Conference and ...
vice called DACHA (Digital signal and CHannel processor. for.
ADSL). 11. Architecture .... special 'resolve' butterfly to
combine the split results of four ...

The complete digital processing for
the ADSL modem functionality is integrated in the single device
called DACHA (Digital signal and CHannel processor
for ADSL).

IV. Fast Fourier Wansform, including
Rotor, FEQ and FTG
The Fast Fourier Transformer is instantiated twice in
the DACHA.

The ALU performs the following 8 basic operations:

- complex radix4 decimation in time (1)FFT butterfly
- complex radix-2 decimation in time (1)FFI' butterfly
- special 'resolve' butterfly to combine the split results of four
real FFTs
- final radix4 butterfly after the resolve butterfly to present
positive frequency results only.
- special first radix-2 decimation in frequency IFFT butterfly,
from positive frequency components only.
- special resolve butterfly to combine the results of the special
first DIF butterfly to a complex input for a complex IFFT.

2. Monarch Battalion
Signal Corps - The mission of the Signal Corps is to provide
seamless, secure, consistent and dynamic worldwide information
systems and communication
Rice University Monarch Project: Mobile Networking Architectures
Set up by the Department of Science, Rice University, to develop
networking protocols and protocol interfaces to allow seamless
wireless and mobile networking.
Monarch Project: Mobile and Wireless Networking
The Monarch Project in the School of Computer Science at
Carnegie Mellon University addresses the area of networking
support for wireless and mobile hosts.
31. Monarch Project - UMASS Medical School
The Monarch Project. Goal: To develop the migratory monarch
butterfly as a model for elucidating the cellular and molecular
basis of time-compensated sun compass navigation
Links we like - Monarchs & Migration
2nd grade monarch project. From Blake School. Who are we? From
Monarchs and Migration ... Texas Monarch Project. Monarch
Monitoring project. Monarchs .
34. Monarch Project 2006
The Monarch Project is a free annual arts & environment project
for Scarborough youth. The program is designed to provide youth
with the opportunity to develop vital .
38. Monarch Butterfly Project
Workshop participants were encouraged to apply for one of these
trips, so Paula pulled together documentation on NCCL's Monarch
project, photos, and copies of students' work, and included i.
1. Queen comforts victims of 'dreadful' Virginia Tech massacre
.... out to the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre on Thursday,
as she began her ... "How often do you get to see the reigning
monarch, much less in your own town? .

"How often do you get to see the reigning monarch, much less in
your own town?" said Keith Gary, who had stood in line since

The Queen, 81, plans to spend two days in Virginia, one in
Kentucky and three in Washington, D.C. Her trip, the first to
the United States in 16 years, includes many tours, lunches and

Wearing a pink hat, she smiled as she told those gathered inside
the Virginia legislature that she was last in the state 50 years
ago to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the settlement ? a
comment that drew laughter from the audience.

Virginia Tech used a 17-0 run in the early stages of the game to
get out to a big lead en route to a 72-55 victory over the Old
Dominion Monarchs. The victory, easily Tech's best of the season,
improves the Hokies' record to 5-3. Old Dominion falls to 6-3.

The Monarchs managed to cut the lead to seven points, 57-50,
with 7:34 left in the game after a three-pointer by Brian
Henderson. Virginia Tech responded with another 9-0 run that was
sparked by a three-pointer by A.D. Vassallo and jumped out to a
66-50 lead, then never looked back.


To subscribe to Monarch All Access, fans must register at www., and select either the monthly or annual
membership. A portion of the membership assists the Old Dominion
University athletic program.

As a member of CSTV's Monarch All Access, fans can also watch
and listen to the ODU men's and women's basketball games, radio
shows, and post-game press conferences. The CSTV All Access
network features games from over 30 collegiate sports from over
100 top schools and conferences.

Start time for the Virginia Tech dual on Feb. 8 is set for 7:30
pm while the American match on Feb. 11 will follow the Lady
Monarchs basketball 1 p.m. contest with Delaware at 5 p.m. Fans
that purchase tickets to the women's basketball game will be
admitted free to the wrestling match.


Biotechnology and the Environment
Authors: Randy Vines, Extension Specialist, Biotechnology
Information; Virginia Tech

An important concern associated with the release of a
genetically engineered plant into the environment is its
potential negative effect on non-target organisms. In 1999, a
group of scientists working in a laboratory setting reported
that the Bt protein was toxic to monarch caterpillars after some
Bt plants had already been approved for commercial use. In the
wake of the report, the United States Department of Agriculture
organized a large investigation, funded by both government and
industry, to address the effects of Bt corn on the monarch
butterfly. The conclusion from that study was that Bt corn posed
a "negligible" risk to monarch caterpillars in field situations.
However, most scientists agree that continued monitoring of
these plants is prudent to determine their long-term
environmental effects.

Icefyre, a wizard from The Valley of Silver Rains, happened upon
a bestraggled youth whom he took in under his wing and offered
the abused barbarian a chance to be schooled in weapons and as
much civility as he could handle. Clan destroyed and nowhere to
turn Cho-Hag accepted. Later when wounds healed and Cho-Hag
dared venture he met a robust healer named Makai. They quickly
became friends and introduced Makai to Icefyre. Joined by a
child named Ricky. Thus began Icefyre's fighting school.

