Bad political losers.

smutt butt

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
I was watching my local news this morning and they showed a clip of Dustin Hoffman, Robin williams and Emilio Estevez talking about election day.

DH actually said that if republicans win then it was obviouslly rigged. I guess that also means that if dems. win then the voting system is foolproof.
I get so sick of hearing these "elite" libs saying that kind of ****. If the dems. win and Bruce Willis says something that stupid those assholes would be the first ones to say he is just being a bad loser.

Maybe the fix is in, I don't know. I think anyone in politics is a lying piece of **** because they will all get corrupted by money and power. I voted today but if it doesn't go my way my world will not collapse. The only thing that will irritate me is hearing the libs say how everything is suddenly perfect and that they will solve all of earths problems.
Kryptonite Man said:
Leftist idiots are the ones that are screwing with voting system, not the Republicans.
hello george bush got into power after initiating an illegal war not that he cared, "You know, when I campaigned here in 2000, I said, I want to be a war President. No President wants to be a war President, but I am one." --George W. Bush, Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 26, 2006. let's face it U.S isn't the ideal example of a democracy "I'm the decider, and I decide what is best." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006. he is also preventing research into stem cells which could better so many peoples lives then there's all the people living in fear because of the action taken in Iraq and is generally messing with people's lives but then that is one of his aims, "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
Kryptonite Man said:
You got that right! Leftist idiots are the ones that are screwing with voting system, not the Republicans.
Did you happen to watch fox 8 this morning and see that??
Mockingbird said:
hello george bush got into power after initiating an illegal war not that he cared,

ummmm.. Bush was voted in as president in 2000. The war came after that..

Mockingbird said:
he is also preventing research into stem cells which could better so many peoples lives

ummmm... Bush is only against embroyonic stem cell research, because it requires killing the embryo. You can also get stem cells from umbilical cords (and some scientists say they are better samples than embryonic)

Mockingbird said:
then there's all the people living in fear because of the action taken in Iraq and is generally messing with people's lives but then that is one of his aims, "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
eddo said:
ummmm... The people in the US today live in a whole lot less fear than they did on 9/12/01

On that specific date, yes. No ****. But significantly more fear than they lived in before 9/11.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
On that specific date, yes. No ****. But significantly more fear than they lived in before 9/11.

I'll agree with that, but I cannot (and should not) put any of that off on Bush.
I sure put some of it off on him ... Namely, his whole tactic of fear-mongering, talking about WMDs constantly, trying to link a secular Arabic government (Iraq) with religious fanatics who traditionally despise Saddam (for instance, Osama) in an "axis of evil," throwing around terror alerts (often and arguably raising them at times when he is most criticized), talking about how people want to kill us for the simple fact that "we love freedom," talking about how North Korea's nukes are capable of reaching US soil (conveniently leaving out that the only "US soil" that North Korea's missiles are capable of reaching is actually an uninhabited island that was a former US testing site -- he carefully uses the words "US soil" to make it sound as if they can actually reach the US mainland, without actually stating so and thereby lying) etc. etc. etc.

I don't blame him for 9/11 itself, but I blame him for using it as a tool to further his power/goals via fear-mongering. Not that it's neccessarily a trait unique to him. It's a classic political move.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
I don't blame him for 9/11 itself, but I blame him for using it as a tool to further his power/goals via fear-mongering. Not that it's neccessarily a trait unique to him. It's a classic political move.

May I ask what these power/goals are? He's only got two more years.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
I sure put some of it off on him ... Namely, his whole tactic of fear-mongering, talking about WMDs constantly, trying to link a secular Arabic government (Iraq) with religious fanatics who traditionally despise Saddam (for instance, Osama) in an "axis of evil," throwing around terror alerts (often and arguably raising them at times when he is most criticized), talking about how people want to kill us for the simple fact that "we love freedom," talking about how North Korea's nukes are capable of reaching US soil (conveniently leaving out that the only "US soil" that North Korea's missiles are capable of reaching is actually an uninhabited island that was a former US testing site -- he carefully uses the words "US soil" to make it sound as if they can actually reach the US mainland, without actually stating so and thereby lying) etc. etc. etc.

I don't blame him for 9/11 itself, but I blame him for using it as a tool to further his power/goals via fear-mongering. Not that it's neccessarily a trait unique to him. It's a classic political move.
Exactly right. The muslim scumbags will never try to kill americans again. I'm sure 9-11 was the last time they will ever do some **** like that.
hugo said:
May I ask what these power/goals are? He's only got two more years.

More money for Haliburton, The Patriot Act, excuses to appoint his buddies to high offices (for instance, John Ashcroft being appointed; an obvious outrage socially-speaking, but not so much when the focus is on defense), and nabbing the guy who tried to kill his dad, while spreading American imperialism further.

