Backwards Justice ? Prisoner Charged For Having Sex With Jailers - This is VERY Wrong



YUMA, Ariz : Sheriff's officials in Yuma County are asking for felony
charges against a female inmate who allegedly had sex with three
sheriff's detention officers.

The detention officers were arrested last month and have been charged
with felonies for alleged incidents with four inmates over several
months. They are no longer employed by the sheriff's office.

Deputies brought inmate Shannon Rose, 32, to Yuma Justice Court on
Tuesday, where she made an initial appearance on seven felony charges
of unlawful sex acts by a prisoner. The Yuma County Attorney is
expected to decide by Friday if she should be formally charged.

Sheriff's Capt. Eben Bratcher said three other female inmates are
involved. He said the investigation was ongoing and a decision on
possible charges has not yet been made.

"There is still more for us to find out," Bratcher said.

According to court records, Rose admitted to having oral sex with at
least three detention officers during her nine months at the Yuma
County jail.

Court records said Rose admitted to passing sexually explicit notes to
the detention officers, which eventually led to having conversations
with them.

Uh ... isn't this ass-BACKWARDS ? Who's the authority figure
in a jail, some female inmate or the GUARDS ??? Seems the
GUARDS should be the ones charged, for exploiting their
positions. Even if it all SEEMED voluntary, there's an
unmistakable element of coersion involved - a prisoner
desperate to score brownie points with her jailers. In
all cases, the prisoner is assumed to be in an inferior
bargaining position, thus a de-facto sex SLAVE.

I think the Yuma sheriff needs to be investigated instead.
It should be HIS butt in front of the judge.

Hey, maybe those Abu Ghraib prisoners should be charged
for putting on a "sex show" for their guards ? I guess
cops can rape anyone they want now, and then charge the
victim with prostitution or lewedness. It's illegal
for 5-year-olds to have sex with 60-year-olds ... but
now the 5-year-old can be the one charged. Gee, this
is a really CONVENIENT way to read the law, isn't it ? :) (Blackwater) wrote in

> YUMA, Ariz : Sheriff's officials in Yuma County are asking
> for felony charges against a female inmate who allegedly had
> sex with three sheriff's detention officers.
> The detention officers were arrested last month and have been
> charged with felonies for alleged incidents with four inmates
> over several months. They are no longer employed by the
> sheriff's office.
> Deputies brought inmate Shannon Rose, 32, to Yuma Justice
> Court on Tuesday, where she made an initial appearance on
> seven felony charges of unlawful sex acts by a prisoner. The
> Yuma County Attorney is expected to decide by Friday if she
> should be formally charged.
> Sheriff's Capt. Eben Bratcher said three other female inmates
> are involved. He said the investigation was ongoing and a
> decision on possible charges has not yet been made.
> "There is still more for us to find out," Bratcher said.
> According to court records, Rose admitted to having oral sex
> with at least three detention officers during her nine months
> at the Yuma County jail.
> Court records said Rose admitted to passing sexually explicit
> notes to the detention officers, which eventually led to
> having conversations with them.
> Uh ... isn't this ass-BACKWARDS ? Who's the authority
> figure in a jail, some female inmate or the GUARDS ???
> Seems the GUARDS should be the ones charged, for
> exploiting their positions. Even if it all SEEMED
> voluntary, there's an unmistakable element of coersion
> involved - a prisoner desperate to score brownie points
> with her jailers. In all cases, the prisoner is assumed to
> be in an inferior bargaining position, thus a de-facto sex
> I think the Yuma sheriff needs to be investigated instead.
> It should be HIS butt in front of the judge.
> Hey, maybe those Abu Ghraib prisoners should be charged
> for putting on a "sex show" for their guards ? I guess
> cops can rape anyone they want now, and then charge the
> victim with prostitution or lewedness. It's illegal
> for 5-year-olds to have sex with 60-year-olds ... but
> now the 5-year-old can be the one charged. Gee, this
> is a really CONVENIENT way to read the law, isn't it ?
> :)

watch it, yer applying logic...gonna git cha drummed out of the
League of Libertarian Loonies. After all, the woman should be
responsible for her own behavior; none o'dis crap of blaming the
guys with the clubs, guns, and tasers.