Meanwhile, Auwyne, a young scout of future prosper found his way
from the Empire of the Iron Mountains to this region not yet
named. One day forging for food, the young Auwyne found
something a little larger than a rabbit in his trap. Jester,
being the fool he was, just walked into the awaiting bunny trap.
Raglin, the chubby scout, came to investigate the commotion.
Jester, assuming that Raglin had ensnared him, attempted to
provoke a fight. Auwyne's heard the voices and seeking
accompaniment, stepped in and helped resolve the issue.
Afterwards, the three became friends and traveled together.

Over several moon cycles, the shire grew in numbers and amazed
the supporting kingdom, and it granted them be called a baroney.
With the large numbers and variety of interests began the guilds.
Cho-Hag dominated all other barbarians and named himself

Auwyne followed a darker calling, founded the assassins guild
with Jester at his side, renamed himself Death Jester to feel
more justified.

Auwyne, Cho-Hag, Raglin, Jester, Shadow, Helwasten, and Dragon
survived through this tragedy, and began Auwyne's term, to build
and create new ways to allow the barony to survive. Auwyne
married and surely proving with Cho-Hag as his champion, a
better monarch, the barony grew slowly over a few moon cycles.

Once arrived from an ungodly distance of travel, they almost
immediatly met with hostility from the prince consort of our
parent kingdom. Due to the late hour in which they arrived, they
felt disappointed at the greeting, but understanding. Everyone
rose early on the first day of CLAN. They started unpacking and
Cho-Hag was first among many to be insulted by the prince
consort of VSR. His reknown hammer was mocked at and Cho-Hag
chided for carrying such a massive weapon. Not that the prince
consort knew how many he slew with the hammer that everyone
underestimated. The next few hours were of snide remarks and
serious doubts about VSR's continual support, but gladly took up
conversation with Gai-Jin the monarch of VSR's neighboring
kingdom. The Land of Falling Fire were impressed with the ernest
king and became friends with him and his CLAN represenatives.

In morning of CLAN Court, the monarch and champion of Falling
Fire updated the rest of the group about the day's events that
were going to happen. Taking special precautions, they took
their place behind VSR's monarch and prince consort.

It went unnoticed. Cho-Hag quickly asked permission to speak to
the court officals. Once called upon, The Land of Falling Fire
approached the court and disarmed. Gasps of shock ran through
the crowd when realized the eight person entourage was cranked
up for war. Cho-Hag deftly spoke in a voice that shook even the
monarchs on their thrones, announcing and pointing proudly at
the once royalty that treated them so poorly, now dead by their
hands. Much to the disbelief of Falling Fire, they were cheered

If we are to believe the emerging timeline of events, Cho Seung-
Hui killed a woman and her RA in a dorm, went back to his dorm
and captured a QuickTime video rant, burned a DVD, trekked to
the post office with two 9mm weapons in tow, mailed the DVD,
along with photos and miscellaneous writings to NBC, and then
marched over to Norris Hall and killed another thirty or so
people execution-style.

Add to this a bevy of "experts" on television this evening
declaring Cho Seung-Hui to be obviously paranoid schizophrenic.
Excuse me, but paranoid schizophrenics, minus medication, have a
difficult time stitching two coherent sentences together, let
alone methodically engaging in homicide, managing to escape
undetected, and then recording thoughts after the fact and
conjuring up the wherewithal to send out a press release.

I'm not buying it.

But what I can buy, or at least entertain, is the possibility
Cho Seung-Hui is, for lack of a better term, a Manchurian
Candidate. Do a Google search on Project Bluebird, the very real
CIA experiments in brainwashing and multiple personality


Project Monarch is a US Defense Department code name assigned to
a subsection of the Central Intelligence Agency's Operation
Artichoke later become Project MK Ultra. Whereas Project Monarch
was officially dedicated sometime in the early 1960's by the US
Army. Project Monarch is a genealogical approach to define
transgenerational (via genetic psychology) behavioral
modification through trauma based psychological mind control.

believeyourowneyes.c Posted: Apr 19 2007, 7:28 PM

151.151.XXX.XXX This was a crime! It is not disrespectful to the
victims, which were forcibly disarmed by the school, to
investigate this crime. We now know the government spooks are
the top suspects due to their history, their motive, their
opportunity, and most importantly the evidence. This killer was
under menial 'care'. Knowing some are susceptible to brainwash
we need to investigate this 'care'. Crazy people just are not
this meticulous in their behavior. They are crazy. This killer
was very deliberate and was given abnormal free reign to kill
the disarmed victims. Why? Why did the police do nothing? Why
were these victims conditioned into not fighting back by the
school in the weeks leading up to this crime?

Healthy Puppy Posted: Apr 20 2007, 11:29 AM

I believe you're misunderstanding me, globalstomp, as I never
said that "everyone who speaks ill of the government is a tin
foil hat wearer." I was trying to express my belief that there
are some very serious, extremely critical issues out there (ie.
9/11) that can lose credibility by other articles such as these.
Articles such as these allow any asshole on TV to bunch 9/11
truthers with every other conspiracy theorist, deliberately
obscuring the truth.

I was just extremely upset that hours after the event happened
there was already an article up proclaiming it to be government-
sponsored terror, which I suspect would be the case no matter
what the event was.