Most of his goals that I'm aware of have already been fulfilled, at least partially. Well, except for a long-term capitalist government in Iraq. I don't see that one lasting too long once we finally pull out.
smutt butt said:
Exactly right. The muslim scumbags will never try to kill americans again. I'm sure 9-11 was the last time they will ever do some **** like that.

What does that have to do with anything I said? Let me guess; you're trying to strawman my statement by assuming that criticism of the war in Iraq and the fabricated "Axis of Evil" equates to me likewise disapproving of the war in Apghanistan or groups like Al Queda. Which is quite incorrect.

Hey look, a Crip went and shot your brother. Why don't you pay him back by massacaring some Bloods?
TooDrunkTo**** said:
More money for Haliburton, The Patriot Act, excuses to appoint his buddies to high offices (for instance, John Ashcroft being appointed; an obvious outrage socially-speaking, but not so much when the focus is on defense), and nabbing the guy who tried to kill his dad, while spreading American imperialism further.

Most of his goals that I'm aware of have already been fulfilled, at least partially. Well, except for a long-term capitalist government in Iraq. I don't see that one lasting too long once we finally pull out.

John Ashcroft was appointed Feb 1, 2001. 9/11 occurred. I believe the 9 stands for September. I believe the year was 2001. I believe even liberal revisionist historians will find it quite difficult to argue that Bush utilized 9/11 to appoint Ashcroft. You have no such problem. You have surpassed the typical looniness of the radical left; which is quite a difficult chore. Congratulations.

Liberal revisionist history

Dick: Stop reading books to them kids the WTC is under attack

Georgy: Good, now I can enter the secret government time machine and go back in time and nominate John Ashcroft.

Dick: I'm going back in time and buying more Haliburton stock.

Sadly, commie boy went off script and revealed his ignorance of history
TooDrunkTo**** said:
What does that have to do with anything I said? Let me guess; you're trying to strawman my statement by assuming that criticism of the war in Iraq and the fabricated "Axis of Evil" equates to me likewise disapproving of the war in Apghanistan or groups like Al Queda. Which is quite incorrect.

Hey look, a Crip went and shot your brother. Why don't you pay him back by massacaring some Bloods?
That would work. Kill all bloods and crips, that way there would be no more animals to kill anyone else.

I guess you are a muslim lovin piece of ****?:?
hugo said:
John Ashcroft was appointed Feb 1, 2001. 9/11 occurred. I believe the 9 stands for September. I believe the year was 2001. I believe even liberal revisionist historians will find it quite difficult to argue that Bush utilized 9/11 to appoint Ashcroft. You have no such problem. You have surpassed the typical looniness of the radical left; which is quite a difficult chore. Congratulations.

Bush was talking about Iraq and being a "war president" before 9/11, retard. Scaremongering began from the very get-go of his presidency.

hugo said:
Liberal revisionist history

This is truly pathetic. You throw around the word "liberal" like you're Bill O Reilly, without even trying to define what it means. And, pray tell, exactly how do I fit your definition of "liberal?" It all seems to stem from me correcting your ignorant ass about the difference between Marx and Lenin, which led you to assume I must be a Communist (which I'm obviously not) in a McCarthyist fashion.

hugo said:
Dick: Stop reading books to them kids the WTC is under attack

Georgy: Good, now I can enter the secret government time machine and go back in time and nominate John Ashcroft.

Dick: I'm going back in time and buying more Haliburton stock.

Sadly, commie boy went off script and revealed his ignorance of history

LOL, talk of ignorance of history from the guy who can't tell the difference between Lenin and Marx, and ignores what the generals of WW2 themselves say about it.

Back in 1999: "Including my father, absolutely right. [...] No one envisioned Saddam, at least at that point in history, no one envisioned him still standing. It's time to finish the task."
smutt butt said:
That would work. Kill all bloods and crips, that way there would be no more animals to kill anyone else.

I guess you are a muslim lovin piece of ****?:?

Oh yeah, this is the point where "Al Queda" turns into "all Muslims." Similarly, all Christians must me members of the KKK. :rolleyes:
TooDrunkTo**** said:
On that specific date, yes. No ****. But significantly more fear than they lived in before 9/11.
There is more fear today because before 9/11 we lived in a bubble. Nothing bad could get to us and all of the problems in the rest of the world were too far removed from us for any of us to be worried about them. 9/11 woke a lot of people up to the fact that we do not live in a bubble protected from all that is bad in the world. It doesn
TooDrunkTo**** said:
Oh yeah, this is the point where "Al Queda" turns into "all Muslims." Similarly, all Christians must me members of the KKK. :rolleyes:

The difference is Christians leaders all over speak out agains thte KKK, against the likes of Fred Phelps, against others that diminish the beliefs of their faith.

Where exactly do you find a Muslim or Islamic cleric that speaks out against al-queda or fundamentalist Islam?