Baby-Killing BillaryCo Mob Ordered to Stop Abusing Mother Teresa in Ad


Patriot Games


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:07 a.m. EDT
Catholics to Hillary: Stop Using Mother Teresa in Ad

A Catholic advocacy group is urging Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign
to remove an image of Mother Teresa from a campaign video narrated by former
President Bill Clinton.

"It is wholly inappropriate, disrespectful and disturbing that Hillary
Clinton is using an image of Blessed Mother Teresa as a political tool,
especially given their radically different views on abortion," said Fidelis
President Joseph Cella.

He noted that Mother Teresa fought to protect unborn children, while Hillary
Clinton "staunchly supports abortion on demand in all nine months of
pregnancy, including partial birth abortion and taxpayer funding of

"Out of respect to Mother Teresa, and the Missionaries of Charity strict
guidelines for the use of Mother's image, we call on the Hillary Clinton
campaign to immediately remove her image from their campaign video," Cella
said in a news release.

A shot of Mother Teresa standing with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton and
daughter Chelsea appears in the five-minute video for only a moment.

The video then cuts to a clip of Mrs. Clinton's address at the 1995 Beijing
Conference, in which she says, "It is no longer acceptable to discuss
women's rights as separate from human rights."

What the Clintons don't mention in the video, Fidelis noted, is that the
Beijing Conference tried to declare abortion a fundamental human right.

"Mother Teresa, by contrast, abhorred the international abortion policies of
the UN," Cella said.

He noted that Mother Teresa sent a letter to the 1995 Beijing Conference in
which she wrote, "That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is
seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of God
to women...Yet we can destroy this gift of motherhood, especially by the
evil of abortion .... No job, no plans, no possessions, no idea of 'freedom'
can take the place of love."

Cella said he has sent a letter to the head of the Missionaries of Charity,
urging her to ask the Clinton campaign to "cease and desist in its
unauthorized use of Mother's image."

Fidelis describes itself as a Catholic-based advocacy organization
established to help elect pro-life, pro-family and pro-religious liberty
candidates to public office, support the confirmation of judges, and promote
and defend laws faithful to the Constitution in Congress and the Courts.

The Hillary Clinton for president campaign is sending the video narrated by
Bill Clinton to her supporters and donors. In it, Mr. Clinton speaks
admiringly for five minutes of his wife's accomplishments and commitment to
public service.
On May 16, 6:21 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:

> A shot of Mother Teresa standing with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton and
> daughter Chelsea appears in the five-minute video for only a moment.
> The video then cuts to a clip of Mrs. Clinton's address at the 1995 Beijing
> Conference, in which she says, "It is no longer acceptable to discuss
> women's rights as separate from human rights."
> What the Clintons don't mention in the video, Fidelis noted, is that the
> Beijing Conference tried to declare abortion a fundamental human right.
> "Mother Teresa, by contrast, abhorred the international abortion policies of
> the UN," Cella said.
> He noted that Mother Teresa sent a letter to the 1995 Beijing Conference in
> which she wrote, "That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is
> seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of God
> to women...Yet we can destroy this gift of motherhood, especially by the
> evil of abortion.... No job, no plans, no possessions, no idea of 'freedom'
> can take the place of love."

There are no depths to which Shrillary won't sink to win an election.
I disagree with most of what Obama stands for, but at least there's
more to him than the will to power.
"M_P" <> wrote in message
> On May 16, 6:21 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> A shot of Mother Teresa standing with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton and
>> daughter Chelsea appears in the five-minute video for only a moment.
>> The video then cuts to a clip of Mrs. Clinton's address at the 1995
>> Beijing
>> Conference, in which she says, "It is no longer acceptable to discuss
>> women's rights as separate from human rights."
>> What the Clintons don't mention in the video, Fidelis noted, is that the
>> Beijing Conference tried to declare abortion a fundamental human right.
>> "Mother Teresa, by contrast, abhorred the international abortion policies
>> of
>> the UN," Cella said.
>> He noted that Mother Teresa sent a letter to the 1995 Beijing Conference
>> in
>> which she wrote, "That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is
>> seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of
>> God
>> to women...Yet we can destroy this gift of motherhood, especially by the
>> evil of abortion.... No job, no plans, no possessions, no idea of
>> 'freedom'
>> can take the place of love."

> There are no depths to which Shrillary won't sink to win an election.
> I disagree with most of what Obama stands for, but at least there's
> more to him than the will to power.

I agree he seems to be running an above the board campaign.

And, for a fact, Hitlary would eat live rats if it would get her votes.