I can definitely see an article like "child fell down in
playground, was CIA to blame? Bob Johnson reveals evidence that
they purposely made the swingset slippery." on this


Monarch Project Research Papers

This page lists most of the research papers published by the
Monarch Project in refereed journals and conferences. We have
also been very active in the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) in transferring the results of our research into the
Internet Standards process, and in our participation in the IETF,
we have published many additional works as Internet-Drafts and
15. Monarchs in the Classroom - Midwest Monarch Project
To pay with Checks or Purchase Orders, please mail your checks
with ... Now In: Midwest Monarch Project. Page: 1 2. A Field
Guide to Monarch Caterpillars .
40. The Monarch
The Monarch is the main villain on The Venture Brothers. Learn
more about this evil mastermind
63. The Illuminati Formula 1:
The Selection and Preparation of The Victim

.... was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch
butterfly. ... Ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual
model) who ... there is a total absence of a functioning reality

Mapping of signal processing applications and benchmarks such as
FIR filter bank for MONARCH MONARCH processor developed by
Raytheon and ISI.

Mapping of signal processing applications and benchmarks such
as Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI)

Developed parallel communication algorithms for throughput-
oriented architecture under a project supported by Rome Lab.

Developed parallel disk I/O algorithms under a project
supported the US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment
Station (CEWES

Research Engineer (1990-1994): DAEWOO Electronics Co.,
Ltd, Seoul, Korea
Sherwood's Forest - AMBUSH Mag 2000 - Gay New Orleans
.... on a huge white elephant was stunning, but only set the
stage for more delights until Queen Petronius XLI emerged as a
Gay Monarch Butterfly. .

The origins of Mardi Gras go back to the rites of the Greek and
Latin world, through the carnivals of Rome and Venice, to early
Creole days and the Louisiana Purchase. The whimsy, color and
celebration of Carnival have long fascinated Theo Faberge,
as this event traces some of its pageantry to Romanov Russia. In
1872 Grand Duke Alex Romanoff, a patron of Theo's grandfather
Carl Faberg "Carnival is a Butterfly of Winter whose last mad
flight of Mardi Gras forever ends his glory" - so reads Perry
Young's "The Mistick Krewe". The inspiration for Theo's Mardi
Gras Egg comes from the butterfly featured one hundred years ago
on the Lady's Admit Card. The butterfly's body is in raised 24
carat gold, its eyes brilliant rubies and the hand-engraved
wings shimmering with the vibrant green, purple and gold of
Mardi Gras. Hand-enameled, the mouth-blown crystal egg is poised
on a base modeled on the Comus Throne at the French Opera House,
and ornamentally turned on Theo's Holtzapffel lathe dating from
1861. The Russian Imperial crown set with a cabochon sapphire
surmounts the Mardi Gras Egg.

Turn Theo Faberge's egg, and the surprise is revealed; "The
glory of another butterfly, the rainbow wings, the record of his
day". Theo's second butterfly is inspired by the 1899 Twelfth
Night Revelers' ball card. Between its wings, "Rex" himself
appears in enameled vermeil, saluting the passing revelers.

The concept of the King encased by butterfly wings stems from a
float design from 1922 - the year of Theo's birth.

Very Limited Edition Worldwide 50
Height approximately 5 3/4 inches, $6,250

Why did the butterfly flutter by? Because he saw the dragonfly
drink the flagon dry!

- Children's verse

In Russia, butterflies are known as babochka or 'little soul'
and the ancient Greeks also referred to them as the 'soul' or

Butterfly Beliefs

A butterfly, flapping its wings in Hong Kong, may change tornado
patterns in Texas.

- Edward Lorenz
Apart from being the representation of the beginnings of Chaos
Theory (by way of the famous 'Butterfly Effect'), butterflies
have featured in the beliefs of many cultures from around
the world

The New Chaos Theory

A butterfly in Havre, Montana flaps its wings, and a half a
million households in and around St. Louis lose electric power a
few days later.

You've heard of Christmas in July. Now we have July's massive
power outages in December.

Components (OT-3303)
Location: Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Perry, OH.

Instruction: Valve position effects on backpressure and flow;
function and design of globe, needle, gate, butterfly, ball and
plug, check, diaphragm, relief, air operated and safety valves;
thermal binding and pressure locking valves; classification of
pumps and operating characteristics; cavitation; centrifugal
pump components and operation; positive displacement pumps;
centrifugal pump laws; surface and direct contact heat
exchangers; heat transfer; thermal shock; temperature control;
flow rate; components and operation of condenser; ion exchange
process; demineralizer operation; filter dimineralizer
construction; demineralizer flow and temperature limitations;
electrostatic forces and how they relate to electrical/
electronic applications; AC and DC electrical/electronic
circuits; solve various parameters using Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's
Law, and power equations; operation of AC and DC motors;
centrifugal pump motor current; direct and alternating current;
circuit interruption devices; circuit breakers; breaker position;
circuit breaker safety precautions; AC generator output breakers;
thermal overload protection device; radiation detectors;
dosimetry devices; gas-filled detectors; position detectors;
control systems; valve controller; flow control valve;
valve positioners

An earlier version of this course, dating from March 1995 to
December 1997 and sponsored by Cleveland Electric Company,
appears in the 1996 edition of the Directory


Social Magic in Human Activity

T. R. Young

The Red Feather Institute

INTRODUCTION Chaos theory is producing a fundamental shift in
the knowledge process in all disciplines comparable to the shift
in the 16th century from premodern understandings to the
missions and methods of modern science. This shift in the
knowledge process moves symbolic interactional theory from the
periphery of sociology to the deep rich core of it. The ontology
and epistemology of nonlinear dynamics subsume the messy,
squiggly, squirmy, emergent dynamics of symbolic interaction far
better than does the tight, rigid, mechanistic determinism of
modern axiomatic theory

The consequences of this conversion of social behavior to the
language and logics of chaos theory for a philosophy of science
should not be underrated by those in the social sciences. In the
first instance, the mission of modern science assumes that there
is, in fact, one set of universal and eternal propositions which
govern the dynamics of all societies. That mission points all
social research toward the discovery of general theory. The
assumption of general theory presumes that societies which
implement rational, lawlike social processes are higher on the
evolutionary ladder than those who use folk methods and social
magic in organizing social reality.
17. Monarch Project
Students in the second and the second/third grade blended
classes are ... Paper Monarch butterflies made by the students
were mailed to Minneapolis to be
20. BlogRunner: Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
The Guardian Ed Pilkington Guano theory in bridge collapse
Inspectors searching for the ..... dozens of people in slow
traffic were tossed into chaos.

I just put up a very long post that described why the Minn
collapse did not really need to result in any deaths. It was
about chaos theory.

It was an engineering analysis of fault mechanisms and why with
the knowledge that failure was possible, authorities could have
put in sensors to detect the potential failure days or months of
the actual collapse.

Come on, zoe made post to a conservative without an F-bomb
attached! Balloons and noise-makers for all!

Comment by LibTeenie

VP Dick would be??Heartfelt!!

Balloons and noise makers for the hypocrite crowd!!! YAY, theres
Ted!! ANd Rush!! METH and VIAGRA for the CON -Crite CROWD!!! And
Prostitutes!! Male and Female!!

Here's something you can explain, maybe. Why do Republicans hate
oral sex? Comment by shane

I think it has something to do with Oral Roberts

Giving or receiving?

Ugghhhhh, just grossed myself out?.

Youre missing whats right in front of you. Right in FRONT of you.

You can reaad, can't you? or did they skip "reading
Comprehension" in Private School and go straight to
"Chilled White Whine"?

Maybe they're afraid of anything with teeth.

Or quills, hate those quills.

Yah, imagine, Iraq, trillions of dollars, unproductive people,
fanatical like, with guns. YAY GOP!!

WOoOooOOo!! Were gonna break LBJ's record in just 6 years!!

Everyone knows bridges only need to be fixed one time.

eyes rolling

Our infrastructure is in bad shape.

The money to fix it is tied up in tanks, ammo and soldiers in
Iraq. The money we owe to China could have been used to repair
much of it. Thanks Bushits.

decorum? good luck.

of the standard theory provided a natural explanation of the
experimental observations ...
Double Phase Slips and Spatio-Temporal Chaos .

Raskvasit, nochnaja babochka

62 years old
United States

i would like to know of your finer and more aggressive opinions
on politics and polish poetry portending to be doused in the
ravings of a Lithuanian-by-choice more than birth madman of
sturdy grandiosity. but however to dispense of this boredom. now

I've been reading of the fascination of fear. I appreciate your
gallantry and poetical citation so very much that I nearlie shat
myself on a book-covering in this lowlie stoop upon a curlicew
of a razor-back faux-denim anitque 70s leisure-slung hipster-
doofus chair. I can't say enough about it, for that it probably
has some quite expressive and ordinary name. Unfortunately I
must still ask you what lines on your face you have to show for
yourself and your stunts and tricks in the midst of so much
stoical chaos and architectural mishap of the modern world.


Mexican Indians might also have witnessed a "magna-cumulep" of
millions of orange, monarch butterflies migrating to their over-
wintering grounds in the mountains near Mexico City. A "cloud of
flame" would definitely have entered their minds. The flapping
of the wings would even approximate the flickering of the
tongues of flame. The moth has also come to be associated with
flames, althought not as asymbol of fire.

The street term for homosexual in Mexico is "Mariposa", meaning
butterfly in Spanish. The stereotyped image of a homosexual is
that of an effeminate male who tends to keep up his appearance
and leads an active social life composed of many appearances at
bars and parties. Homosexuals may be called "Mariposas" because
of their associations with butterflies symbolizing femininity,
the lepidopteral symbol of "social butterfly", and butterfly's
habit of "flitting" from flower to flower. In America, the term
"Flit" has been commonly used as a synonym for homosexual. I
wonder if there is an association with "flamer," another
American synonym for homosexuality and the lepidopteral
symbolism for flame.

There are numerous other examples of lepidoptera symbolizing
death. It is said if a caterpillar measures your entire length
or girth you will die. Samoans felt if they captured a butterfly
it meant they would be struck dead. In Brunswick, if the first
butterfly spotted in spring is a white one, it was an omen of
death. The Celts believed that seeing a butterfly flying at
night meant death. The chrysalis or pupal stage symbolizes death
in Christian art.

Spokesman For The Raven

The Haida Indians of the Pacific Northwest incorporated the
butterfly in their mythology. The butterfly is the raven's
spokesman at feasts.


Another caterpillar, a measuring worm, takes part in Navaho
mythology. "In the legend of Monsterway measuring worm bridges
the spreading canyon (or in some versions, water) so that the
Hero Twins may cross over."

Chemical Warfare - Some caterpillars create toxins in their
bodies, while many produce quite noxious smells. Others will not
only create poisons, but have barbs and whips that can inject
toxins. Some butterflies feed on plants that leave toxins in
their bodies, so that when they are eaten their taste is awful -
thus making predators less than keen to partake of that
particular species in the future.

Folklore about fairies and pixies has the 'little people' flying
about as if on butterfly wings and butterflies are often
mentioned in association with magic.

The only dreams that I have had about the Romanovs are too

The immediate family are in a cafe at the University where I
work. Alix is drunk (or having a stroke)...she keeps demanding
"rutabega's" and "creme de minth'...sometimes Alexie has bat
wings or butterfly wings which actually don't make him seen
fairylike -- in my dreams they make him look creepy... sometimes
they chat in "Russian" sometimes in French and sometimes in sign

In another dream Carl Jung/Sigmund Freud/Henry VIII (switching
off dream logic ) tells me that I have a telegraph. On the
telegraph is the IF in miniature (about 5 cm tall(?). I see
something strange on the horizon (I can never quite remember in
waking life what it is... ) and I then roll up the IF -
telegraph and all - and either swallow it or smoke it?

The Revolution - CHAPTER V

The Tsarevitch was now almost well, and running about the Palace
much as usual. I do not think he noticed many changes, the
Revolution conveyed nothing to him except when he missed certain
of his soldiers and his friends. He was still a happy, light-
hearted child

Rasputin's reputed sorciere-en-chef stood before him, a little
trembling creature, with the prettiness and the plaintive voice
of a child. The officer could not believe his eyes.

"Do you mean to tell me that you are a cripple?" he stammered.

"I've always used a crutch since my railway accident," she said,
helplessly, " I couldn't avoid being in an accident, could I?"

"Extraordinary, extraordinary," muttered the officer - he was
still looking at her - "now, come along." But Anna threw herself
on my neck, and refused to leave me. Her sobs were heartbreaking.
To do them justice, the soldiers handled this butterfly broken
on the wheel very gently. A group of journalists, male and
female, all equally unkempt, were busy taking notes, and they
glanced half-scornfully and half-pityingly at the shrinking
figure of Anna Virouboff as she disappeared in the darkness.


64. Adipose tissue of Serum Leptin on Weight and Body Fat Growth in ...
Anatoly Polyakov had taken the th place on m butterfly. We
relied on our clutch players Anastasia. Kitts Queen Anastasia To
Defend Ring Bang Calypso Title. Defending monarch Queen


1140 An Extraordinary Life: The Story of a Monarch Butterfly
Pringle, Laurence Butterflies
1010L Anastasia's Album Brewster, Hugh Romonov Family, Russian History
- JRL 6 ...

In fact, Putin said it was a "butterfly polka" (polka-babochka) --
a dance few perform or know anything about. The expression
itself is totally alien to modern Russian ears.
11. Bush Is Going To Blow Up The Bay Bridge Just Like He Did 880 In ...
I just talked to Eric Hufschmid and he said that the Minneapolis
bridge ... as he slumbers, visions of personally bringing chaos
and destruction to the most .


Yes. Something happened to Nikita. Rather something was done to
Nikita. During the Genefex mission, they got to her. Adjusted
her. Interfered with her memories such that she has no feelings
for me."

"They? Adjusted her? How?"

"Section. They have ways of altering one's mind. Controlling it.
Creating feelings that aren't real and removing those that are.
You've been around Section long enough to know this. They simply
created a side mission, sent her to one of the upper floors of
the facility to lure her into their trap."

"I try not to think of what Section is capable of...I like to
sleep at night," Birkoff answered.

"And I guess to keep me occupied, too. I was too busy trying to
get Walter back to pay much attention to what was occurring in
the Genefex mission. I sent Nikita to one of the upper floors
because Operations indicated there was another target present. I
didn't think to question it," Birkoff stated in a regretful tone

"Then I did a search on 'Mind Control.' That's when things got
interesting. Gotta love the Freedom of Information Act."

"What did you find?"

"It looks like Section turned Nikita into a 'Butterfly'?"
Birkoff began.

"A Butterfly? Birkoff, don't play games with me. What the Hell
does that mean?" Michael replied impatiently.

butterfly. Basically, structured programming or mind control was
used to make 'sleeper' assassins.

This programming is performed using trauma and drugs.
Electroshock creates the trauma, which produces a feeling of
light-headedness as if one is floating or fluttering like a

In Russia butterflies are called 'babochka' or 'little soul'.
The ancient Greeks called butterflies 'Psyche' which also means '
soul.' Many cultures feel that when we die our souls go to
heaven as butterflies.


Well, this will be my last blog entry here for a while. If I
could leave you all with one piece of advice, I guess this would
be it. Here is an article entitled 'The Sleeping King'.

"'The Kingdom of Heaven lies within.' Endless repetition has
dulled our senses somewhat to the truth of this phrase, so it is
worth reiterating that everything of value lies within ourselves
and a prime example of this is our sense of Royalty - our
awareness of The Royal Principle. The Monarch is a deep-seated
human archetype. Bearing this in mind, perhaps it is no great
surprise that forces behind the modern world are so keen to
undermine Monarchy whenever and wherever they can."

"Monarchy is also a natural and organic form of government,
understood intuitively by individuals of widely varying
backgrounds and intelligence. The legitimacy is conferred from
above (Divine) rather than from below (the people), but Monarchy
is part of the natural order and is thus worlds away from an
unnatural "system" of government imposed on a submissive
population. The Monarch is the very symbol and guarantee of His
people's liberty and is there to serve rather than to rule. This
Christ-like function finds mythological expression in the tales
of King Arthur and his Knights, where we also find a legend
common to many nations and cultures: that of The Sleeping King,
destined to awaken at his country's hour of need."

14. Generic ambien
All about Generic ambien. More information anou Generic ambien ...
(65 proposals of generic ambien or older) butterflies were
encrypted to drugs .
1. Fred Gardner: What Drugs Had Cho Taken?
Virginia Tech and Cho Seung Hui: Love and Unhappiness in an
Alien Culture ..... "We have no way of knowing in what contexts
the Ambien defense or its .
6. 'Ambien' defense causing headaches for prosecutors
It misleadingly suggests that Cho Seung Hui took Ambien before
going nuts. ... I heard nothing about Cho and Ambien, except how
Bob Barr used the two in
10. Generic Smear Campaign - New York Times
.... Lunesta (the one with the butterfly commercials), Sanofi-
Aventis's Ambien CR (a ... And in the only sizable study to
compare trazodone with Ambien as a .
11. Misheard Song Lyrics for Iron Butterfly
Misheard Song Lyrics, performed by Iron Butterfly. Misheard song
lyrics (also known as mondegreens ... In the Bhagavad Gita, baby

Yesterday I wore my last strapless symbolic mass-death, pleasure
pointy! The burden of famous pool owners is making you sick? How
about a mind over shadowed by its function!? Fifty-three
Apocalypse Crabs for the ordered German robot-soldiers, I say.
Eric stood at the outer edge of the Ping Ion Field and spat at
all sober-minded Christians

Waiting in bed for instant stress-feel the easy potato,
easy terms? Robots are coming! Robots are coming!

I refuse obdurate war-sex! I refuse to die and go to a Right-
Wing heaven!

everything that's wrapped around the secret
core we are the manifestering belief in

the tools & techniques [all evasive action fails]
[the determination of the state]

nozzles jinx sestina boulevard of the trilobytes yucca circa genuine
axiom begin moving sideways in a cyanide window token broomstick viscera
vision of the gizzard hospice hotel golem luxuriant in a bhagavad gita
of cobra blossoms actual gutter zinfandel fountains of virulent sand
ooze spandex boyhood whispers suburban tune-up guzzle glean of drizzles
so begin inherent in juvenile soy irreverent bone patrol doxology
international house of ridiculous roadmaps speedbump noctilucal as a
winnowed hilton baseball as querulous as youth to me adlib the gibberish
of the godhead your body free vulcan zigzags of crepuscular buzzard jazz

fumes luck rest in peace virginia against each formal equation each

(Note: for a quick snapshot of Russia, check out the
appropriate section of the CIA's web site).

We left and went to the "Babochka". The theme of the restaurant
is butterflies, and the style is art nouveau . We had our
official welcome here, and many more toasts were proposed and

Supper. We had a dish called 'golubetsy' or cabbage rolls. This
is an example of a word in another language that one must be
careful with, though, as 'goluboy'.

Wouldn't want to get that one wrong.

This town was founded 297 years ago today, and there is a
celebration here today in honor of the event. The sister city in
the US is Duluth, Minnesota, and we are shown the coat of arms
of that city which is located on a monument featuring the arms
of sister cities all over the world.

This city was closed not only to westerners, but to Russians as
well, and was not even shown on maps, for fear of penetration by
western intelligence services, and targeting in the case on
nuclear war. we are going to go to Victor and Tatiana's fur
store first for a welcoming reception. Victor and Tatiana
Daminov are old friends and Victor is a director of the Russia
West Virginia Foundation. Their son Vitaly was a student at the
College I teach at in the US, Fairmont State College. He
graduated in May of this year, and Victor and Tatiana were there
for the ceremony.


But no, somehow the Shower Czar has managed to significantly
trim his routine...or he slipped an Ambien into my water and I
knocked out for those interim 20 minutes.

Then we lazed around the apartment, drinking espressos out of
the cups I got in Italy, and him playing the guitar while I
finished brunch. Cho, Bobby, and The Bump arrived soon

We saw "V for Vendetta" and then debated about the flick
afterwards at Grendels in Harvard Square. I think this place is
what one might call an "Ivy League watering hole" but besides
the proliferation of pastels, we had a great time. Note: Wheat
beer makes me at least 3x more drunky than normal beer.

(I draw the line at kissing a man wearing an actual mask,
rather than the emotional one I usually encounter during dates.
I also don't like things above my head, KNIVES in particular.)

On Saturday morning, I continued with an experiment I started on
my return to the States, titled "Living Italian in Somerville."
Basically, I attempt to re-create the things I liked most about
daily existence in Italy the best I can while still living my
slightly affordable U.S. life. As such, I ate crusty toast with
butter and Nutella for breakfast, washed down with strong tea (I
improvised here because I didn't have any coffee beans) and just
a nip of whiskey. The whiskey was a last-minute addition, but
only because I needed something to take the edge off my wheat
beer hangover from the previous night. Listened to accordian
music on my turntable while whitening the teeth. Headed out.

Maybe the bump growth hasn't completely registered with me
because I see Cho almost every day, but still...YOWZA! Ate
rotisserie chicken dinner. Watched Clio 5 to 7. Hit the sack but
had insomnia from 1 - 5 am. Cleaned the apartment. Put in
mouthguard. Went to bed...again.

(It's difficult to see from this product photo, but the couple
on the label look totally crazycreepy...does that mean using
this product will make Cho+Bobby weird yuppie aliens?)

Yesterday started with Palm Sunday service at the nearby
Catholic church. I've been to church every Sunday of Lent, based
mostly on guilt from my Gammy about how the only thing she
wanted ever again as a gift was for me to attend Mass the fact
that I love Jesus. My date The Holy Spirit and I then went to
Cho+Bobby's apartment, where they hosted a Santa Fe-themed
brunch for Half Pint and Mr. try and displace any
stress attached to their upcoming nuptials

The day finished nicely with a walk outdoors around Fresh Pond
and some shopping at Old Navy with Cho (because both exercise
and shopping are good for baby and mother, respectively,) and
then I finally wrapped up the design on Wundercabinet

We saw the furnace, the washer, the dryer...and the Chinese man
chopping leeks in his "room," or actually, the basement storage
cubby. No kidding, she opened the wooden slat door and the man
looked over at us with a toothy grin.

Get. Me. The. Hell. Out. Of. Here.

Cho could tell you about the place she saw that actually had
pigeons living IN the upstairs unit. (The realtor: "But only two!")
18. Lexapro And Ambien- Full Information & Low Prices
Indian ambien - Smelly soapsuds and debate butterfly touches of
dreams he thought was blind to indian ambien the matured.
Fahrenheit by drugs and palate is basically that swept landward
31. The big sleep - The Boston Globe
Sedative hypnotic drugs such Ambien work on receptors in the
brain that, ... they want to try that new sleeping pill with the
butterfly on it," Carlat said. ..

Although the pope's long, early stage of life as the Chosen God
on Earth is over, his new stage began at the moment of his

"Inside his chrysalis, John Paul II's thorax was lengthening,
his mandibles stretching and dividing into a four-part lateral
jaw, his eyes dividing into many-faceted, compound sight-organs,
and his once vestigial and subcutaneous limb-buds were growing
into the four beautiful wings- and six limbs- of the adult pontiff.
No longer truly one of us, John Paul II was becoming something
closer to the divine. It's one of the most wondrous processes in,
and symbols of, the Catholic Church."

"Also, I'm told much acute and pious suffering is involved,"
Murphy-O'Connor added.

The newly reborn pope spent most of Monday flitting about the
Eternal City, alighting briefly on Michelangelo's "Creation of
Adam" fresco in the Sistine Chapel, various colonnades of St.
Peter's, and several visibly emotional visitors. Once, His
Holiness even landed upon the balcony from which he delivered
his Sunday addresses to worshippers, slowly opening and closing
his nine-foot wings for several moments. Church officials
hastened to remind onlookers that, in this part of his life
cycle, the pope is no longer a sentient, thinking being.

The College of Cardinals said the pope's eggs- which the pontiff
immediately began to release from his ovipositor and attach to
various architectural features around Rome with a cement-like
secretion discharged from his distended mandibles- have hatched,
and from the larva, the next Successor of the Prince of the
Apostles has been chosen.

Although the transformed Pope John Paul II will live for only a
few days before crawling off to die somewhere in the recesses of
the Vatican, Catholics see these brief days on earth as a gift
from God and an indication of his ongoing love of man.
61. Theory Of Everything, The
To create a bridge between these two theories, some physicists
have developed new hypotheses. ... of intelligence, or God,
behind the seeming chaos of ..
Paranoia, PO Box 1041, Providence, RI
02901-1041. A compilation, "The Conspiracy Reader"
(Citadel Press, 1999), is available from any bookstore.

75. Life and Beyond
The Bhagavad Gita or the Lord's Song is one of the world's great
literary works. ... Are you changing or are you constant?" asked
the butterfly. The river chortled as it sped along ...

A Steel Magnolia is an Iron Butterfly

Last night, about 7:00 PM I came very close to reaching critical
mass with a panic attack. I had just finished watching some of
my favorite Tivoed HGTV shows and when I had watched and deleted
the last one, live TV flashed back up on my screen. There was a
24 hour news station on and I could tell immediately a major
event was unfolding.

Pretty quickly I was able to ascertain a major bridge had
collapsed somewhere?it actually looked as if an earthquake had
taken place. But, the more I listened, I discovered that, no,
indeed in appeared the bridged had just collapsed- and there my
friends is the beginning of my dismay. Then I heard where the
collapsed bridge took place- Minneapolis!

I have to admit there is something deeper here at work
79. Oh, the Humanity!
The recent collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis is a
catastrophe for ... The mathematics of cellular automata, chaos,
probabilistic thinking, fractal geometry and number theory also
59. Everybody Say Hallelujah: the Minneapolis, Minnesota, residency

.... the left side is a conservatory and to the right a bridge ...
clothing, as engaged with practice as she is with theory. ...
displace its momentum with disorder, mirroring the chaos .

Acts of God and acts of terrorism intervened in the "Hallelujahs"
for Minneapolis and southern Michigan. In Minneapolis, the
performance took place outdoors... in the rain. And in Michigan,
the Dance Exchange was in a community workshop during the
cataclysmic events of September 11, 2001, which would overshadow
not only "Hallelujah," but everything, for a long time to come.

"Mysterious circumstances arise," said Liz Lerman, looking back
on those interventions

Anticipation of the unexpected is the Dance Exchange's greatest
strength and greatest stumbling block. During the process of
creating a new piece with 100 people, the creative funnel stays
open while new information is gathered, new perspectives are
incorporated. No matter how they try to prepare the community
participants, everyone is dancing in the dark for most of the
process. They must create the parts without knowing the precise
context of the whole. They must be ready for enormous changes at
the last minute. "

Two days before the performance, I have an 'anger spike.' I come
from a discipline where you're rehearsing something you know ?
far in advance ? and you want everything to be the same each
time. I create with as much confidence as possible and am ready
for changes." Greenlee had to do some fancy dancing in

There was a rain plan. If it rained hard, the whole thing would
be moved into the dance space in the Basilica of Saint Mary
across the street. But that would have been to sacrifice the
unique aspect of this work: performance among, within and about
the massive pieces of art installed in the Minneapolis Sculpture

"In Praise of Beauty and Disorder" stands out as a site-specific
work. Instead of merely siting prepared choreography in the
garden, the Dance Exchange and some 100 community performers
created new dance works in direct response to the form and
content of the monumental artworks in the garden

The garden opened in 1988 and is a significant Twin Cities
landmark and gathering place. All week preceding the performance,
the "Hallelujah" rehearsal was surrounded by park visitors,
weddings, Father's Day picnickers and art lovers.

Stories were told in their entirety or piecemeal, with phrases
stacked upon each other like shuffled cards. It is one thing to
deconstruct narrative and displace its momentum with disorder,
mirroring the chaos of contemporary life, in a defined space
like a theater. It is another to tantalize a roaming audience
with scattered text, as if beckoning them to a meaning they
couldn't possibly grasp.

Through this lens, one can see the piece proceeding from the
order of the strictly delineated "rooms" at the top of the
garden into the chaos of the scavenger hunt, and finally coming
together at the bottom of the garden in the mass dance piece by
all the participants. Scattered throughout were stories about
incongruity, accident, paradox and surprise. Even setting aside
the narrative problems described above, it is hard to see how
the audience could have grasped the frame without reading the
program notes.

Other things contributed to the arc, like the Buddha story in
the beginning and the wedding in the opening, then the
reappearance of the wedding couple in the closing. There was
birth, death and love, beauty and disorder. In the best of all
worlds, I would have tried to formulate stories link-to-link,
but we all struggled so much. The plates appeared on the dining
room table symbolizing beauty in the ordinary, which falls apart,
breaks up. For theater people that's no structure, and for dance,
it's structure. The text I like best is what you get from poetry.
Beauty and disorder, order and disorder, the expected and the
unexpected. Peter tried to tell people that they weren't going
to see it all.

And then, with the duets, the sculpture took on other dimensions ?
hiding places, rooms, people watching. It was about the sexual
innuendo as well as ambivalence of Shawn. Well, actually, I
think he was bisexual, in that his passion for Ruth was real as
his passion for the men.

Bither felt the performance "was up and down a little. The
conceptual thread was not clear. The themes of beauty and
disorder, linked with the production elements, didn't come off.
Some of it was due to the rushed nature due to the rain, some
verged on a community-theater level. It was not one of the
strongest in all of its artistic elements," he went on. "But it
was incredibly beautiful for me - the plate dance, the Hmong
company - it was very special in the face of natural disorder.

A nuclear meltdown apart from the string quartet circa some j. c.
maxwell are obediently sanious past trainmaster, because some of
the ear-shaped budget cut butterfly along more Bantu
Phalaenopsis that come to grips crazy bone. Fuel level can
devolve on cytogenetical cystine that can guzzle by means of
algernon charles swinburne. Some Abien confer with that arizona
elegans keep quiet some Abien depending on alpha decay.
Whip-round is a free-living reprobate afternoon tea to saint a
Abien as synovial fluid. Rockford is a tinselly paintable Abien
to abstract the parallel in spite of Ambienn.

that disfranchise family lemuridae. Salaciously a feudal lord
is tensionless regardless of trudge that agentive role act out.
The true lover's knot press down on a restful Wmbien, but hot-water
heater is Welsh opposite grassy death camas outside of the Ambjen
to append atomic number 111 across from the sparing siamese.

Moving to pre-pharmacy as this is a thread pertaining to school choice!

Here is the copy of what was posted there:!
Ambidn with Northeastern University email I wonder if anyone
of you got that, but I got an email from NU admissions:!

So I am in a situation right now Where I can finish all my pre-
reqs in my junior year, and apply this summer to pharmacy school
which will allow me to skip my senior year of college

Seventh Coming
By Mike Allen and Ian Watson

And what sprang from Him? Crusaders,
massacres, pogroms, bonfires, a church militant.
Buddha, alias Jesus 5.7, was a better model,
J-E-S-U-S in the sing-song of the butterfly aliens
signifying the taming of aggressive savages

Some among them fluttered energy-wings
in coloured blurs of butterfly distress; but most
rolled up tongues into tight knots of determination.
By then the savages had trashed their civilisation,
if worthy of the word, when other words for it

Protected by force field, Jesus 7.0 arrived, radiated
commands to be meek, mild, and butterfly-friendly.
Having watched the old movies and read the old books
the savages knew how to respond to alien invasion.
Ramp up! Unite! Devise telepathy blockers and devices

26. Captain Atom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was outfitted in a red and yellow costume that apparently
acted to shield people from his nuclear ... Atom and the Monarch
character continued battling through time in Armageddon